Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 397 He Zong and Lian Heng

"Don't think that Jinyang belongs to you alone!" Cui Jinqi said angrily.

"When did I say that? And even if I didn't say it, there is an engagement here, why doesn't he count as mine?" Xing Yunzhi dismissed it.

"As long as he is not married, he is not yours." Cui Jinqi said seriously, "What's more, even if we are married, it doesn't mean you can lock him up."

"I said I didn't lock him up!" Xing Yunzhi said impatiently, "He was seriously injured at the time. Didn't you all know that when you were connected? Isn't it normal to recuperate nearby?"

"According to your theory, if I trick Jinyang into visiting my house, and then squeeze him every day until he can't get out of bed the next day, doesn't that count as detaining him?" Qingqing couldn't help complaining.

All the girls blushed immediately, and even Zheng Qiupei, who had always been good-tempered, couldn't help shouting:

"Qingqing! Be reserved! Be reserved!"

"I don't think it counts." Cheng Jinyang, who was tied to the bed, said, "You are willing to let me do it, how can it be called detention?"

"Shut up, I didn't ask you." Qingqing pushed him back roughly, and Miss Wang, who was still looking in the mirror, raised her thigh and suppressed Cheng Jinyang who was rolling over.

"Qingqing is right." Cui Xiaoniang said angrily, "It's understandable to recuperate, but the question is why didn't you bring him back to recuperate? He didn't answer the phone or reply to messages outside. Who knows whether he is recuperating or not? Being trained by you?"

"I feel like I don't have the obligation to report to you, right?" Xing Yunzhi crossed her arms and looked at her coldly.

"You don't have to tell me, but you can't stop Jinyang from telling me, right?" Cui Jinqi responded tit-for-tat without giving in.

"Or are you going to claim that Jinyang couldn't make a phone call at that time?" Qingqing added fuel to the fire, trying to block Xing Yunzhi's other excuses.

"I also think that given the situation at that time, Jinyang should at least be reported to have returned safely." Li Qingwan next to him suddenly said, "Otherwise everyone would really be worried."

Xing Yunzhi looked ugly, Zheng Qiupei quickly smoothed things over and said:

"Forget it, maybe Yuan Zhi forgot, just pay more attention next time."

"I hope there will be a next time!" Cui Jinqi jumped in anger.

"If I can't come up with a convincing Zichou Yinmao this time, I won't be sure who will imprison him next time." Girl Qingqing also looked unkind and threatened, "Only you are allowed to be the first grader of junior high school, and no one else is allowed. Do fifteen?”

"Actually, I think." Lu Qingyun, who had been silent until now, finally said, "If you are so worried about him, why can't you agree on co-management?"

Cheng Jinyang:! ! !

He suddenly realized that he was in a bad situation and began to twist wildly on the bed. Miss Wang, who was made uncomfortable, impatiently raised her leg and hit him.

"Co-management is not impossible." Cui Xiaoniang said thoughtfully.

"Keep him under close guard." Qingqing narrowed her eyes and agreed.

"Well, we really can't let him run around." Xing Yunzhi couldn't help but feel frightened when she thought about how he suddenly flew to the south to save the princess sister, but ended up losing half his life.

If I hadn't quietly followed him and carried him back, he might have become the puppet's ration!

"I protest!" Cheng Jinyang, whose head emerged from under Miss Wang's legs, shouted with all his strength, "I am the commander of Jingkou Town and the commander of the Beifu Army. You cannot unite to imprison me!"

"Even if Jinyang you don't take charge of the work outside, it doesn't seem to matter." Xing Yunzhi said thoughtfully, "Don't you already have a mature shogunate team?"

"Although the shogunate team works efficiently, there must be someone who can make decisions." Cheng Jinyang said seriously, "A country cannot be without a king for a day, and an army cannot be without generals for a day. For example, Wang Changshi and Chief Xie appeared. We have differences of opinion and are refusing to give in, so who should we listen to?”

"Listen to me." Wang Wanrou said, pressing her calf on his back.

Cheng Jinyang:? ? ?

"Indeed." Cui Xiaoniang came to the bed and knelt down, looked at him and said with a smile, "Jinyang, you can rest assured that Miss Wang, who is extremely intelligent, will help you with your work, right?"

"No, no, no." Cheng Jinyang shook his head quickly, "Decision-making is on the one hand, the personal charisma of a leader, and the morale boost for the entire shogunate and the Beifu Army are on the other. If I don't come forward for a long time, the army will definitely suspect me of being involved. What happened..."

"Then let you meet people outside regularly." Chu Qingqing said seriously, "Of course, I am referring to the video conference. For the rest of the time, you should stay with us in the Governor's Mansion and don't go around outside. Ran away."

"Don't make me sound like a heartless husband who stays out all night." Cheng Jinyang said helplessly, "I don't go out to play around, it's all for legitimate reasons, okay? For example, this time, if I hadn't gone to Jiankang City to help , the princess sister is in danger, okay?"

"Jinyang." Xing Yunzhi said worriedly, "Originally, everyone was very happy to be promoted to the fifth level. But after this battle, we realized that the fifth level in this world is far from reaching the point where we can run rampant. If a big demon comes out at random, it can easily kill us."

"So you better not go out and just stay at home and level up with us, okay? When we all reach level three, it will be too late to go out and save the world."

This statement sounds a bit like "Shilipo Sword God".

You must know that the dream bloodline bonus is now 10,000 horses per night, and the third-level threshold is 100 million horses. Doesn't this mean that Ah Zhi can only go out after thirty years?

A man has been slaying demons in his dream for thirty years, and when he is over fifty years old, how can he still fight for the world and open a harem?

What nonsense!

Since you want to join forces to deal with me, I will first use the strategy of alliance to break up your fragile alliance!

"Yuan Zhi." Cheng Jinyang chuckled, "At the current speed, it will take about thirty years to reach the third level."

"You and I are engaged, so I'm not afraid, but they have no say in the clan. How could the family let them stay single and unmarried for thirty years?"

As soon as these words came out, Cui Xiaoniang woke up from a dream and immediately started shouting:

"That's right! It's one thing to keep Jin Yang under guard, but it's not necessary to lock him up in the Admiral's Mansion!"

Locked up = everyone is watching = unable to escape = when the time is up, Xing Yunzhi will naturally win, and Cui Jinqi has completely woken up at this time.

Her situation is different from that of Xing Yunzhi. The other party is almost unanimous in the clan, but she does not have the same say in the Qinghe Cui clan. As long as Ah Zhi delays time, she will definitely be dragged out by her own clan first!

Therefore, the strategy Cui Xiaoniang should adopt at this time is not to prevent others from escaping, but to try every possible means to escape herself!

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