Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 377 The First Night

" this?"

After entering the dreamland that night, Lu Qingyun looked around in horror and asked tremblingly.

The feeling given to her here was too similar to the Wujiang Town in her memory, and even the smell of blood seemed to be floating in the air.

That is the unique smell of demons.

"That's it." Zheng Qiupei quickly came over to comfort her, "It's okay. These monsters are very weak and can be killed with just a few hits."

Lu Qingyun didn't believe it, she just shivered in Mama Pei's arms.

"Let's find a way to make her adapt." Cheng Jinyang sighed.

There are only seven people left in the team tonight. Xing Yunzhi and Li Qingwan both left the team because their father came to Jingkou.

The lack of mass effect means that it cannot deal with enemies who attack at high speed; the lack of physical activation means that it is difficult to recover once it is seriously injured by a sneak attack.

In other words, if a large number of puppets are still harvested tonight and higher-level and more brutal demons are attracted, Lu Qingyun's illness may worsen again.

Therefore, Cheng Jinyang wanted to discuss with everyone whether he could not turn on the Iron Man lawn mowing mode tonight, so that everyone could practice teamwork and slowly harvest the weirdness around them, while also allowing the newly joined Lu Qingyun to adapt to the team.

"I'm here!" A carefree voice suddenly came from the distance, making Cheng Jinyang's heart skip a beat.

Oops, I forgot about this guy!

Yujing San jumped up from the distant roof, then landed on the ground nearby, and greeted him in a familiar tone as if he hadn't seen him for a long time:

"Why didn't you come yesterday... huh?"

She curiously noticed that there was a new face in this team that she had never seen before.

Lu Qingyun looked at her in fear, and her pale face made people feel as if she would faint in the next second.

The next second, she rolled her eyes, her whole body trembled like chaff for a moment, and her temperament suddenly changed.


"Huh?" Tamai Sanya noticed changes in this human being, which seemed to be...

...became one of his own kind?

"Are you a demon?" Lu Qingyun asked in a low voice after the transformation, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing an interesting smile.

This narrow and playful expression made Yu Jingsan think of Ye Ru subconsciously, so she became a little wary and replied:

"Can't you see? Who are you?"

"Lu Qingyun."

"No, I didn't ask for your name in your previous life." Yujing San said impatiently, "I asked for your star name!"

Lu Qingyun was silent for a moment, but Yujing San immediately noticed something was wrong:

"You're not a star general...wait a minute, look at your body. It looks like a human. Have you not optimized it?"

"Ahem." Cheng Jinyang quickly interrupted, "Her situation is very special. Didn't Ye Ru mention it to you? But she is one of ours and one of the people who needs your protection."

What Ye Ru mentioned at the beginning was that she wanted Yu Jingsan to protect "her people". As for who these people are, it has not been clearly stated.

So Cheng Jinyang tried to be mysterious and asked, "Didn't Ye Ru mention it to you?" He deliberately made Yu Jingsan think that Lu Qingyun and Ye Ru knew each other.

Tamai San is indeed "not very smart". Hearing this, he immediately lost interest in continuing to inquire and muttered:

"That guy is so full of bad ideas, why would he mention this to me? Forget it, go kill on your own, I'm here to watch you."

She found a seat nearby and sat down, and began to doze off out of boredom.

Cheng Jinyang found Wang Wanrou and discussed with her whether to stop Iron Man today and work together as a team to let Lu Qingyun get used to it.

"You are interested in her." Wang Wanrou said lazily.

"Ahem, everyone is almost at the fifth level anyway." Cheng Jinyang said with a smile, "You don't care about the health bonus in one and two nights. By the way, Wanrou, how far away are you from the fifth level now?"

"I'm already at the fifth level." Wang Wanrou said calmly.

"Ah?" Cheng Jinyang was stunned for a long time, "After the Thought Seal is promoted to the fifth level, will there be any special qualitative change effect?"

"That's a lot." Wang Wanrou said leisurely.

Cheng Jinyang:?

So you're not going to tell me, are you?

Having said that, since Miss Wang had no objection, Cheng Jinyang turned around and discussed with everyone to see if they could slow down the upgrade speed and not mow the grass tonight.

On the other side, when Li Qingwan returned home, he saw his father holding a wine glass in his hand and reading her genealogy report.

Before the age of 20, the probability of reaching the fifth grade is 100%. At its peak, it is guaranteed to be three products, with a probability of 100%.

"Oh." Li Fenghe sighed, took a sip of wine, and read it again; took another sip, turned to the first page and read it again... It wasn't until the daughter at the door coughed that he suddenly reacted.

"Daughter, are you back?" Li Fenghe raised his head.

"Well, come back and take a look." Li Qingwan said softly, "Dad, how do you feel about the new residence assigned to you?"

"Very good." Li Fenghe nodded, "The house is well-decorated and fully furnished. There is also a wine cabinet in the dining room. But there are occasional gunshots outside and it is very noisy at night."

"Refugees from the north arrive here in Jingkou every day, so the public security will be affected to a certain extent." Li Qingwan explained, "But our community belongs to the military, and the entire neighborhood outside is patrolled by the Beifu Army, so Dad, don't Worry, the gunshots are coming from far away.”

"It's okay, I'm not worried." Li Fenghe put down his wine glass and stood up with the genealogy report. "Our family members all live in the next building. What's there to worry about? By the way, I plan to frame your report. , where do you think is better?"

"Dad!" Li Qingwan couldn't hold it anymore and shouted, "Don't be stupid, what's the point of framing this thing?"

"Why can't it be framed?" Li Fenghe glared, "My daughter's talent is guaranteed to be the third grade! Do you know what the third grade means? Not to mention the entire Longxi Li family, even the entire five-surname family, that's the best!"

"Then there's no need to hang on to this! How embarrassing!"

"If you advance to the third level now, I won't give up." Li Fenghe insisted, "You haven't reached the third level yet? That's why you need to let all the guests see it!"

"A guest?"

"Look over at the corner. Today, seven or eight members of the Li clan came to visit. Your father and I haven't had a break." Li Fenghe happily walked to the wall, sorted the piles of gift boxes on the floor, and said with a smile, "Some people are still here." I gave you a gold vessel, which will be used as a dowry for you in the future."

"Uh..." Li Qingwan was finally defeated and went back to his room dejectedly.

Suddenly he remembered something again, turned around and asked:


"What's wrong?" Li Fenghe was still sorting out the gifts, putting aside the ones that could be used.

"What do you want about your son-in-law?" Li Qingwan lowered his head.

Li Fenghe raised his head in surprise, looked at his daughter for a moment, and then smiled:

"Well, as long as you like it, I only have one request..."

"What's the request?" Li Qingwan was a little nervous.

"Domestic violence is not allowed." Li Fenghe said seriously, "It's not allowed even if you agree."

Li Qingwan's originally tense expression immediately relaxed after hearing this.

"Okay." She said in a relaxed tone, "Good night, dad."

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