Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 306 Is this the Hongmen Banquet?

Xie Yongye was guarding outside the small building.

He is not a member of the Fufeng Xie clan, but a branch of Chen County.

To be precise, they are the descendants of the ancestors of the Xie clan in Fufeng who had poor bloodline talent, and who were married to the Chenjun branch. It was only because of the return of blood in his generation that he had the strength to enter the fourth level.

When he was young, Xie Yong was ambitious and arrogant. He believed that he was from the Chenjun branch and shouldered the responsibility of honoring the ancestors. Therefore, he did not join the Fufeng Zhengclan, but chose to be loyal to Wang Chuzhong in exchange for corresponding algorithms and training resources.

Subsequently, Wang Chuzhong rebelled and conspired, and he also secretly communicated with some members of the Xie family in Fufeng. When Jiankang City was about to be destroyed, people secretly brought the potential children of the Xie family to the Longxiang Army for protection, so as to avoid being affected by military conflicts and sacrificed during the siege.

As a result, when picking up Xie Lingjiang, he met Gundam head-on and was punched directly into the building, killing half of his life on the spot.

Then Wang Chuzhong died of illness, Longxiang's army was defeated, and his men were arrested one after another, or were killed while fleeing. Xie Yongye's side, thanks to Fufeng Xie's protection, paid a huge price to get the late emperor to agree to "kill only the first culprit", thus saving his life.

Xie Yongye, who survived the disaster, was filled with gratitude to the Fufeng Xie family who saved him. After recovering from his injuries, he lowered his status as a secret guard of the Xie family and stayed in the clan to repay his kindness. This time I came with Xie Anshi, and his mission was to secretly protect the children of the Xie family.

The content of this mission is very strange. Because the Wang family in Taiyuan and the Xie family in Fufeng have a very good relationship, and Wang Maohong praised Xie Anshi generously, the two families have often intermarryed with each other in recent years. Will the Xie family's children encounter any dangers when they visit the Wang family this time?

Just as he was thinking this, he heard Xie Qiudu's angry curse coming from inside:

"Insulting my family, you and I are incompatible!"

Xie Yongye frowned slightly and walked quickly towards the small building.

There are two family leaders of the Fufeng Xie family, one is the patriarch Xie Wanshi, and the other is the patriarch's brother Xie Anshi. Xie Wanshi's pedigree identification bloodline limit was higher, so he became the apparent leader of the clan; however, in terms of resourcefulness, Xie Anshi was much superior, and Xie Anshi made the actual decisions on most clan affairs.

Unfortunately, neither of Xie Anshi's two sons seemed to have inherited their father's resourcefulness. The eldest son Xie Qiudu and the second son Xie Yuandu are both talkative and playboys. At this time, Xie Yongye was not surprised when he heard Xie Qidu arguing with someone inside. He just walked in quickly and planned to dissuade the "little master" as a servant, so as not to have a verbal conflict with the Wang family disciples here.

As soon as he reached the door, he heard a short scream coming from inside, and then he saw that Xie Qiudu had been knocked over and fell to the ground.

"Stop!" Xie Yongye stepped forward angrily, activated his air pressure ability, and was about to use high-pressure gas to knock the opponent away.

Cheng Jinyang didn't even look at him. He sidestepped past the high-pressure air cannon like lightning, and at the same time launched a "Weaving Formation" against the uninvited intruders from outside.

So Xie Yongye immediately started to spin, and his mind also reacted with excitement.

Oops, it’s gravity!

The gravitational pull of the Cheng family in the city of God, in terms of military affairs, especially assassination, there are few supernatural powers that can match it. The reason is that humans have their own sense of direction and are accustomed to thinking that the direction pointed by their own gravity is "directly below."

Once gravity begins to change, the "up, down, left, and right" judged by the brain will also change suddenly, resulting in a strong sense of disorientation, seriously affecting the calculation process. At this time, Xie Yongye, who was hit by the Zhiluo Formation, was originally standing with his feet on the ground. In an instant, he became "standing vertically on the wall" and immediately "falled" in the direction of Cheng Jinyang.

However, Xie Yongye is also a person who has experienced hundreds of battles. He knows that once he is faced with tens of thousands of people with gravitational powers, the first priority is to get rid of his dependence on gravity and use other methods to fix his body as soon as possible. Otherwise, he will be thrown around by gravity and die. At the end of the day, I can't tell the difference between east, west and north.

