Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 392 Equal Treatment

"Basically there are no serious injuries to the body, but the degree of minor injuries is surprisingly serious."

After checking Cheng Jinyang's condition, the eldest princess of Nankang was a little surprised.

For example, it is like being seriously injured, then being rescued and hospitalized until he can be discharged from the hospital and go home to rest. Cheng Jinyang does not have any serious injuries that require rescue, but of course strenuous exercise is still not allowed.

For example, you can control gravity to fly around in the air, or you can use transportation to chase monsters and escape in downtown areas, etc.

Therefore, what Xing Yunzhi said about "staying here to recuperate" does not fall into the category of "intentional deception". Of course, she must have had ulterior motives and was just using the topic as a pretext.

"Oh, why are you all standing?" Xing Yunzhi covered her mouth and smiled, assuming the posture of a hostess, "Sit down, I'll make you some breakfast."

Luling curled his lips secretly, thinking to himself, this is just a shabby stronghold, why do you make it look like a private house... Huh?

She looked around curiously and found that the area of ​​the stronghold was roughly square, consisting of an L-shaped main room and a small square bathroom.

The L-shaped main room has a bedroom (with bed and furniture) and a kitchen (with material reserves and heating appliances) at both ends. In the middle is the intelligence office area. It can be said that although it is small, it has all the necessary equipment. It can be used for ten and a half months. question.

So Luling began to think again: Suppose that the beautiful princess was seriously injured on the battlefield and was saved by a handsome man.

In order to avoid the pursuit of monsters outside, he spent some time recovering from his injuries in this secret stronghold deep underground. During this period, he had many embarrassing but sweet little plots with him...

Just when I was thinking of the most romantic place, I suddenly heard Cheng Jinyang ask:

"Sister Xinnan, how is the situation outside now?"

"It's very bad." The eldest princess of Nankang sighed. "There are basically puppets in the southern urban area. The infection has entered the outbreak stage. Jiankang City... may have to be abandoned."

So Luling felt a little depressed again.

Both princesses grew up in Jiankang. Now that they have to give up Jiankang and move elsewhere, they feel helpless and melancholy.

As the highest combat power on the technological side, even the big monsters can fight fiercely without falling behind, but they are helpless against low-level monsters like puppets that use the power of infecting humans to "spread and replicate" at an exponential rate, which makes them feel unspeakable. of powerlessness and despair.

Cheng Jinyang didn't feel anything at all. Anyway, this is not the first time that our country of Jin has moved its capital. The fact that people are still alive is more important than anything else.

After continuing to chat with the two princesses for about ten minutes, Cheng Jinyang realized that the reason why they stayed in Jiankang was, on the one hand, to create the illusion that the Queen Mother was still in Taicheng and to lure the rebels to stay here; on the other hand, it was also for Jiankang. The citizens of Kang fled to Lin'an for refuge, and the military towns of all parties prepared for the king to gain time.

Of course, they were chosen because they were the only ones qualified for the task.

Among the current third-level combat forces in Jiankang City, Chief Lu is disabled with a broken leg, Chief Zheng is unconscious, Chief Cui is a strategic-level suicide weapon (for scientific research only), and Chief Wang’s ability is effective against big demons and clones. Only Li Xuansheng, the head of the Li clan, stayed in Jiankang and was responsible for commanding the Shenwu and Yulin armies to resist.

In addition to the organized army, there are only two princesses and Li Xuansheng in the court who can fight against the big demon. This time Cheng Jinyang overestimated his ability and joined in, and was almost beaten to death, which is the best example of the above.

Hearing how Cheng Jinyang hid in the underground net at the critical moment, avoiding the fatal terrorist attack of the big demon, and how Xing Yunzhi was rescued in time... Nankang was obviously relieved again, and judging from his expression, he still seemed to be frightened; Luling felt a little guilty and lucky.

Xing Yuanzhi brought breakfast: porridge with scallops and dried fish, and a few crispy dehydrated fried dough sticks.

Everyone was eating around the dining table, and gradually the atmosphere became a little weird.

Both Nankang and Luling eat very slowly. For them, chewing is not so much to facilitate digestion, but to allow the taste receptors to collect more data... The food decomposition furnace works much more efficiently than the stomach, and even when they are not fighting, they generally do not Replace it with cloned organs.

Cheng Jinyang also ate slowly, mainly because there were too many and complicated things to consider, so he had no time to taste the food.

Now that the princess sister has been confirmed to be fine, and it is not that "the court failed to rescue her" or "was abandoned as bait", but took the initiative to stay in the city to buy time, then the purpose of this trip has been achieved, and it is time to run away On the way.

Of course, he said before that he would help people in the capital escape, and work in this area will continue even after he leaves.

To be honest, although the first priority is to help senior talents such as engineers, for Jingkou and Beifu Army, doing so will still do more harm than good.

Because today’s Jingkou Town lacks everything except people. The continuous flow of refugees from the north has lowered the per capita resource ownership of Jingkou Town to an extremely dangerous level, and also poses a great threat to public security and order.

Cheng Jinyang's decision to also rescue Jiankang people will undoubtedly greatly increase the burden on Jingkou in the short term.

As for the long term, as long as production activities and industrial chains are established in Jingkou, the presence of senior talents will naturally turn from losses to gains.

Even on average, civilian talents selected through full competition are much more valuable than non-combat talents from aristocratic families...

He used chopsticks to pick out the dried fish from the porridge, put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly. He was seriously thinking about the subsequent government affairs planning in his mind, but he did not realize that Xing Yuanzhi and the princess sister had already finished breakfast and started chatting seemingly harmoniously. .

"Yuan Zhi." The princess sister said with a smile, "Now you have become one of the de facto people in power in the Xing family in Hejian. I wonder if you plan to continue to fulfill the engagement made by your fathers back then?"

"That's natural." Xing Yunzhi showed a gentle smile and looked at the absent-minded Cheng Jinyang beside her. "When the war is over, we will get married in Jingkou."

"That's it." Princess Nankang nodded without showing any strange expression, which made Xing Yunzhi secretly vigilant.

After all, in the old house in Wujiang Town, when the princess sister mentioned the engagement between the two, she made no secret of her opposition and malice towards the matter.

The princess sister knew the subtle changes in Xing Yunzhi's expression and smiled without saying a word.

The reason why she objected to their marriage at first was because she saw that Xing Yunzhi had no feelings for Cheng Jinyang, and it was more like she was with him because of some conspiracy.

However, this time, Xing Yunzhi was not afraid of risking her life and rescued Cheng Jinyang, who was almost dead, from the underground at the scene of the big demon battle, which proved that she did have true feelings for Cheng Jinyang.

The princess sister asked herself that she was not a jealous woman. Since Xing Yunzhi can treat my Jinyang family with sincerity, she is also willing to reciprocate and treat Xing Yunzhi with the same amount of sincerity.

Allow her to be a concubine!

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