Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 350 Urgent marriage

At present, whether it is the Yulin Army, the Shenwu Army here, or the Liyang Army on the opposite side, almost all have their command camps set up underground to prevent them from being exposed to the opponent's high-altitude reconnaissance or military satellites.

Cheng Jinyang was flying around outside, destroying the Liyang Army's military outposts and searching for the location of the opponent's command camp. The girls stayed in the command camp at the rear, in a spacious underground room.

Looking at the surrounding decoration, it seems that this place used to be a casino. The reason why it is located underground is of course because the amount of gambling here has far exceeded the legal limit.

As the Liyang Army attacked Gushu, the boss here ran away in advance, and through the relationship with the backers behind the scenes, he dedicated this place to the Shenwu Army as an underground command camp.

If it were just Cheng Jinyang's shogunate team, they would certainly not be able to get a separate room for rest in this underground casino with a limited area.

In fact, the two chief officers of this military operation did not regard the girls as the shogunate team of some other department.

Zhong Yanzhou even gave the guards a death order, not allowing these girls to leave the camp even half a step, otherwise they would be arrested by Su Zigao's people and used to threaten their families. What should they do? The first assistant, Wang Maohong, the middle servant, Chu Jiye... many of their family members are important officials of the imperial court!

Therefore, apart from not being able to go out, the girls are enjoying their time here. As long as you tolerate multitasking and take care of Cheng Jinyang's situation, the remaining energy can be used to eat snacks, drink some wine, play games, etc. It's so comfortable.

After a while, Zheng Qiupei's cell phone rang.

"Sister-in-law." The caller was Zheng Dehui, the clan leader. "The Wang family from Taiyuan just came to inquire about your situation."

"Really?" Zheng Qiupei asked in confusion, "What did you ask me?"

"I'm also being investigated by my family!" The other girls in my mind also started making noises.

"Investigation? What investigation?" Cheng Jinyang asked in confusion. His cell phone never rang.

"Sister-in-law, tell me the truth, how old are you now?" Zheng Dehui asked seriously.

Zheng Qiupei hesitated again. In fact, except for the old clan leader Zheng Junming, who is currently in a coma, all the clan members thought that her genealogy test result was a guarantee of five against four.

As for the "guaranteeing four and competing for three" data from a few years ago, it is also considered to be outdated and inaccurate data.

"Don't say, don't say!" She hesitated, and the sisters in her mind began to give her advice, "If your nephew learns the truth and doesn't mind, it won't be good for you; if he is afraid of it, it will be bad for you. There are disadvantages. There are absolutely no advantages but no disadvantages, so why would you tell him?"

Cui Xiaoniang, who is experienced in this area, has even made up lies for her:

"Sister Xiaopei, you have hesitated now. Your nephew must have noticed something is wrong. I suggest you pretend to be angry and say coldly, 'It would be good if you can reach the fourth rank. As for the third rank, you don't even dare to think about it.' Let you My nephew thinks you are jealous of his talent, so dispel his other suspicions!”

Zheng Qiupei was sitting in the Liushenwu master, and then he heard Zheng Dehui say:

"Forget it, let's not mention this for now. I mean, sister-in-law, since they took you to the battlefield, you have to behave well."

These words obviously meant something, and Zheng Qiupei didn't know how to answer, so he could only respond silently, and his mind suddenly became noisy as if it was about to explode.

Seeing that his sister-in-law didn't speak for a long time, Zheng Dehui thought that she didn't understand, so he hinted again:

"Sister-in-law, you are over 20 years old and have never been in love once. As a nephew, I say this is not appropriate, but as the clan leader, in order to expand the population of the clan, I have the obligation to inquire about the marriage history of any Zheng girl. thing."

"Sister-in-law, do you have someone you like? I don't think you have to find someone in the fifth family. Occasionally, you can also pay attention to emerging families with potential, especially the low-grade families you are more familiar with. What do you think?"

"Um..." Zheng Qiupei was ashamed and embarrassed, and finally couldn't help but say, "I really didn't think about it that much..."

"Has the Chief of the Cheng family tasted your craftsmanship? Pastry craftsmanship?"

"Have you ever tasted it..."

"Then what is his evaluation?" Zheng Dehui sighed, "Sister-in-law, I think that as a girl of our Zheng family, you are quite excellent in all aspects, including appearance, figure, character and ability. You may just lack courage sometimes. ——The courage to take the initiative, understand?”

"The Wang family of Taiyuan has also made a bet. Wang Wanrou, you should know this, right? Sister-in-law, although our Zheng family cannot compare with the Wang family, you will definitely not be worse than the daughter of the prince. The family has high hopes for you. ah!"

Zheng Qiupei:………………

The various voices in her mind were so noisy that she could only timidly say "I understand" and hung up the phone in a hurry.

"Stop everyone!" Cheng Jinyang on the battlefield was so noisy that he couldn't bear it, so he simply used the administrator's authority to ban all voices except Miss Wang, and then angrily said, "What are you so noisy about? Xiaopei What does my family think? Does it have anything to do with Sister Xiaopei? Is it worth it for you to go to war over this, or even turn against me?"

"Boring." Wang Wanrou said coldly.

"Did you hear that? Learn from how Wanrou handles these matters. The Taiyuan Wang family belongs to the Taiyuan Wang family, and Miss Wang belongs to Miss Wang. Do you understand that the two cannot be confused?" Cheng Jinyang spoke earnestly and eloquently, "To You have your own opinions and self-confidence! We are all sixth-grade superpowers, and will soon be promoted to fifth-grade, and gain the status of an independent branch to reopen a new line. Are we so afraid of the families behind each other?"

"Why aren't you talking? Are you already reflecting?"

After a while, there was still no sound in his mind, so Cheng Jinyang sighed and said:

"As our situation gradually comes to light, your families will definitely put forward more demands. On the one hand, everyone must work hard to improve their level, and on the other hand, they must learn to readjust their attitudes. Don't be like before. As long as the family follows the lead, you must have a sense of leadership and a sense of being a protagonist, you know?"

"Well, if everyone doesn't say anything, I'll just take it as their acquiescence!"

Wang Wanrou lifted the ban silently, and suddenly her mind seemed to explode, almost causing Cheng Jinyang to fall from the air.

"Damn it, Jinyang, you are so arrogant, you are asking everyone's opinion while muting everyone!"

"Explain to me what it means to be afraid of a family? If someone is already the head of a clan and is still deliberately vague and procrastinating with everyone, shouldn't he be more self-reflective?"

"We have already set our attitude. As long as this scumbag man stops dragging people in, everyone will be grateful. Can we be any more humble?!"

For a time, countless angry, sarcastic, and reprimanding voices filled his mind, forcing Cheng Jinyang to silence everyone again, and then explained aggrievedly:

"I didn't mean that! I just said... You should at least wait until the war is over before arguing? I'm still on the battlefield... Hey, I seem to have found the command camp of the Liyang Army. Oh, this camp The location is great for taking pictures..."

He quickly flew behind a nearby building and quietly looked at the seemingly deserted abandoned park in the distance.

The electromagnetic waves have been detected, and there are several drone formations patrolling nearby. The routes are intertwined and are centered around the park.

At the same time, in the field of vision of the mind amplifier, you can see that there are a large number of thought bodies representing human beings vertically deep into the ground.

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