"The moment you pass through the light gate, the restrictions related to the interaction of blood and energy are lifted."

"But the essence is not to lift some restrictions, but to call a new interface."

"After killing the target, the dissipation value of blood gas is around 1.25%, and the absorption value is around 0.89%. There is no clear coefficient related to it, but the order of magnitude is in line with previous estimates."

"If the target is not killed after passing through the light gate, the restriction will be lifted in about 15 minutes. In other words, the new interface will only be effective within 15 minutes."

"Tamaizo calls this interface a 'gift'. What the hell? This is obviously automated."

"It is estimated that through this method, the efficiency of absorbing blood can be increased to about 200,000 horses per night... This is based on the premise that two-fifths of the targets cannot be killed. In the future, as the strength increases and the success rate of killing increases, , the absorption efficiency of blood gas will also increase, but I doubt whether there is a positive correlation between the two."

"No one can master dual-tasking in the demonized state, which seriously affects the success rate of killing. Sometimes it makes me wonder if I am teaching a group of monkeys. Is it that difficult?"

"Hopefully today isn't a boring day."

Wang Wanrou slowly opened her eyes after mentally writing the experience of last night's dream into a "diary entry".

The early morning light shone in from outside the window.

Except for Yang Wangshu who was still sleeping soundly in the bedroom, Cheng Jinyang and the other girls had already left.

She stood up slowly, changed her clothes, and then went out, checking the time.

At this time, Cheng Jinyang should probably be at work. Although being an admiral of integrity requires you to take care of everything every day, in reality, the shogunate will still be running without him. The so-called "work" is just a way to show your power. It's really boring.

"Good morning Wanrou." The girl Qingqing who ran towards her greeted her enthusiastically.

Half an hour after breakfast every morning, Chu Qingqing used to go for a morning jog in the Admiral's Mansion, and then do another lap around the Admiral's Mansion.

Different from Li Qingwan's training purpose, this girl plays sports purely out of hobby, which is the so-called "hot-blooded idiot" type.

Miss Wang didn't understand what pleasure there was in destroying the body like this, but of course she knew not to try to take on the idiot's mind, so she just looked at her without saying a word.

"Phew, it feels so good." Chu Qingqing wiped the sweat from her forehead, then picked up the water bottle and took a few sips, smiling, "The weather is very good today, Jin Qi said they are going shopping later, will you go? "

"I won't go." Wang Wanrou said concisely.

"Forget it, I have already invited you anyway." Miss Qingqing said with a smile without any surprise.

Shopping is the act of enjoying oneself through consumption, and most of the time is spent buying clothes.

However, Miss Wang can confirm that no clothes can better bring out her beauty, because her beauty has reached the limit of this world.

Since everything looks good on you, there is no need to be selective.

After going to the study to get a few books, Wang Wanrou returned to the bedroom. Cui Jinqi, who was already ambushing there, jumped out and hugged her thigh.

"Woo woo woo, Wanrou, just go with me, go with me!"

"If you don't want to go, get out!" Wang Wanrou pushed him away impatiently.

However, Cui Xiaoniang knew that while Miss Wang had a bad attitude on the outside, she was not necessarily in a bad mood on the inside, so she shamelessly got involved with her:

"Wanrou, you're the best, just come with me. I saw a skirt that suits you very well in the store yesterday..."

"How can there be a dress in this world that is worthy of me?" Miss Wang was puzzled.

Half an hour later.

…So why did I come here?

The indifferent Miss Wang was dragged forward by the smiling Cui Xiaoniang. She was accompanied by Xing Yunzhi, Chu Qingqing, Li Qingwan, Zheng Qiupei and Lu Qingyun. The seven little fairies were chatting and shopping hand in hand, just like sisters. generally.

Originally, they wanted to take Xiao Wangshu out, but the masked girl held the door handle and refused to leave. She also said, "If you force me to go out, you will kill me." Everyone had no choice but to let her go.

The shopping activity was initiated by Sister Xiao Pei, with the intention of healing the relationship damage caused by several previous quarrels. Sister Xiao Pei hated to see quarrels between friends.

Therefore, she also deliberately talked to Yuan Zhi, Qing Qing, and Jin Qi along the way, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Miss Wang didn't want to understand the entanglements between these three girls. It was like three female monkeys fighting for the mating rights of the monkey king. It was too boring for her... She just concentrated on thinking about it. own things.

After that attack, Su Zigao would inevitably become suspicious of the clone troops around him. However, the troops at hand were stretched thin, so the best way was to complete the exchange with the enemy as soon as possible and urge Liyang to produce new clone troops.

This is actually a standard besieging three barriers tactic. All other roads are blocked and only traps are left. Then the other party can only step into the traps.

From the very beginning when she captured the clone prisoner and read the situation of the production line from his memory, Wang Wanrou had already seen through the fatal flaw of the Liyang Army:

The cloning production technology uses the demon's ability. For Liyang, it is a complete technical black box. It neither understands the mechanism nor can it tell whether there is a problem.

In other words, even if a psychic virus is implanted into the human cloning production line, the Liyang Army does not have the ability to detect it.

So the whole war became very simple: control the clone production line, try to make Su Zigao suspicious of the clone troops at hand, and then decided to carry out a purge in the army, and remove the problematic clone troops from Liyang. A steady stream of additions came in, and when a complete replacement was finally achieved, the control of the Liyang Army had also secretly changed hands.

The most critical thing here is how to implant the mind virus into the human cloning production line. After all, they are using the demon's flesh and blood regeneration technology. Within this technical framework, the forced use of psychic powers is incompatible. Therefore, even if Miss Wang's father is as powerful as Miss Wang, he cannot use the psychic amplifier to collectively brainwash these clone troops. .

However, as if it was a joke of fate, through in-depth analysis of the "dream resurrection mechanism", Miss Wang happened to understand some of the demon's flesh and blood regeneration technology...

"Rourou!" Zheng Qiupei's voice interrupted her thinking, "How does this dress match you?"

She held up a skirt and gestured in front of Miss Wang. The other girls looked on and kept saying boring and meaningless words such as "Wow, it matches well", "It suits Wanrou very well", "Buy, buy, buy".

Which piece of clothing doesn’t look good on me? Because I am good-looking to begin with.

Miss Wang thought about this leisurely, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

Zheng Qiupei saw her smile and immediately bought the dress.

...In short, let them continue to fight stupidly until Jingkou has digested the dividends of this war.

Wang Wanrou's eyes passed through the shop windows, across the bustling crowds of people on the streets, and towards the sky in the distance.

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