Jiangning District, Jiankang City, Tongjing Town, Southern War Zone, uninhabited park.

This place used to be a clothing factory before the war, but it was now tightly controlled by the Liyang Army. No one is allowed to go out into the open environment, and only a small number of drones are allowed in and out to avoid exposure to high-altitude surveillance.

The warehouse below the factory has been transformed into a preliminary tactical command room to control the overall military situation on the front line.

The entire network in the command room is physically isolated from the outside world. All data packets are taken out by drones to prevent people from tracing them through domain names. A few missiles can hit the commanders at once.

Even with such protection, leaders like Su Zigao and Zu Shishao would not come to the front line. The technological era brought about by Sima Yi permanently changed the shape of warfare, making only low-ranking officers required to command on the front lines.

of course there are exceptions.

Zu Shishao looked nervous, sitting in the command room with a stranger, speaking carefully.

"You don't have to be so nervous." Sitting across the table is a middle-aged woman with well-maintained skin and dignified appearance. She looks like a lady from a wealthy family. "I have no other intention in coming here. I just want to meet that person."

"Who do you really want to see?" Zu Shishao asked uneasily, "I don't mean to pry into your privacy. It's just that the battlefield is too chaotic. If we can help you..."

"Ah, don't bother." The middle-aged lady said with a smile, "He will come here, I know, because..."

She suddenly stood up and looked outside:

"he came."

Cheng Jinyang had already flown to the outside of the factory and carefully sneaked in through the high ventilation window. He saw that except for the piled cargo boxes below, there was no one there.

In the spiritual field of vision, all living beings with thoughts are located underground.

If the Shenwu Army came here, as long as they didn't search the underground warehouse, they would probably think that this was really an abandoned factory.

Landing on the ground again, double detection of electromagnetic waves and psychic vision confirmed that there was indeed no one around on the first floor.

So he started looking for an entrance to the underground, and asked in the group:

"Where do you think it will be?"

"You have to take a look at the assembly line." Xing Yunzhi reminded, "Especially the line for ready-made garments. The end will definitely be as close to the warehouse as possible, if the warehouse is really underground."

"I'll look for it." Cheng Jinyang began to check the assembly line.

"What are you looking for?" the voice behind suddenly asked.

In the midst of lightning, gravity, hollows, mass effects, and quicksand fields, the two control skills threw them backwards without even looking back. At the same time, the metal around him quickly surged, and high-voltage electricity was added to prevent the opponent from taking the opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

Cheng Jinyang turned around suddenly, without even looking at who the other person was, and then blasted away with a mental shock and a rhinoceros car.

Then he saw that the other party was a beautiful middle-aged woman, standing three or four steps away from him, without any intention of attacking.

The mental impact suddenly disappeared a few centimeters in front of her, and the gravitational pull and weight gain fell on her body, as if they had no effect. The other party just looked at him quietly, without any friendly expression in his eyes... That was not the way he looked at others.

Cheng Jinyang's eyes fell on her face, and then his brain was suddenly emptied of energy as if he was electrocuted.

Who are you……


Xie Guyan?

"It's strange." The other party said, "The look in your eyes... doesn't look like the look in your mother's eyes."

"My mother is dead." Cheng Jinyang said in a trembling voice, frantically asking Wang Wanrou for help.

"Don't you know that demons can be reborn?" The other party showed a surprised expression. "There is no need to call those consciousnesses. I have temporarily cut off the flow of spiritual energy around you. Now their connection with you is interrupted."

Cheng Jinyang:………………

At first he was so panicked that he almost exploded, but then he finally realized that he was on the verge of despair, but strangely he calmed down completely.

"You want to say that you are my mother?" He initiated the first test.

"Xie Guyan, it's just a certain part of my past life." The other party replied calmly, "She has completely died, and I was resurrected in her remains. My body was reborn, and my personality was formed after resurrection. , so whether in terms of body or soul, I am not Xie Guyan in the true sense."

"Of course, before I explained this, I originally thought you would regard me as your mother at first sight, but unexpectedly you didn't. Why is that?"

Cheng Jinyang looked thoughtful, and his mind was already going crazy:

The other party did not take action to kill him. There are two possibilities:

First, the other party has no intention of attacking him because of feelings or interests. If this is the case, then there is no need to worry about your safety for the time being.

Second, the other party's attitude towards him does not matter, which is the so-called "can kill or not kill". The reason why she didn't do anything was because she was in a good mood now.

Judging from the conversation, she seemed to have some interest in herself, so maintaining this curiosity and interest was the key to her subsequent conversation.

"I actually already know what you said." Cheng Jinyang considered his words.

As for where exactly you learned it? Let’s leave it alone for now and give the other person a point where they can ask questions.

"Because of this, I'm not sure whether I should regard you as my mother. After all, my mother has passed away. Well, what should I call you?"

Ask for salutations and try to make a social connection.

"Just call me Xie Guyan." The other party replied, "I quite like this name. As for whether I am your mother, I have already answered it just now."

"Yes." Cheng Jinyang whispered, "Ms. Xie Guyan, I will distinguish you from my mother, although it is very difficult for me."

The second test: confirm whether the other party possesses Xie Guyan’s memories and emotions.

"I understand, it's quite difficult." Xie Guyan nodded, "But don't call me Ms. Xie Guyan. In the memory of your previous life, you have always called me 'Mom'."

When she said this, she paused slightly: "You can also continue to call me 'Mom', I think this is good."

Cheng Jinyang:?

His brain, which was already running at full power, almost shut down because of these words.

What does it mean what does it mean? At first she said she was not my mother, but later she said she could let me call her mother?

etc! I see. "Mom" is just a title, because she has Xie Guyan's memory, and I have always called her "Mom" in her memory, so she hopes to let nature take its course and not change her name to a new one.

This thinking habit of hers can be clearly seen from the fact that she still named herself "Xie Guyan" after her resurrection.

However, she and Xie Guyan are indeed two different personalities, so even if he allows himself to call her "mom", it does not mean that she will have any maternal love for him.

This is something that must be made clear next, otherwise if you accidentally step into a minefield, you will be dead!

"Well, okay, mom." Cheng Jinyang whispered, showing a slightly sentimental look.

The mental processes in my mind were still running at full speed. Ever since he met Miss Wang, he hadn't thought so focused and nervously for a long time.

In ancient times, Liu Bang shared my share of the pie, but today, Jin Yangguang calls me "Mother"

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