"Jinyang." Xie Guyan said lightly, "Actually, I have always wanted to come and see you since I recovered some of my past life memories."

"Is it because of the emotions left behind by my mother in my previous life?" Cheng Jinyang asked tentatively.

"Of course not." Xie Guyan said, "Memories are memories, and emotions are emotions. When I recall her memories, it's like browsing a movie with someone else as the protagonist, and monsters have almost no empathy."

"The reason why I want to see you is to confirm whether you have become a 'half-demon'."

"Half-demon?" Cheng Jinyang asked in a low voice.

"Yes, half-demon." Xie Guyan nodded and said, "Demons do not have the ability to reproduce. You should know this."

"However, the demon itself has a strong reproductive instinct, which is manifested in the form of infecting, devouring, and assimilating humans. This creates a problem."

"Humanity cannot be exterminated, because once humans are extinct, it means that the number of new demons will also be reduced to zero, and the entire race will fall into a state of complete stagnation and death."

"So some demons came up with the concept of 'captivity', allowing humans to maintain their own settlements, reproduce freely, and then harvest them regularly. In today's northern land, most human settlements are preserved in this way."

"However, the efficiency of captivity is still very low, and the main loss lies in the 'infection' link. First of all, human males will definitely die after infection, and secondly, after infection, most human females will become unconscious puppets. These are not We do not consider sane creatures to be demons.”

"The puppet needs to continue to devour more people before it has a chance of transforming into a monster or a ghost. The loss caused by this chance is very large, and hundreds or thousands of humans often have to be sacrificed before a low-level demon is born."

"Xie Guyan in his previous life was the Nandou Star Lord under the throne of Emperor Ziwei. He had special interest and love for human beings."

"She has been studying the emotions between humans of the opposite sex, and this has led to a new idea: Since there are no males among demons, can demons and human males reproduce in the same way?"

"This form will not cause population loss, and is easier for humans to accept than captive breeding. If the plan can be rolled out on a large scale after maturity, demons and humans can even be re-merged into the same race," Xie Guyan said They are 'new humans', or 'half-demon'."

"You should also know what happened next. Xie Guyan successfully gave birth to the first half-demon using his transformed self as the mother body."

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Xie Guyan's statement is roughly similar to what the princess sister said before, but the details of the narrative are completely different.

Sister Xinnan said that her mother "wanted to become a human from the bottom of her heart", but according to Xie Guyan, her mother was more like "reforming herself in order to create a new half-demon race."

However, no matter what the truth is, it cannot change one thing: the child of destiny is myself.

"So, half-demon..." he said in a daze.

"According to the research data in her memory, half-demon possesses some of the abilities of demons, but also possesses the emotional and thinking characteristics of humans. In other words, it combines the advantages of both races."

"More importantly, half-demon can reproduce with both humans and demons. All offspring strictly follow the one-drop principle. As long as either parent is a half-demon, the original body must be a half-demon."

"If this continues, after dozens of generations of intermarriage and reproduction, a brand new race will gradually be born on the basis of humans and demons. Ah, this is actually not very rigorous, because the definition of race is reproductive isolation from each other. Since there is no reproductive isolation between humans and half-demon, they should be regarded as the same race, what do you think?"

"I don't know." Cheng Jinyang said with a wry smile, "But I think it won't be as smooth as you said."

"Maybe." Xie Guyan said, "The rise of any race is completely peaceful. However, as the world's first half-demon, your historical mission in this life is to sow as much as possible and reproduce as much as possible. Before humans have ever Before you react, spread the half-demon’s bloodline as quickly as possible.”

"The faster the number of half-demon increases, the lower the probability that humans will face 'captivity' and 'extinction' in the future, and the higher the probability of 'living with dignity'. Of course, there will definitely be some obstacles along the way. …”

"Wait a minute." Cheng Jinyang suddenly noticed the problem in her words, "You said, before humans can react, what about the monsters? Do the monsters know the existence of half-demon?"

"Back then, Xie Guyan was Lord Nandou Xing. Do you think Emperor Ziwei didn't know that?" .”

"So as long as they find your existence, with your current strength, there will be no possibility of survival."

Cheng Jinyang was silent for a moment.

"I understand, Mom. Then the reason why you are here is..."

"Of course I'm not here to save you." Xie Guyan said indifferently, "I told you, I just came to see you."

"Well, Mom." Cheng Jinyang has roughly grasped the other party's thoughts and attitude, "Then you must have other serious things to do when you are here. Can I help?"

"I'm not your mother, and you want to help me?" Xie Guyan asked in surprise.

"For humans, the word 'mother' naturally has a special meaning." Cheng Jinyang answered the question, but he meant something.

"Really?" Xie Guyan murmured, seeming to be touched.

Cheng Jinyang observed her calmly, secretly assessing the impact of Xie Guyan's personality in her previous life on her.

However, Xie Guyan's slightly confused eyes soon became clear again.

After thinking for a while, she said calmly:

"More than twenty years ago, Xie Guyan, who was the Lord of Nandou Star, defected and fled to the Jin Empire with his research results, and severed contact with Emperor Ziwei."

"Emperor Ziwei is very angry, but because of the force of a new emperor, he has no time to deal with her defection."

"To this day, that emperor has become the new Emperor Ziwei. The demon's political rise is so cruel and urgent. Naturally, after all these years, Nan Dou Xingjun's position will not be empty waiting for me."

"I understand." Cheng Jinyang said carefully, "You want to kill the current Nan Dou Xingjun and take away her position."

"Under Ziwei, Beidou is in the light, and Nandou is in the dark." Xie Guyan continued without comment, "Nandou Xingjun's duty is to assist Emperor Ziwei in dealing with the Jin Empire in the south."

"There are a certain number of high-level demons in Su Zigao and Zu Shishao's army, and she should have been among them. I can confirm this, but I have no way of locating her specific location."

"I asked Master Zu to secretly investigate the army, but no results were found, so I need a bait to make her show up voluntarily. It just so happens that you have been showing off your half-demon talent to high-level humans recently."

"So she already knows about this." Cheng Jinyang said in a deep voice, "She will be interested in me."

"I can find her through you." Xie Guyan was very satisfied with his understanding and "filial piety". "Of course, it can also solve your own crisis. We each get what we need."

"Also." At this point, she said seriously, "The battle between me and her cannot happen here. It is too close to Jiankang City."

"How about going north of Jingkou?" Cheng Jinyang said immediately, "Jingkou is my territory, and further north is the border area that the empire cannot control. There are often battles between refugees, armies and demons there, so it won't be too eye-catching. .”

"Well, you first try to escape from this war." Xie Guyan nodded and said, "Let your subordinates continue their mission here, and you go back to Jingkou yourself."

"I need a suitable reason to escape." Cheng Jinyang said quickly, "There are traces of demon activities north of Jingkou, and the Beifu Army is facing threats. How about it?"

This is to test whether Xie Guyan has deployed any manpower in the demon world.

But she didn't seem to notice it, or didn't care about it, and said calmly:

"Okay, let's do it like this. But next, you have to move quickly, don't give her a chance to intercept you here."

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