Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 403 Sword Array Falling from the Sky

If purely based on the grade theory, Miss Yujing's strength is already at the limit of the fourth grade.

Before everyone was at level 5, they couldn't even defeat the level 4 Yujing. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to defeat the third-grade demon god.

However, as Yang Wangshu said, if the existence of Wujiang Town is to select candidates with sufficient fighting ability, then it is unlikely to exclude everyone.

Setting "defeat the demon god" as the passing criterion for fifth-level demons is really outrageous.

Cheng Jinyang retreated sharply, and the metal turned into a big mechanical hand to grab the demon god. Flames shot up at the opponent's feet and disappeared in an instant.

This time he saw clearly that the other party teleported through flames.

Cheng Jinyang quickly scanned the front, and the high-voltage electricity quickly accumulated and bombarded the rear in a wide range.

Sure enough, judging from the feeling of changes in the electric field, the opponent appeared behind him in the 5 o'clock direction, and was hit by high-voltage electricity!

A piece of metal was quickly condensed in front of him for a foothold. As Cheng Jinyang stepped on it, he controlled the mental shock to bombard the metal surface from the front and back.

This is also an optimized version of the displacement caused by mental shock: in the past, direct bombardment on the body could easily cause serious injuries. Therefore, with the help of metal to form a force-removing buffer and the use of mass effect to reduce its own weight, the instantaneous acceleration can be safely increased.

Approaching the opponent at an astonishing high speed, Miss Wang's instructions rang in his mind, and Cheng Jinyang dunked over with another mass gain, and a thousand times gravity came down from the top, pressing the opponent firmly to the ground.

Nearly a hundred flying swords condensed in the sky at the same time, and then dug into the hole to suck the target, sucking and shooting the surrounding flying swords together, with an astonishing momentum.

"That's enough." The other party stood up staggeringly against a thousand times gravity and said.

The surrounding flying swords that were fired at her instantly melted into golden water in the surrounding high temperature before they could reach her.

"You passed the test." The demon god stood up, snapped his fingers again, and pulled out a light door.

Cheng Jinyang:?

"So the content of the test is..." he asked uncertainly.

"Whether it's a sneak attack or any trick, as long as I can be hit briefly." The demon god replied, "Passing through the light gate, the target assigned to you is random, and of course there may also be enemies at the level of a great demon. Therefore, if you don’t have effective means to fight against the demon god, I can’t let you go.”

"Really?" Cheng Jinyang said tentatively, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The demon god replied.

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Demon God:………………

"Hurry up and talk to her!" Wang Wanrou urged, "Ask her who she is!"

"Aren't you going into the light door?" The demon god raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Uh." Cheng Jinyang could only bite the bullet and lie, "It's rare for me to meet a demon god, and I want to know more about...well, you."

"Me? I have nothing to say." The demon god made a suspicious sneer. "I am a dead demon god. Because the queue for resurrection is too long, I have nothing to do, so I am amusing myself in this ghost gate to pass the time."

"Really?" Cheng Jinyang deliberately procrastinated, "What do you call me, senior?"

"After death, the stars are gone." The demon god was silent for a moment, "Call me Cai Zhaoqin."

I don’t know if the name is a real name or a pseudonym, but since the other party told me the name, it shows that he is willing to communicate, so Cheng Jinyang regained his energy and was about to continue asking some questions when he heard Cai Zhaoqin urging:

"The light door is about to close, can you still get in?"

"You can come in." Cheng Jinyang pointed behind him, "I still have some companions..."

"No." Cai Zhaoqin refused, "Only those who have challenged me head-on and received my approval can enter this light gate."

"Okay." Cheng Jinyang had no choice but to discuss it with the girls in his mind for a while, then went into the light door alone.

In the safe house, Wang Wanrou stood up and asked Yujing:

"Let's go down and talk to her."

"Go down?" Yu Jingsan immediately looked like he was facing a formidable enemy. "Do you know who the demon god is down there? I have a bad feeling."

"No matter who it is, according to the rules here, she will not attack others casually except challengers." Wang Wanrou said.

"How do you know..." Yu Jingsan still didn't believe it.

"She has already said it just now." Wang Wanrou said helplessly.


After passing through the light door, Cheng Jinyang came to a strange place.

It should be a metropolis, but it is not the ruins of Songjiang. The architectural style and municipal greening style are slightly different.

Looking at the street signs around me, I can't tell what city it is... huh?

He suddenly noticed something was wrong around him. First, the force of gravity flew up the wall, and then the electromagnetic wave detection was turned on.

Good guy, it turns out that the empty street below is actually densely packed with ghosts?

This kind of optically invisible demon has never been killed in a long time. I remember that the blood concentration bonus of a single one seems to be one horse.

Thinking of this, Cheng Jinyang felt a little itchy.

If we just rely on it here and mow 100,000 of them, won’t we start with 100,000 horses overnight?

Arrive directly at the fourth level in three months!

"Don't be stupid." Miss Wang said in her mind, "Kill the target quickly and come back!"

Thinking that the girls were still over there in Wujiang Town, Cheng Jinyang was embarrassed to be eating alone here, so the fifth-level electromagnetic wave detection spread out and quickly searched for traces of the target.

The location of the light portal transmission was not far from the other party, about two streets away. The other party seemed to be in the middle of a nearby open square, frantically killing the surrounding ghosts.

Well, judging from the fighting method, it should be Mara. Judging from the speed and strength, it is far inferior to Tamai San's flat-chested monster, so it should be about level five.

So Cheng Jinyang directly rolled up a large amount of metal around him, and then rose into the sky, preparing to snipe the guy who was spawning monsters.

After all, this time the enemy is in the open and we are in the dark, so we must launch a righteous sneak attack.

The altitude climbed to nearly a thousand meters. When Cheng Jinyang looked down at the target, it was just a small dot.

The electromagnetic wave locks the opponent's position, and then condenses the surrounding metal into countless flying swords, increasing the mass and weight to the maximum.

Gravity. Triple string!

With an acceleration distance of nearly a thousand meters, the flying sword has been pulled to a speed of more than 100 meters per second. Coupled with the weight gain caused by the mass effect, the kinetic energy has reached an extremely terrifying level.

A huge plume of smoke rose into the sky, and within the range of electromagnetic wave detection, the target had lost the ability to move.

So Cheng Jinyang landed carefully again and saw that the entire square was covered with flying swords. Whether they were ghosts or the Moluo who was mowing the grass, they all had their bodies lying on the street.

Surrounding the dense sword formation, there was almost solid blood surrounding the body of Namo Luo.

Cheng Jinyang went over to touch the blood and quickly absorbed it all.

Well, how much did you absorb?

Anyway, there must be more than a few hundred horses. Go back and show Miss Wang.

Cheng Jinyang turned around and saw the light door being pulled out again.

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