After receiving the edict from Taicheng, Cheng Jinyang finally decided to respond to the call after careful analysis with the shogunate and careful discussion with Miss Wang.

He came with a sincere passion to serve his country and was determined to shed his last drop of blood for the future of mankind.

However, after learning that there were "a certain number" of high-level demons in Liyang's army, he knew that the battle would probably not go on.

Last time I fought a very fast Bat-Winged Demon in my dream, I almost died. If there are seven or eight more of them surrounding me, how can I fight? Without Xiao Li to make batteries for me, all of us combined would only be at level 5!

But in order to serve the country with loyalty, why should I cherish this life? It's just a unnecessary sacrifice, not what I want. You might as well leave this broken body and fight again another day!


Hurrying back to the Shenwu Army camp, Cheng Jinyang immediately went to visit the two battlefield commanders, Bian Wangzhi and Zhong Yanzhou.

The two of them were in the command camp at the rear, and of course they saw him transform into Iron Man and uproot all the nearby Liyang Army strongholds.

This military stronghold is like a fungus stall in the interstellar world. It is a necessary logistics building for street fighting in big cities. It can greatly support one's own guerrillas in cleaning up surrounding areas from radiation.

Now the Liyang Army has been completely stunned by Cheng Jinyang's combination of punches, and has even been forced to give up the action of continuing to establish strongholds. The separated units can only defend themselves, thus gaining a crucial victory for Jiankang. Important strategic initiative.

Of course, the two chief officers were not stupid, so they immediately commanded the Shenwu Army and the Yulin Army to sweep the remaining areas as quickly as possible before the other side was ready to attack again, and completely drove the Liyang Army out of the city.

As long as the Liyang Army is forced to leave the town and is exposed in an open area lacking building cover, Jiankang will be able to rely on the positioning of military satellites to launch long-range artillery strikes unscrupulously, and the balance of victory in the war will be tilted in half.

Then the Cheng clan leader suddenly said that he wanted to evacuate early?

Are you kidding me? You have almost done the most difficult work. Don’t you want the subsequent credit that you deserve?

Then I heard Cheng Jinyang patiently explain that traces of a large group of demons were found wandering around Jingkou, and they had to go back to take charge of defense as soon as possible, but the 4,000 Beifu troops they brought could stay here to cooperate with the court in continuing to fight against the rebellious Liyang army.

The two chief officers were silent for a moment, and then said that in this case, there was nothing they could do. However, in terms of procedures, you still have to go to Taicheng to ask for instructions once, so as not to be confused.

Cheng Jinyang naturally agreed, and then he quickly secretly recruited Liu Daojian and others to join the army, quietly hinting that they should conserve their troops and not fight head-on with Liyang's army, especially to beware of "high-level superpowers".

The soldiers were shocked: What, the Liyang Army actually has high-level superpowers?

But this is easy to say. Veteran athletes may not be able to fight, but it is impossible for them not to be able to paddle. We are the best at working without putting in effort, and we guarantee that the chief officials here will be speechless.

Cheng Jinyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He said there was no need to go too far. In principle, we still had to occupy it. However, the odds of winning this war are actually very slim. Even if you try your best, you won't be able to win, so you just have to be aware of it.

After dealing with the chief officers and settling the soldiers, the last step is to fool the girls... to be precise, to convince the girls why they need to evacuate in advance.

Of course it would be very dangerous to tell Xie Guyan's existence directly, especially for Miss Wang who has no trust in demons at all. Even the gentle and lovely Xiao Li was made like this by her. How can she change the world even if she knows Xie Guyan's existence?

When the time comes, my mother-in-law will slap her and my daughter-in-law will die, and it will be me who is the idiot.

Xie Guyan had already gone to Jingkou first. When Cheng Jinyang returned to the basement, he saw the girls resting in the room.

Ah Zhi is taking a bath in the bathroom, Miss Wang is reading on the sofa, Cui Xiaoniang is watching TV dramas, and Xiao Wangshu is playing games. Li Qingwan and Chu Qingqing were running on the treadmill (wait where did the treadmill come from?). Sister Xiaopei was busy handing them towels and water, making tea for everyone, cleaning, etc. She was very busy. .

Hey, when I was demonizing on the battlefield, the connection status was suddenly interrupted. Aren't you worried about me?

"Jinyang, you're back!" Sister Xiaopei noticed his presence after washing the towels, and hurriedly came over and asked, "What happened at that time? Why can't I contact you suddenly?"

"Ahem, I don't know what's going on..." Cheng Jinyang came up with the explanation he had already prepared and added to it, saying that he had no clue at all, as if the phone call was suddenly interrupted. Know what the reason is.

After all, Miss Wang is not good at anything else, she does have a strong head. The more painstakingly you weave excuses, the easier it will be for her to detect flaws. It's better not to give an excuse at all. You can guess for yourself!

You can't find out that I'm lying, right?

Unexpectedly, Wang Wanrou was still studying there and seemed completely unconcerned with the topics being chatted here.

"That's it." Sister Xiaopei clasped her hands together, tilted her head slightly, and showed a relieved smile, "Fortunately, you are fine, everyone is relieved."

"Forget it." Xiao Wangshu pressed the game console with his right hand and freed up his left hand to type. "Sister Xiao Pei, this big pig is a cockroach. I'm afraid he won't die even if all the Shenwu Army is dead."

Cui Xiaoniang pressed pause here, and then ran over happily to complain and said:

"Jinyang, it's not that we are not worried, it's because Wanrou said that nothing happened to you..."

"It's a matter of my life and death, wouldn't Wanrou make a miscalculation?" Cheng Jinyang was shocked, "You believe what she said?"

"Then even if we are worried, we can't get out of this camp." Cui Xiaoniang said aggrievedly, "The chief officer of the Shenwu Army knows our identity and refuses to let us go to the battlefield to search for you."

"Jin Yang is back?" The bathroom door also opened, and Xing Yunzhi walked out in a bathrobe, looking at him up and down, "Well, it's good that no parts fell out."

"I'm not a robot, how can I lose parts?" Cheng Jinyang pretended to be sad and said sadly, "Yuan Zhi, I'm not sure whether I will live or die outside, but you still want to take a bath?"

"Ahem." Xing Yunzhi coughed, "It was Wanrou who said you must be fine..."

"Wanrou!" Cheng Jinyang said sadly and angrily, "I suddenly lost contact, are you really not worried about me?"

"Everything is in my calculation, what's there to worry about?" Miss Wang didn't even raise her head.

"Then what if you made a mistake?" Cheng Jinyang tried again.

"Isn't this right?" Wang Wanrou raised her head, showing a helpless expression that said, "I really can't do anything to you."

Cheng Jinyang was angry and speechless, but secretly rejoiced in his heart:

This means that if a wise man thinks a lot, he will make a mistake. Didn’t Miss Wang get fooled by me this time?

At the same time, the Gushu Liyang Military Base in the south.

The returning clones lined up in a long queue and were entering brain-controlled devices one after another to erase the memories from their minds.

After all, they are meant to be used as disposable tools. It is not scrapped after use, so it is natural to wash away the information instilled in the previous mission so that it can be used next time.

One of the clones, standing in line, suddenly raised his head and looked at the brain control device.

There was a faint light in his eyes.

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