Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 322: Xing Family Qingfeng, so terrifying? !

In the living room of the Cheng family in the capital city of God.

"That's it, that's it."

"What kind words are you talking about? It's as it should be."

When Cheng Jinyang walked into the hall, he saw three women sitting in various places in the hall, with gentle eyes, full of laughter, tea cups interlaced, talking and laughing happily.

Seeing the arrival of the clan leader, everyone hurriedly greeted each other and began to say some polite words according to the rules of the family. It was nothing more than a polite request to "please disturb the time" here, and an immediate "Pengpi Shenghui" from the other side. These are all placed in novels If written in it, it will be regarded as redundant nonsense of "water".

Cheng Jinyang has been the clan leader for nearly half a year and has received many other noble clans, so he is not unfamiliar with handling these matters. Of course he knew that even if the people sitting here were not Zheng Qiupei and Lu Qingyun, but children from other aristocratic families, the words they said would probably be the same - all very beautiful, even templated clichés.

What everyone really pays attention to is the demeanor and tone of the other person when they speak, and use this to figure out the other person's true intentions.

There was nothing unusual about Zheng Qiupei. She seemed to hide her emotions very well, but maybe she didn't have any emotions at all. If it is the former, it means that he is a social veteran with high emotional intelligence; if it is the latter, it means that he is an optimist with a simple mind.

Lu Qingyun was a little cautious, as if she was worried that Cheng Jinyang would hate her for her previous behavior. It's just that as a girl with the fifth surname, she can't let go of her airs easily, but there are a lot of temptations and hints in her words.

Cheng Jinyang comforted her with words. To be honest, he didn't hold any grudge against this girl from the Lu family. On the one hand, she actually had a conflict with her brother last time, and it was in order to maintain her brother's dignity that she took offense with her words.

On the other hand, the last time we ventured out of the city to attack the Jingwei mothership, the Lu family's "Restraint Pulse", the huge laser spear, like a god fighting, directly penetrated the warship's shield. Such a powerful ability is indeed It makes people greedy...

After finishing the courtesy, Cheng Yuexian accompanied the two girls to choose a place to live, while Cheng Jinyang returned to the clan leader's office and continued to deal with clan affairs.

The first thing is the issue of residual ethnic property in Pukou District. Under his strong promotion, most of the real estate properties have been sold out, and those that cannot be sold have been disposed of at a discount.

The second thing is the problem of population splitting. Although it is a common practice in the aristocratic family that eggs cannot be put in the same basket, the huge losses caused by Wang Chuzhong's rebellion last time also proved that it is not a good idea to bet on both ends.

The political environment jointly constructed by the royal family and the five surnamed families is a political environment of "following the rules and observing the bottom line." After living under this order for so many years, the Cheng family in the capital city took it for granted, and naively thought that they would get the same treatment after they separated and joined Wang Chuzhong.

In the end, I didn't expect that Wang Chuzhong was a ruthless person at heart. He simply looked down on the Cheng family who did not have a fifth-grade superpower, and directly treated the branch family as a disposable tool and gave it to Huo Huo.

Therefore, Cheng Jinyang is now in charge of the Cheng family, not to mention Su Zigao's rebels. The whole family does not retain much trust in the royal family and the five families.

In addition, he learned from Ye Ru that demons might follow the refugee army, so Cheng Jinyang secretly discussed with Cheng Yuexian and Cheng Huaiyan a few months ago and urgently went to Lin'an City in the south to purchase some clan property (land and house), the internal secret project was established as the "No. 1 Tinder Project".

If Lin'an City cannot be defended, then flee to Yizhou and Luzon. This is the "Second Fire Plan."

Of course, there is actually a "Tinder Plan No. 3" that only Cheng Jinyang himself knows. That is, if the Jin Kingdom really has no way to escape in the future, he will lead his tribe to evacuate to the Lookout Island Rocket Launching Base in western Luzon. Send the batch to the lunar space station "Changgui Palace".

Even if high-level monsters can fly, they can't physically travel through the atmosphere, right? The distance between the earth and the moon is 380,000 kilometers, which is as far as the sky. If a high-level demon can chase through the vacuum and reach the moon, I will commit suicide by flying a spaceship towards the sun.

