Wang Wanrou looked at the extremely unattractive face, raised her eyebrows slightly, and was about to turn her head to glare at Cheng Jinyang, but the eldest princess of Nankang turned sideways, blocking her sight.

"Wanrou." Sister Princess smiled, "I heard that you ate at an unauthentic noodle restaurant at noon, so I specially picked an authentic restaurant this time. Let's try it. Does it taste good?"

"This noodle..." Wang Wanrou took a bite, "It's really greasy."

"If it's greasy, scoop out the grease on the surface." The princess sister took the spoon and scooped out the soup for her without any explanation.

"Too salty." Wang Wanrou's eyelids twitched.

She deliberately made a few sarcastic remarks, but she knew that the princess sister had bad intentions this time. If she really broke out and became arrogant, she would definitely be the one to suffer.

"If it's too salty, it goes well with plain water." The princess sister went to the side to pour boiled water and brought it to her.

Cheng Jinyang watched in shock from behind.

What does it mean for a scholar to meet a soldier? I understand, I understand. It turns out that Miss Wang can be bullied like this. Write it down immediately.

Wang Wanrou's expression remained unchanged, she washed the noodles in plain water, ate half of them one by one in silence, then wiped her mouth with a napkin and said:

"I appreciate His Highness's kindness. But I don't have to worry so much next time. I will go with Jinyang to eat."

"Wanrou, you don't have to be polite." Seeing her soft appearance, the princess sister put away her threatening attitude and said, "Young girls should go out and move around more, otherwise they will lie in the room all day long. My body and bones are not good either.”

"Your Highness is right." Wang Wanrou smiled slightly.

Seeing her smiling like this, Cheng Jinyang immediately became frightened.

This means enmity!

"Ahem, let's not talk about this anymore." He quickly came out to smooth things over, "Wanrou, since you are willing to go out, why don't we go out for supper tonight?"

After walking around the underground city, everyone realized that everything here was expensive, even staple food and mushrooms were not expensive.

The reason is that staple foods and mushrooms (vitamin sources) can be produced here, but there is insufficient light in the underground agricultural base, so the taste is not good. All other meat and vegetables are imported from outside, so the taste is normal, but the price is much more expensive.

Of course, the price here is also for ordinary residents. For a proud woman like Miss Wang, she can afford it even if the price is ten times higher.

I ate greasy and inedible mushroom noodles for lunch. Someone took me to the wrong store. It was an accident.

In the barbecue restaurant, watching the princess sister put a few grilled skewers into Cheng Jinyang's bowl, Wang Wanrou narrowed her eyes slightly and said with a smile:

"Jinyang, His Highness really treats you as his own brother."

Cheng Jinyang didn't know what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd, but it was definitely not a good medicine, so he could only pretend to be dull and silent.

"Jinyang and I have actually known each other for a long time. When I was studying under the teacher, I took him under his wing for a while." The princess sister also said with a smile, "The teacher treats me with kindness, how can I not be kind to Jinyang?"

Have you known each other for a long time? Cheng Jinyang didn't care about eating and hurriedly rummaged through his original memory.

"That's it." Wang Wanrou said with a smile, "It's just too much. I feel jealous just looking at him. If His Highness gets married in the future, will the Prince Consort also be jealous of Jin Yang?"

Before the two of them could speak, she seemed to remember something again and said with a smile:

"Oh, a few days ago, Mr. Zhongshu was discussing His Highness's marriage with my father. The empire has experienced two civil wars in a row, and the situation has become strong and weak. Yu Si'ao from the Shenwu Army is about to retire and become an official. There is someone you can trust to keep you company."

When Princess Nankang said this, her expression changed, and even her mood to continue the barbecue disappeared instantly.

Among the four armies of the empire, the strongest one is Longxiang Army, followed by Shenwu, Xiaoqi again, and Feixiong last.

Since Yiguan's southern crossing, Long Xiang's army has been firmly controlled by the Wang family of Taiyuan. The Sima royal family placed many clan members into the Shenwu Army to control this army as much as possible to maintain the balance of power between the east and west.

However, most of the clan's children were middle- and low-level military officers, and it was impossible for them to be the commander-in-chief of the Shenwu Army. After all, the blood of the Sima family is also flowing. If he controls one of the four armies, how will it be different from the ancient vassal kings who had regular armies?

Although there is nothing like Li Shimin or Zhu Di in this world, everyone understands the simplest political principles. A person with a good reputation must not be allowed to have strength again, otherwise he will be pushing others to aspire to the throne.

Therefore, the top leader of the Shenwu Army has always been the emperor's most trusted minister.

Now the situation is different: the Young Emperor has ascended the throne, the Queen Mother is regent, and Zhongshu Ling is the eldest brother of the Queen Mother. The successor to the Shenwu Army position is not so much "the emperor can be trusted", but rather "the Yu family can be trusted".

However, Yu Yuangui's plans went further. After Wang Chuzhong's rebellion failed, the Wang family in Taiyuan lost control of the Longxiang army and turned to Tao Shixing to temporarily control the army.

Tao Shixing was older than Yu Si'ao. As soon as the old man retired, Yu Yuangui would immediately take Long Xiang's army into his hands to ensure the deterrence of the gentry group.

In this way, it is impossible for the gentry group to let the Yu family take control of the Shenwu Army. Otherwise, you, the Yu family, are the second of the four armies of the empire, and everyone will just accept you as the emperor.

In other words, after Yu Siao retires, the Shenwu Army will face an embarrassing situation: if someone from the Yu family is placed in power, the gentry group will never accept it; if someone from the five-surname family is placed in power, the Sima clan in the army will definitely not accept it. rebel.

In other words, it is best for this candidate to be from a noble family, but the Sima clan must also feel that he is one of their own, and Yu Yuangui must reluctantly approve... So wouldn't it be enough to find a noble family member as the consort?

This is also the reason why Wang Wanrou said at this time that Yu Yuangui and Wang Maohong were discussing this matter:

Today, princess, you can’t just marry whoever you want. The position of the Prince Consort must currently be determined by compromise among the three political camps.

After about three or four minutes of silence, the princess sister thought clearly about the relationship, and the look she looked at Wang Wanrou was different from before.

"Can you influence your father's decision?" Since that's what she was talking about, she didn't bother to pretend anymore. She simply went straight to the point and asked, "How do I remember that the heir of your Taiyuan Wang family is your third brother?"

"I only need to tell my father that I want to marry Jinyang, and he won't be able to be the consort." Wang Wanrou said with a smile.

Cheng Jinyang was shocked when he heard: What, Wanrou wants to marry me?

Hahaha, Wanrou still loves me, but saying this in front of the princess sister is too embarrassing for her.

Oh, you should love each other and don't quarrel!

He was racking his brains, trying to think of some words to ease the situation, but he didn't know that the same words had completely different meanings in the ears of the princess sister.

Taiyuan Wang family, a noble girl with the fifth surname, how can she be the concubine of the prince-in-law?

If Wang Maohong really doted on his youngest daughter and was willing to intervene in decision-making for her, then whether Cheng Jinyang should be the consort or the Wang family's son-in-law would become a political struggle between the Taiyuan Wang family and the relatives' group.

Wang Wanrou, you are really a poisonous person. You actually threaten to provoke a full-scale conflict between the aristocratic family and your relatives for your own selfish desires!

Thinking of this, a cold light gradually grew in her eyes, and she said with a sneer:

"In that case, let's wait and see."

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