Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 332 My soldiers are okay

Back at the hotel, news came from Xie Youdu first:

Liu Daojian was willing to respond to the "call of the imperial court" and "submit to the official army."

But before that, I hope to be received by Sima from another department so that I can pledge my allegiance in person.

This requirement is rather slippery. To explain, Liu Daojian knows that the person who speaks in this army is not Xie Youdu, but Cheng Jinyang, so the lord he wants to worship must also be clear...

There is no way, this is the situation of my country in Jin Dynasty. It says that you have worked hard, but it doesn't matter if you abandon your troops and ruin the good situation; it says that your merits and demerits are equal to each other, and you can't even hope to be promoted even if you have made tremendous contributions.

For example, when Cheng Jinyang hadn't joined the Cheng family in the capital of God, the uncle in charge of the clan didn't like him. So even though he was extremely talented and powerful in calculations, it was obvious that he was the only hope for the Cheng family to maintain their status as a noble clan. What would the Cheng family still want to do? The "steel stamp naturalization" stuff disgusted him.

Then Wanrou Yuanzhi hit the snake seven inches away and directly found Cheng Ben and the old patriarch. As a result, the uncle patriarch was suppressed, and everything went smoothly from now on, without any further trouble.

This incident fully illustrates how important it is to be recognized by the leader. If there’s anything more important, it’s getting recognition from leaders’ leaders…

In short, Cheng Jinyang was not surprised by Liu Daojian's request, so he took his men and prepared to go to Liu Daojian's territory.

Liu Daojian's original proposal was to come to pay homage in person, and then invite other commanders to "come and inspect." Although this is a bit cumbersome, on the one hand it gives Cheng Jinyang enough face, and on the other hand it avoids misunderstandings by him. Otherwise, if you have never met him before and you directly invite him to the refugee gang's camp, it will easily make him suspect that he is pretending to surrender and setting up an ambush attack.

If the leader doubts you, if the suspicion is right, it means that you are really up to something evil; if the suspicion is wrong, it is because you don't know how to adapt and actually let the leader misunderstand... So the most appropriate thing to do is, of course, to be as magnanimous as possible and think about the leader at all times.

However, Cheng Jinyang is young after all, and he is not someone who likes to act like a leader. Not to mention that Tianluo here is experienced in many battles, and the girls are all at the sixth level. Even if you are an armed refugee, what do you want to do in ambush? You don’t even need to ask the giant steel soldiers to come out, they will all be given to you in a matter of minutes. Do you believe it?

Since the other party behaved so submissively, Cheng Jinyang planned to be more open-minded and directly inspect the other party's territory to show that he had no suspicion of the other party.

After waiting for a long time, Tianluo came in and asked several times, but the girls inside had not come out yet.

"What's going on?" Cheng Jinyang pushed the door open and walked in unceremoniously, "Where are the people? Why are there a few missing?"

"Miss Wang doesn't want to go." Xing Yunzhi, who was standing at the door, explained, "Wang Shu is playing the event copy and refuses to go. Cui Jinqi is putting on makeup in the bathroom and hasn't come out yet."

"It's okay if Wanrou and Wangshu don't want to go." Cheng Jinyang heard that these three were all scumbags, and it seemed that it would be okay if he didn't go, "Is Jinqi still not feeling well?"

"Wait a minute!" Cui Xiaoniang's panicked voice came from the bathroom, "I have another dress to wear!"

"What a god!" Cheng Jinyang was speechless and said angrily, "We are going to inspect armed refugee gangs, not shopping at the Champs Elysees in Paris! Yuan Zhi, Qing Qing, Qing Wan, let's go!"

"Wait a minute!" Cui Jinqi quickly opened the door and came out, "I'm ready! And where is the Champs Elysees? I want to go..."

A few Tianluo were left in the hotel to protect Miss Wang and Xiao Wangshu, and the rest set off with Cheng Jinyang, heading north to Yanjiang Village.

