Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 401 Infinite Blue Bars

After returning from the exchange with Yu Jingsan, Wang Wanrou always had a mysterious smile on her face, which made everyone instinctively feel scared.

Tamai San had a bad face the whole time, as if everyone present owed her millions.

Mora, who was restrained in the air, was still successfully executed cleanly in the end, instead of the torture package that everyone had scared her into - after all, no one was a pervert.

Or even if there is something wrong with one or two girls, it will not be exposed in public.

After killing the first Mara, it didn't take long for two Mara to appear, flanking him from the left and right.

This time, Yujing San neither took action nor spoke. He just had an iceberg poker face, as if he didn't know these two demons at all.

But Cheng Jinyang guessed from the subtle look in her eyes that she knew both enemies, but she just didn't want everyone to know.

As Tamai San said before, puppets are inferior creatures with no self-awareness at all. Monsters and ghosts are relatively better, closer to intelligent beasts.

Only when you reach the level of Mara can you have normal IQ and personality.

However, even though Yujing said these three words, everyone also vaguely noticed that the brains of the demons seemed not to be very good, and they were probably equivalent to humans with relatively low IQs...

Therefore, with a few simple and effective supernatural tactics, the enemies in the second round were successfully killed. Although there is no bloodline detector around, according to Miss Wang's real-time analysis, the death of each Mo Luo probably provided about 200 horses.

According to Tamai San, this is because the world has restrictions on the escape of blood energy, so that the absorption of the Killing Demon cannot exceed 500 horses.

If the restrictions are relaxed, the absorption value will increase to 1%, which depends on the blood concentration of the target itself... So everyone next needs to verify Tamai San's statement and see if they can find a new one. Upgrade plan.

"In the third round, we are going to send someone to die." Back in the safe house, Wang Wanrou suddenly said, "The purpose is to test the death penalty under the current mechanism."

"No need to test." Yu Jingsan interrupted and said, "I told you: You are almost all fifth-grade people now, and the total blood energy is more than one million horses, and the blood energy of fifth-grade people will not escape more than 500 horses. So for For you, death has little perceptible loss.”

"We need to take a test." Wang Wanrou did not refute her, but simply said, "Who is coming?"

"I'm the main force in the next battle, so why don't you go and die?" Seeing her eyes falling on him, Cheng Jinyang said quickly.

"I can help you resurrect." Wang Wanrou said calmly.

Xing Yunzhi suddenly noticed that when she heard "resurrection", Yu Jingsan curled her lips secretly behind her without showing any surprise.

Seeing that Cheng Jinyang was embarrassed and silent, Wang Wanrou turned around and said:

"Since Jinyang is unwilling to accept it, then Cui Jinqi, you can come."

Cui Jinqi:? ? ?

"Your superpower self-destructs, just enough to kill the four demons together." Wang Wanrou said leisurely.

"But I don't want to die either!" Cui Jinqi cried sadly, "I'm afraid of pain."

"How about I come?" Li Qingwan volunteered.

"Okay." Wang Wanrou said nonchalantly.

So Li Qingwan went out.

About ten minutes later, the door of the safe house was knocked again from outside.

Everyone went to open the door and saw Teacher Li standing outside the door. One arm was gone and half a bone spur protruded from the elbow of the other arm. The legs were twisted unnaturally, the left half of the abdomen was also shattered, exposing the still squirming organs, and half of the face was torn off, revealing a skull full of cracks.

"I'm sorry." Seeing that everyone was completely stunned, Teacher Li said apologetically, "I got a little carried away just now and accidentally killed all four Maras. Well, so should I commit suicide now, or what should I do?"

Zheng Qiupei hurried over to bandage her, but Li Qingwan politely refused.

If she really wanted to recover from her injuries, she could just activate her powers. She should have deliberately maintained the serious injury at this time. As for why we do this, let’s not mention it for now, everyone understands it.

Although Teacher Li repeatedly said no, Sister Xiaopei was uncharacteristically tough this time and had to use bandages to wrap all her bloody wounds, and carefully straightened the fractured and deformed limbs, which made Li Qingwan exposed in pain. With a very sour expression, he gasped and said:

"Forget it, Sister Xiaopei, it's better to just die and resurrect later... Hiss! Well, if you want to bandage it, just bandage it..."

"In that case." Wang Wanrou looked at her injuries, and then said, "Then it's probably the demon god's turn next. You go and test the opponent's quality for us."

"Well, okay." Li Qingwan nodded and said.

She suddenly stood up straight, and there was a crackling sound of bones all over her body.

Then the body will grow well.

Li Qingwan went out again, and Lu Qingyun couldn't help but ask:

"Wanrou, are you going to die lightly this time, or are you going to try your best to test the opponent's strength?"

"Both." Wang Wanrou replied.

"What does it mean?" Lu Qingyun couldn't understand.

"If the other party is very strong, then in the process of dying, you will test the other party's strength." Chu Qingqing answered for Miss Wang.

"What if the opponent is weak?" Lu Qingyun asked again.

"Just like what we did just now," Cui Xiaoniang said, "kill the opponent directly and then come back and commit suicide."

Lu Qingyun:…………

Okay, I just didn't get it right.

"How's it going, Xiao Yunyun?" said the voice in his head, "Feeling that you can't keep up with the team's ideas?"

"Shut up!" Lu Qingyun shouted irritably.

The safe house was set up on the sixth floor of a residential building. Everyone looked down from the balcony. Li Qingwan was standing on the square in the center of the community, and he could be completely overlooked by the balcony.

At this time, although her whole body was covered with bandages, the wounds below had long since healed and the fractures had fully recovered, making her no different from her prime.

It's just that this is the first time that everyone has fought against an enemy at the level of a demon god, so they don't have any confidence in their hearts, and their expressions have become solemn.

"No need to guess." Yujing San showed a gloating expression, "The demon god is not an enemy you can defeat at this stage."

"Is there any difference in fighting styles between demon gods and demons?" Cheng Jinyang asked seriously, "Aside from bloodline level and physical fitness?"

"The most powerful thing about demon gods is that they can use magic." After probably having already communicated with Wang Wanrou, Tamai San stopped being secretive and simply told the whole story directly, "Use a language that you humans can understand. , similar to your superpowers."

"But the use of magic by demon gods is far beyond the crude use of supernatural powers by you humans." She squinted at Miss Wang, "I heard that you humans need to cooperate when using supernatural powers. Algorithm? Still need to calculate?"

"Yes." Cui Xiaoniang asked in confusion, "What else?"

"Haha." Yujing San sneered, "The giant bear slaps, the tiger bites, do the ferocious beasts need to calculate when they launch attacks? The so-called algorithm is just because you can't understand the nature of the superpower, so you have to change it. Just abstract it into something that can be understood.”

"However, for the demon god, using magic is as natural as moving his hands and feet, and it is a memory engraved in the soul. Just like two people fighting hand-to-hand with bare hands, one of them has reached the martial arts realm of 'hands first', and the other is still Being in a disabled state where you have to give the command to your arm to say 'uppercut', so that the arm will move accordingly... Is there any suspense in such a battle?"

"Is it so exaggerated?" Cheng Jinyang thought to himself. According to your description, magic is just a superpower that does not require calculation.

You must know that the effect of superpowers depends largely on calculation power, and human calculation power is limited, which means that calculation power is similar to the blue bar of a superpower user.

And according to Miss Yujing's opinion, the demon god is the Master with unlimited blue strips... That's already cheating, how can we beat him? !

"Everyone be quiet!" Wang Wanrou suddenly said, "The demon god is here!"

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