Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 26 Hard-core warning method

"Have you heard recently?" Zheng Qiupei and Wang Wanrou walked side by side and said with a smile, "Princess Nankang disappeared in the research institute."

"Hmm." Wang Wanrou said thoughtfully, "It's indeed quite strange. The high-energy particle laboratory was built after the late emperor's journey south. The royal family is personally supervising the construction. There is no possibility of outsiders interfering."

"If there is no secret channel, it is really unbelievable to avoid surveillance and take the princess away quietly." Zheng Qiupei said strangely, "Currently, there are three families that are suspected in the circle of aristocratic families: Xiapi Chen family, Hedong Pei family, Hongnong Yang family.”

Chen's "Yang Yan Ray" essentially manipulates the light path, so it can distort the light without being captured by surveillance; Pei's "space movement" can directly teleport out of the laboratory; Yang's "signal circuit" can easily hack Monitor network tampering records. These three are capable of committing crimes in terms of supernatural powers.

"However, none of them had any motive for committing the crime." Wang Wanrou said softly.

Zheng Qiupei naturally understood what she meant.

Princess Nankang is not a prince and has no right to inherit the throne. Therefore, the forces that abducted her are unlikely to have political goals, and are more likely to have some academic needs.

For example, she mastered research results in a specific field, which led to her being targeted by a certain family.

This high-energy particle research institute originally studied the confinement effect of high-energy particle flow in the ring field, which is a related topic of multi-phase nuclear fusion. If there are any special powers related to this topic, then the first thing that everyone thinks of is the Cui family of Qinghe and the Lu family of Fanyang, two of the five surname families.

Qinghe Cui's superpower bloodline is "antimatter annihilation", which produces antimatter through some means.

However, the control problem has not been solved, because these antimatters explode as soon as they are created... The only feasible solution so far is to contain them in a vacuum confinement field in a laboratory environment.

So, could it be that Princess Nankang discovered a method to stably control antimatter, allowing Cui of Qinghe to produce antimatter outside the laboratory, thereby opening up the possibility of militarization?

Fan Yanglu's superpower bloodline is restraining pulse. Different from Cui's ability to create antimatter, their superpower is said to use a certain principle (unclear) to crush atoms and eject high-energy particle pulse rays at a speed equivalent to about 6% of the speed of light.

As the name suggests, it is also related to high-energy particle beams.

A simple topic can actually involve so many aristocratic families, including the Cui family and the Lu family from the five surname families. It is nothing short of setting off an earthquake in the aristocratic family circle. In addition, the emperor's delay in expressing his position on the matter further aggravated the uneasiness among the families.

"However, that person would actually start with the Cheng family and the Xing family, which many people didn't expect." Zheng Qiupei sighed.

"If you think about it carefully, it's expected." Wang Wanrou said with a smile, staring at the back of her ex-Fang Fang Jinyang, "After all, the Cheng family..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly raised her head in shock.

On the left side of her head, about 30 centimeters away, a bright sniper rifle bullet was hovering in the air, while maintaining a high-speed rotation attitude that was difficult to see clearly with the naked eye, as if a moving drill was piercing hard steel with difficulty. General. While a large number of sparks were thrown around, the rotational speed was also rapidly decreasing.

"Sniper!" Zheng Qiupei's expression changed drastically. He quickly grabbed Wang Wanrou's arm and turned his eyes to the right.

Mental shock. Rhino horn car!

The Zheng family's mental impact can transform thoughts into powerful telekinesis. It is a powerful and comprehensive power that is both offensive and defensive.

Under the bombardment of the rhinoceros car algorithm, a large hole was immediately blown out of the store's outer wall.

Zheng Qiupei pulled Wang Wanrou and quickly rushed into the store along the big hole. Several sniper bullets were fired at Wang Wanrou's back again, but were blocked by an invisible force field about 30 centimeters away.

"Small adaptive shield?" Zheng Qiupei asked quickly, using the wall as a cover to hide.

This kind of individual military protective equipment was developed based on the mental impact of their Zheng family. The cost of each set of equipment is astronomical - but considering Wang Wanrou's status in the Wang family in Taiyuan, it is not surprising.

"Yes." Wang Wanrou glanced at the watch-shaped device, "The attack just now... can still take three shots."

"But..." Zheng Qiupei was just about to say that the other party might have other means of attack, when he saw a rocket coming in with a long smoke trailing from outside.

Mental shock. Glazed wall!

As Zheng Qiupei activated the algorithm instantly, an invisible telepathic force field opened between the two people and the rocket, blocking the debris and smoke from the explosion.

"Rockets?" Looking at these sharp metal fragments that were blocked by Zheng Qiupei, close at hand but hovering in the air, Wang Wanrou's face looked a little ugly.

Actually using rockets in a downtown area? It seems that the attacker behind this is so bold that he doesn't take the Taiyuan Wang family seriously!

On the roof of the building in the distance, the sniper skillfully loaded the rocket launcher again, and at the same time turned around and quickly ran towards the window.

She directly smashed the window glass of the upper floor, fell freely from a height of 100 meters, turned around in the air, aimed at the big hole she had just made, and fired another rocket.

The rocket shot straight into the room and exploded fiercely with the ammunition piled around it. Huge explosion flames instantly burst out from all the windows on this floor, and thick black smoke billowed into the sky. 1.7 It can be seen from the west bank of Qinhuai River kilometers away.

The free-falling sniper accurately fell into the truck compartment loaded with polymer foam cushions parked on the roadside below. The figure wrapped in combat uniform quickly turned transparent and disappeared.

Exit of Zhangfuyuan subway station.

No one could react to the first few gunshots. When the rockets rushed over with white smoke behind them, all the pedestrians around them exploded.

Many people rushed into the subway station to take shelter. However, Cheng Jinyang did not follow them. Instead, he quickly turned left and rushed into a nearby residential area. What a joke. If it were an indiscriminate attack, a densely populated subway station would definitely be attacked. Is it good to be a top target?

After wandering around the residential area uneasily for a long time, seeing that there was still no movement outside, Cheng Jinyang cautiously came out from the other side.

Instead of taking the subway, take a cruise on the Qinhuai River!

If anything happens, you can jump into the river to escape.

When Cheng Jinyang left the community, the scene of the accident was in the damaged store near the subway entrance.

Wang Wanrou sat quietly in the corner of the ruins, Zheng Qiupei stood beside her, and the Liulibi algorithmic force field did not dare to be released throughout the process.

It was not until a few minutes later that the Langya Guards, the private soldiers of the Taiyuan Wang family, surrounded the store and quickly escorted Miss Wang and Miss Zheng to the explosion-proof truck, and then everyone left.

The Jin Yiwei and the people from Liumen quickly sealed off the scene and turned a blind eye to the quickly leaving family team.

Zheng Qiupei let out a long sigh of relief in the explosion-proof truck speeding on the road.

This attack was obviously aimed at Wang Wanrou, but it did not mean that the murderer would not turn his anger on her because the assassination failed.

So do you want to go back to Jiankang University later?

She was a little uneasy, and suddenly heard Wang Wanrou say:

"It's a warning."

Zheng Qiupei:? ? ?

"The other party didn't deliberately want to kill me. In other words, they didn't think they could kill me here with a few sniper bullets and a rocket."

Wang Wanrou whispered: "This is a warning to, to the entire Taiyuan Wang family."

"You mean, someone is deliberately muddying the waters and making the aristocratic families panic?" Zheng Qiupei tried to follow her train of thought.

"Sister Xiaopei." Wang Wanrou did not answer, but continued to ponder for a moment, then raised her head and said with a smile, "I will take you back to the Zheng family."

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