Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 387 Ah Zhi finally stood up (single chapter remarks)

The content of Chapter 20 of this volume was already thought out before the book started. The logic of the entire line is actually very clear:

1. Xing Yunzhi wanted to break off the engagement, but later changed her mind because of the leverage and benefits, and forced herself to live with Cheng Jinyang.

2. Cheng Jinyang agreed to do it for the Gravity Algorithm, but he definitely didn’t like her. Instead, he hated her because of the issue of breaking off the engagement and the excuse, so he screamed at her on purpose.

3. Starting from the second volume, the relationship between the two improved. Cheng Jinyang also changed his name to "Yuan Zhi", and Xing Yunzhi no longer treated him coldly, and even planned to continue to fulfill the engagement.

However, how much of this is due to feelings, and how much is due to the need for political marriage of "the Cheng and Xing families are connected by the same spirit"? Or is it the mutual bondage and emptiness of keeping secrets together?

Based on their unhappy past experiences, Xing Yunzhi felt unsure, and Cheng Jinyang felt unsure, so the two could never be honest with each other.

(For example, Chapter 43 of Volume 5 hints at Miss Ah Zhi’s worry about gains and losses; Chapter 11 of Volume 7 shows Cheng Jinyang using Tan Nan’s innate skills to forcefully smooth things over. There are many similar foreshadowings, please look for them yourself)

It wasn't until this opportunity appeared that the two sides completely understood each other's hearts.


This foreshadowing was buried in the first volume and was not revealed until the eighth volume. It is a very long emotional line.

This kind of long-term burying method is actually very unfriendly in online articles, because many readers like to engage in first impression theory.

For example, when I saw Xing Yunzhi living with Cheng Jinyang for profit, I felt disgusted by the heroine and gave up the book.

For another example, when I saw Cheng Jinyang shouting "Ah Zhi Ah Zhi", I felt that the male protagonist was very uneducated and abandoned the book.

As an author, of course I can’t tell them “get out if you don’t read it”. Even if they post something to accuse me, I can only pretend not to notice it (after all, I can’t spoil it) and defend myself dryly. A few words to take the blame away from the character.

It's not Jin Yang and Yuan Zhi who have a problem, it's me, the author, who has a problem, okay?

When I decided to write like this, I was actually mentally prepared for not being understood - someone must have abandoned the book because of this. There's nothing you can do about it, because no matter what you write, people will abandon it.

Many old readers who read the last "Cang Qing" from beginning to end disappeared when this "Girl" was opened.

So I can’t promise that I will write stories that everyone will like. I can only promise to write stories that I like.

And seeing you here, your taste happens to be the same as mine. Isn’t this the so-called fate?

Before starting this book, when designing the character design of Xing Yunzhi, I had already thought about it:

This girl is a neat person. She had to bathe three times a day, clean the room twice a day, and change the sheets every day. She wears a hat, a parasol and gloves to protect herself from dust when she goes out. She will be disgusted by dirty things and have a severe physiological reaction.

She is still a traditional eldest lady from aristocratic families. At first she even looked down on the male protagonist, thinking he was of low origin, dirty and not smart. The male protagonist also buried a thorn in his heart, which kept poking there, causing the two of them to be like two clumsy hedgehogs unable to get close to each other.

Until this girl with severe mysophobia carried the seriously injured and dying male protagonist out of hell from the filthy mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

In fact, from the very beginning, my first design for the character Xing Yunzhi was just the scene of her walking out of the bloody hell holding Cheng Jinyang.

It's a pity that I can't draw, so I can't draw it, and I can't accurately convey this picture to everyone.

At this point, some readers may think that I am forcibly whitewashing Xing Yuan Zhi, so I can’t say more. My pen power is limited, so don’t force it.

——As long as people who like Ah Zhi can continue to like Ah Zhi, that’s fine.

I made a mistake, it should be a free chapter! ()

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