In the Wang clan of Taiyuan, a group of scribes were sitting in the courtyard talking. Among them, the two people surrounded by stars and moons are Wang Maohong, the patriarch of the Wang family in Taiyuan and currently the chief minister of Taicheng, and Xie Anshi, the mainstay of the Xie family in Fufeng.

Wang Maohong is nearly sixty years old and Xie Anshi is thirty-seven years old. There is a big age gap between them. However, it is said that Xie Anshi was deeply appreciated by Wang Maohong, who had just entered his official career, as early as his boyhood.

Later, when Wang Maohong gained power as prime minister, he recruited Xie Anshi, and he is currently serving as "Associate Master" in the Secretariat Department.

This is an ancient official title, known for its purity and nobility. But after successive reforms, it has evolved into a springboard for entering the cabinet. To enter the cabinet, one must first go through the secretarial department, so people jokingly call secretaries "candidates for prime ministers and assistants", school secretaries "candidates for ministers", and entering the secretarial department is a "ladder to heaven."

Xie Anshi is the "candidate for prime minister", and his eldest son is now marrying the youngest daughter of the chief minister. His career ahead can be said to be on the ladder, so everyone used various clever flattery and flattery in their conversations, and he responded with a smile that was neither humble nor overbearing. .

"Look, my uncle's elegant and gentle demeanor is very similar to that of the prince?" In the distant corridor, Xie Lingjiang murmured, "No wonder the prince values ​​him so much."

"Just because you value him politically does not mean that you must betroth your daughter to him." Cheng Jinyang said lightly.

"But if we get married, it will undoubtedly be safer." Xie Lingjiang said worriedly.

"Find Wang Wanrou first." Cheng Jinyang said expressionlessly.

Continuing forward for a while, we met many people from the Wang clan on the road. But most of them raised their heads and glanced at Xie Lingjiang, the young lady of the Xie family, and then immediately lowered their heads and left in a hurry.

Xie Lingjiang said that the Wang and Xie families were related by marriage and knew each other well. It turned out to be true, and it also made Cheng Jinyang, who was a little anxious, feel relieved.

After walking for about ten minutes, Xie Lingjiang was a little tired, with a slight sweat on his neck, and said breathlessly:

"It's right in front. It's only half a minute's walk away..."

Before he finished speaking, someone blocked the road in front of him and shot out:

"Cheng Jinyang, I've been waiting for you here for a long time!"

Cheng Jinyang was shocked. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Wang Wanrou's brother Wang Xinzhi, holding a blue-gray fishing rod in his left hand and a small bag of fish food in his right hand, with the words "Jingyuyuyang" printed on it.

"Have you just come back from fishing?" Cheng Jinyang asked in relief.

"You are wrong, Jinyang." Wang Xinzhi smiled slightly, "I came here specifically to intercept you."

"Brother Jinghe!" Xie Lingjiang was a little anxious and even started to call him by his name, "You have locked up Sister Wanrou, right? You want to force her to marry someone she doesn't like!"

"Xiao Lingjiang." Wang Xinzhi bent down and said to her kindly, "What is the family background of my Taiyuan Wang family and what is my father's identity? Why do I need to force you, Sister Wanrou, to marry? It's Wanrou. She had no objections herself.”

Cheng Jinyang:? ? ?

"Understood?" Wang Xinzhi raised his head again and said seriously to Cheng Jinyang, "You also have a fiancée. Treat Yuan Zhi well and stop pestering my sister."

Cheng Jinyang stared at him for a moment and said with a smile:

"Brother Xin is serious. Who Wanrou wants to marry is a family matter of your Wang family in Taiyuan. How can I, an outsider, comment on it at will? I came here this time just to hear the good news, and I came here to say good-bye to Wanrou. Just congratulations."

Wang Xinzhi was surprised when he heard this. Good guy, you are so thick-skinned! He walked non-stop from the gate of the tribe to my sister's boudoir, and he actually said with a straight face that he was here to "congratulate me"... Wait, when he came up with this excuse, it was hard for me to refute and stop him. It looked like I was shocked. , acting like a villain.

"Okay." Wang Xinzhi smiled and nodded, "Then I will let you go to see Wanrou, so that you can give up your intention."

With such a determined look on his face, Cheng Jinyang became more and more uneasy, but his face remained calm and he smiled:

"Brother Xin, please lead the way. Ling Jiang, let's go."

The three of them arrived at Wang Wanrou's residence, which was a unique small building located in the corner of the clan land. It was surrounded by gardens, bamboo forests and fish ponds, and the running water was connected to the Qinhuai River outside.

