"The so-called evolution routes of monsters can be divided into two types starting from puppets: weird or ghost."

"Weird, it takes the route of strengthening the body. The stronger the body, the more human souls it can swallow and accommodate. The greater the probability that there will be a consciousness that can resist 'instinct pollution'."

"When such awareness appears, it means that Weird is no longer a beast that only knows how to kill. She will use her wisdom to plunder more bloodlines and evolve in the direction of Mo Luo."

"Mara, a demon who is extremely advanced in the path of physical enhancement. Even the weakest Mara can easily fight against an army. It requires at least a fifth-level superpower to deal with it."

"Of course, the Tamai no San that you met this time is the most evolved guy among the demons. He is only half a step away from the demon god. With your strength, you will not be able to defeat him no matter how many times you come again."

"Ahem, actually I'm not that weak." Cheng Jinyang said with a smile.

"I don't believe it." Ye Ru shrugged, "I don't care, you don't have to explain to me."

The two continued walking along the road. In order to prevent the other party from intervening in the connection state like Xie Guyan did, the demonization on Cheng Jinyang had been quietly lifted in advance.

Recalling the few questions that Miss Wang had asked him to memorize before disconnecting, Cheng Jinyang calmed down and asked:

"Tamai no San, where does this name come from?"

"Stars." Ye Ru said succinctly.

Cheng Jinyang continued to ask puzzledly:

"Stars? What do you mean?"

"The source of power." Ye Ru replied.

"Uh, be specific."

"The evolutionary power of demons comes from the stars." Ye Ru looked at him speechlessly and explained a few more words, "Just like the source of superpowers is star beasts."

"Well, Ye Ru." Cheng Jinyang could only tell the truth, "Actually, I don't understand what you are talking about at all, from beginning to end. Can you explain it to me in simple and easy-to-understand language? Please, look. For Xiaoli’s sake?”

Ye Ru:………………

Resisting the urge to slap him to death, she slowly showed a gentle smile and said:

"Jinyang, you know there are many stars in the universe, right?"

"The sun is one of them. They will continue to release energy into the universe. Light and heat are only the lowest energy among them, and the higher-level ones... are very complicated to say, and you won't understand the detailed explanation. We just call it the power of the stars. alright."

"The power of the stars is a kind of chaotic and huge energy that is difficult to use. It is so large that even if it travels across an extremely long distance, the energy intensity is still considerable. And there is another kind of creature living in the universe called the Star Beast. The stars are constantly migrating back and forth, like a herd of wild horses migrating across the prairie.”

"They are huge in number and will eat up the power of the original chaotic stars, and then expel basic laws such as mass, time, and space, just like spiders constantly weaving webs, causing the universe to continue to expand outwards."

"Then, I don't know when, a star beast died on the earth... Well, I can't tell the details. Then almost a thousand years ago, Emperor Sima Zhongda detected the body of the star beast in the deep sea. , and collected its flesh and blood for research.”

"So the emergence of superpowers and monsters. Superpowers come from the impure blood of star beasts in your body, which allows you to mobilize some simple laws. Monsters go one step further in this regard. We refer to star beasts to evolve itself, so that it can absorb the power of the stars more effectively."

Cheng Jinyang was dumbfounded. This was the first time he heard about these secrets involving the source of power.

"Then..." He wanted to say something, but he couldn't utter a single word.

"Do you think I'm belittling humans and elevating demons?" Ye Ru sneered disdainfully, "Oh, look at how humans develop superpowers: 'Blood concentration naturally increases with age.' Yes, Silently absorbing the power of the stars until the blood of the star beast in the body is saturated, can this thing be called development?"

"Your understanding and development of supernatural powers is like that of early farming civilizations. You only know to sow seeds in the soil and they will grow naturally. As for how the crops grow, it completely depends on the quality of the natural environment - that is Your physique.”

"Then some people happen to occupy more fertile land, so they think they have a superior bloodline than others. With all due respect, if you humans can reach the third level like this, you are already in the sky. No matter how fertile the land is, if you don't develop it It’s just garbage.”

"I see." Cheng Jinyang came back to his senses and asked seriously, "So, how do you develop your own physique?"

"You?" Ye Ru looked at him sideways, "No chance."


"Because only women can become monsters." Ye Ru said seriously, "Star beasts are parthenogenetic. Their race does not have the concept of maleness, so human males cannot evolve in the direction of star beasts."

"Although your physique is quite abnormal, you can enter this world, and you can also plunder the blood of demons... Well, I don't know why, but the difference between you and demons is too obvious, and our evolutionary route may not be applicable to you. .”

"Really?" Cheng Jinyang shook his head and said, "That's too much. Isn't this sexism? When I heard what you said, I was so angry that I was shaking all over. My whole body was sweating and my hands and feet were cold on a hot day. Can this world get better? Hell is empty. The devil is in the world.”

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Ye Ru looked at him inexplicably. "There is no fairness in this world, and it is even more nonsense to blame gender for your current situation."

"You should think about how to explore a development route that suits you and make yourself stronger, instead of daydreaming about 'men can become monsters' and allowing yourself to get something for nothing and free ride on the collective. In this way Not only do I despise this man, but he is also not worthy of Su Lili, do you understand?"

"You are right." Cheng Jinyang repeatedly claimed that he was, and thought to himself:

Can't men become monsters? That's not necessarily the case.

Then he remembered Xie Guyan's instructions before leaving, and couldn't help but look bitter again.

"Ye Ru, do you know..." He was about to say, "Do you know Xie Guyan?" Suddenly he heard Ye Ru say sharply:


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the flat-chested demon leaping down from the distant roof, appearing in front of the two of them in an instant, punching Cheng Jinyang in the chest.

Then the severed arm was thrown away.

The demon retreated more than twenty meters and stopped, covering the broken wound on his right shoulder. He looked at Ye Ru next to Cheng Jinyang in shock - she was raising her right hand at this time, with her index and middle fingers together making a sword shape. , smiled and said:

"Ratite, do you remember me?"

"You..." the other party spoke hoarsely, with a look of confusion and pain on his face, "I seem to have an impression, who are you?"

"No matter how fast the speed is, it cannot speed up the distortion of space." Ye Ru said with a smile, "Remember?"

"You are...the Fourth of the Big Dipper, the Zhe of Tianquan..." the other party murmured.

"Oh, you recognized me." Ye Ru said with a smile, "I originally thought that since you didn't recognize me, I could kill you without any psychological burden, but I didn't expect that you actually remembered... Why, you are about to be resurrected. ?”

"Absolutely." The demon took a few steps back and his eyes gradually became clearer. "Tianquan, I have no enmity with you. There is no need for you to fight me here."

"Oh?" Ye Ru put her chin on her hand and asked threateningly, "But if you killed my people, how will the debt be settled?"

The demon looked at Cheng Jinyang beside her with a surprised expression:

"You actually fall in love with a human man?"

"It's my person, not my man!" Ye Ru quickly corrected her.

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