Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 428 The Nature of Thought Seal

After leaving the store, Miss Wang once again changed back to her original attire: shirt, trousers and cloth shoes, which made Cheng Jinyang feel disappointed.

"Wanrou." He whimpered weakly, "When can I see you again, my Wanrou..."

"Shut up! Talk nonsense all day long!" Wang Wanrou spat at him angrily.

She knew that Cheng Jinyang liked her previous outfit very much, so she deliberately called her "Wang Wanrou", but now that she had changed back, she looked like she was mourning for an heir.

However, I, Wang Wanrou, have lived my whole life. Have I ever dressed up to please others? I have to dress like that if you think it looks good. What kind of logic is this?

If you want to see my appearance again, just dream!

Just as Wang Wanrou was thinking this, she suddenly said sharply:

"take it out!"

Cheng Jinyang quickly put away the things in his hands and said with a smile:

"What? Wanrou, you are talking about..."

"Mobile phone!" Wang Wanrou said coldly, "You took a photo of me before, right?"

"Huh?" Seeing that the other party had already guessed it and couldn't deny it, Cheng Jinyang laughed and said, "I took a photo of my Wanrou, what do you do to Miss Wang?"

"Boring." Wang Wanrou came over to snatch his phone, and Cheng Jinyang quickly raised the phone high.

Wang Wanrou tried it and found that she couldn't reach it, so she stopped wasting her efforts and just looked at him coldly.

If you really want to go over and grab the phone, you can only pounce on him with enough force. She didn't mind giving benefits to the other party, but she couldn't tolerate being treated like a child.

"Oh, okay." Seeing that Miss Wang refused to be fooled, Cheng Jinyang had to give her his mobile phone, "Here, look, I deleted it."

In front of Wang Wanrou, Cheng Jinyang deleted those photos, only to hear her sneer and say:

"You kept a backup, didn't you?"

"Wanrou, you can't rely on me like this without proof!" Cheng Jinyang was shocked.

"Without a backup, how could you delete the photos without hesitation?" Wang Wanrou narrowed her eyes, "Is it because those photos of mine are not beautiful enough and make you feel bad and reluctant to part with them?"

"That's not true." Cheng Jinyang said nice words and complimented, "The real person is by my side. I can take as many photos as I want from now on. What's the pity if I delete them? You are ten thousand times more beautiful in real life than in the photos!"

Wang Wanrou choked when she heard the words, and she said after a long while:

"That's right... there's some truth to it. Can this mere optical photo taken by a camera capture one ten thousandth of my beauty?"

"Of course that's not possible." Cheng Jinyang immediately hit the snake and put it on the stick.

"Yes, that's true." Wang Wanrou stopped arguing with him.

The two of them went to the upper floor of the residential area and looked for Mrs. Luo's address among the simple buildings.

This area was once an area used to pile up excavated soil when the underground space was expanded. It was subsequently abandoned for unknown reasons, so it became a natural slum area with random and disorderly buildings everywhere, which made Cheng Jinyang feel like The feeling of "dreaming back to the days of Jingkou".

It's just that Jingkou has a small population and a small area. Therefore, although there was no professional urban planning in the early stage, the layout was not so uneven. The underground is truly "utilizing every bit of space to the extreme". In many places, the road walls extend randomly, even allowing only a single person to pass sideways.

Miss Wang was determined not to walk on such a narrow road, so Cheng Jinyang could only hold her in his arms and control gravity, allowing the two of them to fly in the low altitude to search.

Some of the poor people below were in a hurry, while others were sitting in front of the door doing nothing. Suddenly they noticed the two people flying in the air, and they immediately gathered to watch the fun.

"Get lost!" Wang Wanrou said calmly.

So the people watching the fun below quickly dispersed.

"Strange, what kind of trick is this?" Cheng Jinyang was amazed. "Wanrou, you haven't told me what new algorithms you have learned since you were promoted to the fifth level. I remember that for the thought stamp to take effect, it must be spoken by the target. Just agree?"

"It's just a small trick." Wang Wanrou was in a good mood at this time, so she explained to him, "At the low level, the target has to say the words of agreement personally. At the high level, as long as the other party has such an idea in their mind, I can use my powers to strengthen and amplify it, and I don’t have to be limited to speaking.”

"Is it so powerful?" Cheng Jinyang said in surprise after hearing this, "In other words, even if I don't say a word, I can't stop the effect of the ideological stamp?"

"There are a lot of thoughts in people's minds all the time." Wang Wanrou knew that he did not fully understand, so she continued patiently, "For example, if I ask you if you want to eat, and you agree, the idea of ​​'going to eat' is strong enough. Then my superpower will take effect directly."

"Even if you don't answer, you will still think in your mind: 'Go to eat'? Or 'Don't eat'? Then your brain will think, such as 'I'm not hungry now', such as 'I don't like this food', through these Thinking activities to strengthen the corresponding thoughts, ultimately prompting you to make a decision.”

"The ability of the thought stamp can directly strengthen the idea of ​​'wanting to eat'. Of course, you will still think, and the result may be contrary to the effect of the thought stamp. In essence, it is your willpower and my calculation power. Competition, the winning side determines your outcome - of course, most people do not have enough willpower to resist the ideological stamp."

"So that's it." Cheng Jinyang said thoughtfully, "I have heard a saying before, which is that human thinking actually depends on his own DNA composition."

"DNA?" Wang Wanrou has never heard of this word, but she can guess its meaning, "You are talking about genetic material, right? Indeed, instinct will of course affect the results of thinking. The human thinking mode is like putting instinct and reason on a scale At both ends, the stupid person has very little reason, while the smart person has enough reason to overwhelm their instincts.”

"And the ideological stamp is to ignore the ratio between instinct and reason and directly cheat and press the scale with your hands." Cheng Jinyang suddenly realized.

In fact, even if Wang Wanrou hadn't said anything, he could have guessed that when the thought seal reaches a high level, it doesn't care whether you answer or not when it takes effect.

Not to mention anything else, when Wang Chuzhong used the "Psychic Amplifier" to control Long Xiang's army, he did not make every soldier swear allegiance to him.

"Why aren't you scared now?" Wang Wanrou squinted at him, "I remember that someone was so scared to death that he had to be careful even when he spoke to me, for fear of falling into my language trap and being manipulated by my seal."

"Wanrou, my reason tells me that I should be wary of your peerless wisdom; but my instinct is that you are a good girl worthy of my unreserved trust." Cheng Jinyang said affectionately.

"Before you say this, take your hand away." Wang Wanrou grabbed his hand on her butt and coldly shook it away.

"Oh, we have been in a relationship for so many years, what else do we have to worry about?" Cheng Jinyang looked down and forcibly changed the topic and said, "Wanrou, Mrs. Luo's address doesn't even have a house number or anything like that. How can we continue to look for it like this? Aren't you looking for a needle in a haystack? Why don't I catch someone and ask."

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