The environment of this place is really nice. Normally, Cheng Jinyang would have sighed that Miss Wang was indeed someone who enjoyed herself.

But at this time, he was not in the mood to complain at all. He followed Wang Xinzhi into the door and saw that the living room was filled with three rows of large vertical bookcases along the wall, as well as coffee tables, soft cushions, lounge chairs and green plants.

Walking up the stairs to the second floor, Wang Xinzhi knocked on the door and said in a clear voice:

"Sister, it's me."

"Come in." Wang Wanrou's voice came from inside. There was nothing unusual about his tone, it didn't sound like he was under house arrest.

So Wang Xinzhi pushed the door open and went in, followed by Cheng Jinyang and Xie Lingjiang. They saw Wang Wanrou lying on the bed by the window, holding a soft cushion and squinting her eyes, like a lazy cat basking in the sun.

Then she turned her head, narrowed her eyes when she saw the person clearly, and frowned:

"go out!"

Wang Xinzhi sighed, turned around and said to Cheng Jinyang:

"You heard me. My sister doesn't want to see you, so leave."

"Brother, I want you to get out." Wang Wanrou said again.

Wang Xinzhi:? ? ?

He turned around in disbelief and pointed at himself in disbelief.

"Yes, Wang Xinzhi, Wang Jinghe." Wang Wanrou said again, "Is it convenient to give us some space to talk?"

Wang Xinzhi left inexplicably and closed the door behind him.

There was silence in the room for a moment, then Cheng Jinyang said with a smile:

"Wanrou, Ling Jiang said, did the Xie family propose marriage to your father?"

"It is true." Wang Wanrou said calmly.

"Then you refused?" Cheng Jinyang asked.

"Why refuse?" Wang Wanrou asked him.

"Why don't you refuse?" Cheng Jinyang asked calmly, "You don't really like that Xie Chaodu, do you?"

"It's Xie Qidu." Xie Lingjiang said.

"Whether you like someone or not is completely different from whether you get married or not." Wang Wanrou said indifferently, "Who said you can't marry someone if you don't like them?"

"That's Qingqing, not you." Cheng Jinyang was still smiling, "With your pride, you won't like someone without talent, let alone marry such an outsider."

"You think you understand me very well?" Wang Wanrou sneered.

"Wanrou." Cheng Jinyang said with a smile, "From the beginning to the end, you didn't refute my words, you just asked questions. Can I still not understand what you mean?"

"I'm just teasing you." Wang Wanrou stared into his eyes.

"In that case, just tell me: you are willing to marry that drunken and womanizing playboy Xie Qiutu, and I will leave immediately." Cheng Jinyang's smile did not change.

"It's Xie Qidu." Xie Lingjiang corrected again, "Don't always make mistakes."

"Okay." Wang Wanrou smiled slowly, but there was no warmth in her eyes, "Cheng Jinyang, you think you are very smart, don't you?"

The surrounding room temperature seemed to have begun to drop. Xie Lingjiang's face turned pale and he quietly shrank behind Cheng Jinyang.

"The one who is close to vermilion is red, and the one who is close to ink is black." Cheng Jinyang said.


"Why should I deal with you?"

"As you just said, rhetorical questions do not mean denial."

"This is the exquisite art of conversation, and I learned it from you."

"If you carve a swan, you can't make it resemble a swan, and if you draw a tiger, you can't make it resemble a dog."

"Miss Wang's criticism is as poisonous as poisonous wine, but I still enjoy it."

"Lick the dog."

"If I were a real licker, would you believe me that I could tear your clothes off with my tongue?"

"So I ask again, do you think you are very smart?" Wang Wanrou became angry rarely, "This is your last chance, if you can't think of anything to say, get out!"

Her breasts trembled slightly as she gasped, her teeth clenched slightly, and her eyes became bloodshot with anger. Xie Lingjiang had already hid behind Cheng Jinyang, grabbing the corner of his clothes and trembling.

Cheng Jinyang looked at her dumbfounded, as if he didn't expect that she would have such an extreme reaction.

There was a thumping sound outside the door. It was probably Wang Xinzhi downstairs who heard the sound and ran up the stairs.

"Don't be angry." Cheng Jinyang smiled bitterly, "I'm here to find you, just..."

"What is it?" Wang Wanrou looked at him coldly.

"I just don't want you to marry Xie Qiudi." Cheng Jinyang said frankly.

"Wanrou?" Wang Xinzhi knocked on the door outside.

"I'm fine, brother." Wang Wanrou said loudly.

Then her ice-like expression suddenly relaxed, and her side face faced the sunshine coming in from the window, and she once again showed a warm, perfect, and even a little proud smile:

"Now you are finally willing to tell the truth, huh?"

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