He quickly calculated in his mind, and the air pressure around him instantly exerted force, forming two transparent and compressed "air arms", trying to support the walls on both sides.

However, Cheng Jinyang's mind only changed slightly. Before Xie Yongye could stabilize his body, he began to spin suddenly again.

The seventh-level algorithm. The effect of the gyroscope is to make the left half of the target gravitate backward and the right half gravitate forward, thus forcing the floating opponent to start rotating along its own vertical axis.

Most of the superpowers will use themselves as the base point to establish a coordinate system, and use the coordinates to let the superpower lock the opponent's position. However, the person hit by the gyroscope has different gravity directions on both sides of the body, so it pulls itself and starts to "spin", and the coordinate system also starts to rotate, and it spins faster and faster. How can it lock the opponent's position?

The weightless body in the air suddenly began to rotate, and Xie Yongye was shocked. As a fourth-level superpower user, he can of course use an indiscriminate and wide-area "air pressure blast" to directly attack everyone in the small living room, thus forcibly interrupting the opponent's superpower calculations.

However, Xie Qiudu, the eldest son of the Xie family, is still lying on the ground! What if I get knocked up again by the air pressure blast and hit my brain? The young man's brain was not working well to begin with. If he was injured again trying to escape, how would he explain to Xie Anshi when he returned?

The first move was taken away and restrained. He wanted to fight back but was helpless. Xie Yongye simply gave up the plan of continuing to fight and shouted anxiously:

"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding! I am Master Xie Qiudu's personal bodyguard..."

"Jinyang!" Wang Xinzhi here had also reacted and called back.

Cheng Jinyang snapped his fingers, releasing the gyroscope and returning the opponent's gravity to normal.

So Xie Yongye whirled around and was roughly hit on the ground by gravity.

On the other side, Xie Qiudu, who was knocked over and knocked over, endured the pain and got up, only to see that his personal bodyguard had also been knocked down.

He was about to curse, but he stopped himself when the words came to his lips, and a horrifying thought suddenly appeared in his heart:

He naturally knows Xie Yongye's strength. He is a fourth-grade superpower who has been on the battlefield and has extremely rich actual combat experience. If even he is knocked down by his opponent in less than half a minute...

How could Wang Wanrou's "boyfriend" across from him be just an ordinary person? Could it be that the Wang family from Taiyuan came here prepared to hold a banquet here to ambush my Xie family members? ! How else to explain that even the fourth-level superpower user was quickly defeated by the opponent, without even the strength to fight back! ! !

Thinking of this, he suddenly rolled to his feet, cried and rushed outside desperately.

Cheng Jinyang:?

Wang Xinzhi:?

The two of them looked at Xie Yongye who fell to the ground, and then looked at Xie Qidu who ran away and rushed out of the house. They were a little confused for a moment.

"I'll go after him!" Wang Xinzhi was stunned for a moment and finally reacted suddenly. If Xie Qidu rushed into the venue to find his father Xie Anshi and spouted shocking nonsense, it would definitely cause a serious misunderstanding between the two races!

"Stop!" Wang Wanrou quickly stopped him, "Brother, there is no need to say anything, let him talk."

"But..." Wang Xinzhi, who was about to chase her out, hesitated for a long time, then turned around and stared at his sister with a "Then you have to explain to me" expression.

"Father knows how to count." Wang Wanrou said calmly.

"Even if your father believes in you, Xie Anshi may not distrust his son!" Wang Xinzhi said solemnly, "Don't bring trouble to the troubles you caused yourself, such as the Cheng family in the capital city and the Xie family in Fufeng have an unprovoked feud!"

"Ahem." Cheng Jinyang coughed awkwardly.

The reason he just started brazenly was not entirely because of Miss Wang's instigation. The opponent took the lead in throwing his arms and punching. Should he stand still and be beaten by the opponent? It's just that my uncle seems to have misunderstood, and it's really embarrassing for Miss Wang to take the blame for my actions.

So he cleared his throat and explained:

"Brother Xin, it's actually me..."

"'s the Jinyang and Xie family's young masters who use martial arts to make friends. They don't know each other without fighting. What do you think of this external explanation?" Wang Wanrou sneered.

Wang Xinzhi stood stunned on the spot.

Wait, what she said...

"Father, have you already expected this?" he asked in shock.

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