Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 34 There are too many things to do

The next morning, they both woke up at the same time, both physically and mentally exhausted.

In the nightmare battle last night, the two people's coordination was extremely poor, and they were defeated by four monster-level demons every time.

There were several times when it was clear that only the last one was left, but it turned out that either Cheng Jinyang made a miscalculation or Xing Yunzhi reacted half a beat too late, and was still killed by the opponent with remaining health in the end.

To put it bluntly, the tacit understanding is gone.

As for why the tacit understanding disappeared, needless to say, everyone will be embarrassed if you tell them.

In short, after the two got out of bed, Xing Yunzhi went straight to the bathroom and started to refill water, while Cheng Jinyang tidied up as usual, had breakfast, and went out to the clinic.

"I'm leaving!" he shouted at the door.


Xing Yuanzhi responded, gathering her long hair behind her head, and letting the water from the shower wash her face, as if the fear and filth from last night's nightmare had also been washed away.

What kind of person is Su Lili...?

Xing Yuanzhi was stunned for a while and shook her head vigorously.

I still can’t calm down and think about it. The bathtub I ordered last time should be arriving soon, right?


Just like that, another week passed.

Relying on hunting monsters every night, Xing Yunzhi's bloodline concentration increased by 20 horses, reaching 187 horses.

To be promoted to the eighth level, the bloodline concentration needs to exceed 1,000 horses. Among them, 100-150 horses belong to the "lower ninth grade", 150-500 horses belong to the "middle ninth grade", and 500-1000 horses belong to the "upper ninth grade".

Of course, if it is 800-1000 horses, the family is accustomed to call it "Little Eighth Grade" or "Ninth Grade Peak", which means "will be promoted to Eighth Grade soon", for good luck.

The average bloodline growth value of a child from an aristocratic family before and after the age of 20 is about 2 horses per week, which is almost equivalent to an increase of 100 horses per year. In other words, it takes an average of 9 years to advance from the ninth grade to the eighth grade.

But with the help of nightmares to purify his bloodline, he was able to increase the value of 20 horses a week, which meant that the upgrade cycle was shortened from 9 years to about 11 months.

In other words, I can enter the eighth level before the age of 20.

At this rate, during his peak period after the age of forty, he is expected to be able to steadily enter the fifth level and become a strong supporter of the Xing family. Great!

etc! This is just the blood energy increase at the current stage! If we can continue to push forward and reach the "ghost" level, or even the "demon" level, will the amount of blood absorbed correspondingly increase?

At that time, you only need to work hard for one night, and you will be able to gain the health value of hundreds or even thousands of horses...

In the early morning, Xing Yunzhi was soaking comfortably in the bathtub, planning the future with excitement, when she suddenly heard Cheng Jinyang shouting outside as usual:

"I am leaving!"

"Wait!" Xing Yunzhi suddenly shouted, "Jinyang, don't forget to learn the time function today!"

"Okay!" Cheng Jinyang readily agreed and went out.

The time function can greatly increase the flexibility of the Yutieshe algorithm. The single-function-driven artillery shell is like a "ballistic missile". If it is fired in a straight line, it cannot be recovered. The time-function-driven artillery shell will evolve into a "cruise missile", which can achieve higher maneuverability and change directions. Cheng Jinyang certainly knows this.

However, Ah Zhi suddenly became excited in the past few days and kept urging him to learn the subsequent algorithms, which still put him under a little pressure.

Another thing is that the Cheng family will worship their ancestors this Wednesday, and tomorrow they will give an answer to Sister Xinnan whether they will return to the Cheng family with her that day.

After discussing with Ah Zhi, we still have to make an appointment with Sister Xinnan tomorrow to find out what grudges the family and parents had in the past, so much so that the Cheng family in the capital of God has not even asked about his affairs once for so many years.

Thinking about it this way, there are a lot of things to do, plus I have to slay demons with Ah Zhi every night, and I have to go to Su Lili to get information. It's so tiring.

"I've been very energetic recently." Doctor Wu Quemei finished treating him and said with satisfaction, "It's good to have so many things. Young people should have countless things to do every day. The sluggish look you had some time ago is nothing like that. Something’s wrong.”

"Now I just want to find a place to lie down." Cheng Jinyang complained, "Ignore anyone and do nothing."

"How about some wine?" Wu Quemei took out the wine bottle from under the table and slammed it on the table with a "ton", "As long as you drink until you're drunk, you can just be lazy in an open and honest manner."

Hey guys, I upgraded from beer to liquor.

Cheng Jinyang fled.

Today, on Monday, the school informed that the graduation physical examination was ahead of schedule. Therefore, each senior class class was led by the class teacher and grade guidance director to go to the nearest Jiankang City Maternal and Child Health Station for physical examination.

By the way, the maternal and child health station was also invented by a certain senior time traveler. With the east wind of the Industrial Revolution, it greatly increased the birth rate in the early Jin Dynasty, completely making up for the population losses caused by the long-term wars in the late Three Kingdoms.

This predecessor later went north to clear Siberia and named it "Hanhai Province"; and went west to the Iranian plateau and named it "Persian Province". As for the closer Tianzhu, Annan, Luzon... needless to say, they are all included in the Wanghua, and "relocating the refugees to fill them" can be said to be the ultimate imperial man who cheats to the extreme.

Fifty years after his death, the original "Hu invaders in the Central Plains" did not happen. After all, even the concept of Hu people was almost gone. Instead, 700 years later, when the empire's technology reached its peak, an inexplicable catastrophe suddenly brought the perverted race of demons into the land of China.

At this point, half of the country was in ruins. Not only was the connection with the vast sea and the Western Regions cut off, but the Central Plains land where we made our fortune was also lost. We could only rely on the Yangtze River and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to keep the monsters in the north...

But you can't blame the senior, after all, he has been dead for hundreds of years.

If you want to blame, blame his unworthy descendants!

Following the class team, Cheng Jinyang took time to read "Calculation Methods" and came to Jiankang City Maternal and Child Health Station-actually a small hospital similar to a community clinic.

There are many items in the physical examination, such as blood tests, blood pressure measurements, cardiopulmonary function, etc. In addition to the routine tests that existed on Earth in previous lives, there is also a "superpower blood concentration test."

The method of detecting blood vessels was unexpectedly not a blood test, but a vertical instrument similar to CT. As long as a person stands inside, in less than half a minute, the specific blood type and blood concentration can be analyzed, and the numbers are accurate to two decimal places.

During the testing process, all data will be displayed and made public in real time on the external screen, so that everyone can see the test results of the students in the instrument at the first time.

"3.77 horses."

Another student came out and looked back at the numbers on the screen and the blood type displayed as [Unknown], showing a slightly disappointed expression.

"2.12 horses."

"It's okay, it's okay." Another student who came out from behind briefly glanced at the screen, then put his arm around the shoulders of the person in front, "Look, my blood concentration is lower than yours."

When Cheng Jinyang came out after completing other testing items, he saw a large number of students gathered at the door of the testing room in front of him, laughing and watching the next student enter the instrument. After the number on the screen pops up, he greets the frustrated opponent with boos and jokes.

"You can't do it! Da Tou and Yang Zai have three more horses than you!"

"Is 3 horses useful? Can 3 horses allow him to enter the Yang family?"

"I guess not. I'll be beaten up by the security guards later: You want to enter Yang's house?"

"Hmph, the Yang family is short-sighted, so it's okay not to wait!"

The students burst into laughter.

In the box above, Yang Siping, who was born in the Yang family of Hongnong, tried to keep calm, smiled with the disciples of the surrounding families, and said nonchalantly:

"The students are very energetic! Haha."

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