Closer to home, Su Zigao's rebellion is now imminent. Although most of the Jiankang family seems to be still in the dark, a few smart people have begun to look for a way out. House prices and land prices in Lin'an City have begun to rise.

Therefore, the "No. 1 Fire Plan" was officially launched.

Cheng Jinyang quickly approved funds and allocated funds to the tribesmen stationed in Lin'an, allowing them to seize the last window of time and quickly purchase a large number of houses.

At the same time, an email was sent to Cheng Huaiyan, asking him to select the first batch of potential young tribesmen to be sent to Lin'an for rapid resettlement.

These bits and pieces of work lasted about a week. As the tribesmen went to Lin'an one after another, the population in the tribe's territory became sparse.

As a result, the female relatives of the Cheng family who had been living in the divine capital gradually noticed that the Cheng family was transferring their clansmen. They quickly notified the families behind them secretly, and also began to try to find out about the situation.

Lu Qingyun and Zheng Qiupei had been interacting with Cheng Yuexian in the past few days. When asked about this matter, Cheng Yuexian explained that "the patriarch and Yu Zhongshu reached an agreement."

What agreement? You can guess. Of course, it took a heavy price to get the imperial court to acquiesce to the Shendu Cheng family's early evacuation of their people.

As for what this price is, will it be related to the Iron Titan Soldier? Sorry, no comment.

For a time, the entire noble circle secretly began to turn their attention here. For example, Xing Shuhe, the patriarch of the Xing clan in Hejian, called Xing Yunzhi back to the clan on this day and secretly asked about the cause of the matter.

"Grandpa," Xing Yunzhi said coldly, "I haven't inquired clearly about the Giant Steel Divine Soldier yet. However, even if the Cheng family in the capital city used the Giant Steel Divine Soldier as a bargaining chip, Yu Zhongshu acquiesced that they would stay out of the next war. , and there is not much value for us to learn from it.”

"The Cheng family in the capital of the gods has no fifth-grade superpowers now." Uncle Xing hinted vaguely, "If this steel giant magic weapon is really a bargaining chip that can make even Yu Zhongshu seduce, then the Cheng and Xing families After all, if we are like-minded, we need to further strengthen our relationship."

Do you understand your engagement?

Xing Yunzhi naturally didn't understand and said with a faint smile:

"Grandpa, even if the Cheng family in the capital of God really has a giant steel weapon, it will not be ours after all. Why not turn your attention to improving the strength that truly belongs to us?"

She said with a slight smile, pointed to the chair in the distance, and quickly calculated to activate the power. With the output of sixth-grade superpowers, the spiritual fields spreading around him were instantly sensed by Uncle Xing.

His eyes suddenly widened, he took a breath of cold air involuntarily, and even his expression stiffened:

This is level six? !

My Qingfeng has been promoted to the sixth rank without even realizing it!

You know she is not yet twenty years old this year! Could it be that……

"Blood explosion?" Uncle Xing asked in a voiceless voice. He was shocked to realize that he had lost his words and quickly shut his mouth.

"Grandpa." Xing Yunzhi finished the calculation and smiled calmly, "What does it matter whether it is a blood explosion or not? The important thing is that this matter must not be known to the outside world."

"Yes, yes, that's right." Uncle Xing quickly calmed down and said cautiously.

Of course it doesn't matter whether it's a blood explosion or not. Now Xing Yunzhi has been promoted to the sixth level at less than twenty years old. It can be seen that it is not a problem to break into the fifth level before the age of thirty.

In other words, if she went out to show off her strength right now, the entire Xing family would probably be in a state of excitement. With excellent talent and sixth-grade strength, he is almost the sure heir to the clan leader. He can gain a large number of fans with just a few moves.

However, once her true rank is known to the whole clan, it means that this secret cannot be kept, and it will inevitably arouse shock and suspicion among the outside nobles. Next, the Hejian Xing clan will have to deal with endless pressure of testing.

All in all, Xing Yuanzhi chose to show her true strength (sixth grade) at this point in time, making it impossible for Uncle Xing to force her to reveal the secret. Not only that, but we must also help her keep this secret before gradually handing over power to her!

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