The so-called Yanzhao Gang means many people from Yanzhao formed an armed stronghold near Yanjiang Village. According to Cheng Huaiyan's evaluation, "pretty decent", Cheng Jinyang couldn't help but raise his expectations.

Liu Daojian accompanied Xie Youdu here and waited early to greet him outside the gate of the village. This man was quite tall and strong, probably in his thirties, with a red face. At first glance, he looked like a "red neck" caused by being exposed to the sun all year round.

Seeing Cheng Jinyang approaching surrounded by people, he immediately pushed the golden mountain and knocked down the jade pillar, knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists, and said in a strong voice:

"Meet Sima!"

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Therefore, "Sima", a good military position, has been interpreted by modern people in various ways, which makes me feel weird when I hear it.

He quickly helped the other person up and said softly:

"Dao Jian, there is no need to be polite in the army."

Liu Daojian immediately stood up slowly as if he was flattered.

As everyone entered the stronghold, they saw a large number of landmines and automatic machine guns deployed around the perimeter (of course, enemy detection is now turned off). There were sentry points and sniper points on the wall, which could cover most of the surrounding area.

"The work of a professional engineer." Cheng Huaiyan commented again.

Liu Daojian carefully flattered and showed his loyalty, Cheng Jinyang also responded gently, and the other party immediately showed a look of gratitude. His face was so rich that it was impossible to tell that he was a homeless commander with a large number of troops and professional military personnel.

The two sang a master-servant drama for a while, and then the final goal of the trip was to inspect the overall strength of the armed refugees.

Cheng Yuexian took Xing Yunzhi, Cui Jinqi and others to check the accounts and confirm the amount of equipment, supplies and supplies under Liu Daojian. Liu Daojian also invited Cheng Jinyang and Cheng Huaiyan to the military parade at the right time to demonstrate the tactical literacy and combat capabilities of the northern refugees.

Arriving at a small circular arena, everyone sat down on a high platform and saw various bunkers scattered throughout the field below. Ruined walls, abandoned cars, dumped bricks and rubble, etc. simply simulate the environment of urban street fighting.

Four armed refugees with thick hair quickly rushed out from one side of the venue, holding assault rifles or submachine guns in their hands. They quickly found a suitable tactical position.

Well, the position selection is okay. Cheng Jinyang thought to himself.

"Open the gate!" Liu Daojian waved his hand.

So the steel gate opposite the venue was opened upwards, and hordes of puppets rushed out of it. At a glance, there were at least hundreds of them. Cheng Huaiyan's face suddenly changed in shock, and he almost got up and flew into the sky with the clan leader.

As a result, Cheng Jinyang was heard calmly saying next to him:

"It's okay, Huaiyan, there aren't many."

"Almost one hundred and two." Li Qingwan added later.

As soon as the gate opened, the four armed refugees also started shooting. The bullets intertwined into a web of firepower, firmly suppressing the charge of the puppets within a range of five or six meters from the gate.

Even if a puppet occasionally breaks through the fire network, there will be one person responsible for the last-hit kill, and there will not be a situation where everyone switches fire at the same time, causing the fire network to collapse.

Very good tactical coordination. Even in Cheng Jinyang's opinion, it was already comparable to what he and the girls did in their dreams.

Liu Daojian sat on the side, watching the skillful cooperation of his men, and quietly looked at Cheng Jinyang, who was in charge.

Surprisingly, this young man who looked less than twenty years old did not even frown when faced with guns, demons, and scenes of blood and flesh... The Cheng family in the capital city was famous for its military business. As expected, It's not a rumor from outside.

A hundred or so puppets seemed like a lot. With the cooperation of the firepower network, they were quickly harvested by the gangsters. Liu Daojian breathed a sigh of relief and was about to speak when he heard Chu Qingqing say from behind Cheng Jinyang:

"No? Is there anything more exciting, like weird or something?"

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