Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 395 Don’t spread rumors if you don’t believe them

Regarding the matter of human cloning, the four great demons who were quickly accused of the crime informed the battlefield commander Su Zigao.

"You don't know anything." Su Zigao was speechless, "This human cloning technology..."

"It's the magical skill of dividing blood and shadow." Liang Ruoruo corrected him.

"Okay, this magical skill of blood shadow differentiation is a technology provided by you." Su Zigao spread his hands, "The production base is in Liyang, and you are responsible for all the core technology. Our people have learned every bit of it. No. There is a problem. What’s the point of coming to me?"

"We are not saying that there is something wrong with the magic." Liu Xiang said patiently, "When you are born with flesh and blood, you are innocent and ignorant. There is definitely no problem innately. As for whether it will be contaminated by the outside world and invaded by inner demons, we don't know. "

"Do you suspect that it is a psychic power?" Su Zigao frowned and thought, "There are not many families with psychic powers that can achieve 'large range', 'secret' and 'remote' control at the same time, that is, the Taiyuan Wang family's thoughts It’s just the Gangyin family.”

"However, as you have said, the minds of these clones are simple and naive, and it is inherently difficult for them to distort their minds. To say the least, if the Wang family of Taiyuan has found a corresponding method to crack these clones, then This time will definitely be used to make the clone troops defect in droves and counterattack, so how can you and I stay here and chat in peace?"

"Su Zigao, we are just reminding you that there is a problem with these troops under your command!" Qi Shu sneered, "Anyway, I have completed the purpose of this trip. What you do here has nothing to do with us, let's go!"

The four big demons turned and left, but Su Zigao stared at their backs and disappeared at the camp gate. Only then did the unruly color on his face disappear, and he waved to the deputy general:

"Is everything under control?"

"The 136 people who were watching were all arrested."

"Yes." Su Zigao said seriously, "First interrogate and investigate thoroughly, then clean them all and give me a report."

"What about the remaining clones who are not present..." the deputy general asked hesitantly.

Kill all the clones involved at the scene before they fall to the ground as a precaution. Anyway, they are tools and they don’t feel bad.

But it is not necessary to implicate all the clone troops for this. After all, there is no clear evidence that there is something wrong with them, and there is no sign that the Taiyuan Wang family is causing trouble among them.

After careful consideration, Su Zigao ordered the deputy general to have these clone troops attack as soon as possible, complete the exchange with the imperial court in advance, and at the same time have Liyang produce a batch of brand new, safer troops as soon as possible and send them over.


"The Liyang Army launched a strong attack."

Luling returned to the stronghold from outside and told everyone: "The battlefield front has moved forward and is approaching the Qinhuai River. It will not be safe here soon. It is better to retreat quickly."

"Yes." So Xing Yunzhi carried Cheng Jinyang on his back, lost weight, and left the stronghold with the two princesses.

Walking along the underground network passage, the eldest princess of Nankang felt a little worried.

No matter how strong my fighting power is, I can't accurately find and kill all the puppets hidden in this city. Giving up on southern Jiankang seems to have become a foregone conclusion.

Somehow, I suddenly remembered what Xie Guyan said to me before leaving when I saw Xie Guyan recently:

"Go find Jinyang."

"Jinyang." She asked hesitantly, "Do you know how to transform a large number of demons into humans?"

"Ah?" Cheng Jinyang was stunned for a moment, "What?"

"That's it..." Nan Kang didn't know how to explain, "Is there any way to reproduce your mother's model in large quantities?"

Cheng Jinyang immediately understood that the princess sister was asking if there was any way to transform demons, including puppets, into humans again just like how her mother transformed into humans.

Then his body shook violently.

"What's wrong?" Xing Yunzhi asked.

"It's nothing." Cheng Jinyang laughed dryly, "Sister Xinnan, I don't know, my mother never told me about this."

"Really?" Nankang was a little disappointed.

But the teacher clearly asked me to find Jinyang. Didn’t he already give all her research materials to Jinyang?

Why does he seem to know nothing now?

Evacuating to the north along the underground network pipes, we encountered many groups of puppets along the way, all of which had apparently invaded from the outside through damaged areas or ground facilities.

Because the noise of the weapon firing was too loud, Xing Yunzhi directly used the mass effect power to brutally kill these puppets with a large-scale attack, leaving blood and mess everywhere.

"If Qingqing were here, I would definitely become a close friend with you." Cheng Jinyang said with a smile on his back.

Based on what happened yesterday, he had already guessed that Ah Zhi's abnormal mysophobia was completely cured.

"Jinyang." Xing Yunzhi smiled softly, "Do you think I'm violent and rude, or am I bloody and barbaric?"

The sweat on Cheng Jinyang's back immediately started flowing down.

"Haha, it's quite acceptable to compare a woman with another woman in front of her." Lu Ling complained from the side.

"He was just joking, there is no need to take it seriously." Nan Kang tried to smooth things over.

"Sister, you know how to protect him!" Luling was filled with grief and anger.

Once Jinyang is involved, you will fight me if I complain!

"I didn't take it seriously, I just deliberately scared him." Seeing the princess sister speaking out to defend him, Xing Yunzhi certainly would not let the other party step on her to gain her fiancé's favorability so easily, and said with a smile, "After all, Jinyang is talking more and more. What should I do if I don’t give you a good education and step on your nose and face after marriage?”

She deliberately pronounced the word "after marriage" with emphasis.

The eldest princess of Nankang couldn't tell what was going on and said with a smile:

"Really? I think a husband shouldn't force him too hard, otherwise he will easily become intolerable and end up being seduced away, right?"

"He dares!" Xing Yunzhi gritted her teeth and twisted Cheng Jinyang's leg hard to vent her anger.

Cheng Jinyang: (_)

I don’t know what to say. Now that I think about it, can I walk on my own?

Although the light in the tunnel was dim, Luling's prosthetic eyes had no problem with night vision. Seeing Xing Yunzhi's secretive movements just now, she turned her eyes slyly and figured it out:

"Jinyang, you want to marry Yuan Zhi this time when you go back. What will the other girls around you do?"

"What should I do?" Cheng Jinyang pretended not to understand what she was asking.

"It's those young ladies from aristocratic families who love you." Luling said with a smile.

Feeling Xing Yunzhi's movements stiffen, Cheng Jinyang's heart trembled, and he laughed and said:

"What did His Highness say? Who is in love with me? Why didn't I know? On the contrary, everyone knows that I am engaged to Yuan Zhi, so they are very polite in their dealings with me. I don't know that Your Highness has never known Where did you hear these rumors, but Your Highness, you are a person of honor and words, so please be more careful in this regard and do not believe or spread rumors, so as not to damage the innocence of this young lady."

Lu Ling almost vomited blood when he heard this: You are a spoiled man who has kept a bunch of eldest ladies and deceived my sister's heart. Why do you keep asking me to respect myself? Can you write the word "innocent"? Are you qualified to write?

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