Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 441: Concealing the truth

There was heavy fog on the sea, and everyone ran around the edge several times. Ye Ru calculated that it was about 20,000 square kilometers.

"Then what, smart guy?" Murong Shu asked Wang Wan about judo.

"After testing the outside, shouldn't we go inside to investigate?" Wang Wanrou asked back.

"I thought there was nothing much to say." Ye Ru said disdainfully, "To put it bluntly, we still have to go in, so what's the point of calculating the area of ​​the dense fog first?"

"How do you plan to investigate inside?" Wang Wanrou sneered, "A straight line? A diagonal line? An arc? Oh, I understand. It depends on your mood."

"You mean, use the shortest route to detect all areas of dense fog?" Su Lili asked curiously.

"What is Emperor Ziwei's investigation method?" Wang Wanrou asked, "It can't be with the naked eye, right?"

"In this heavy fog, you should choose one of three options: spiritual vision, bird peeping, or sound detection." Su Lili replied.

"What are the three methods?" Wang Wanrou said lightly.

"Well, spiritual vision is a clairvoyant detection magic that centers on oneself and ignores obstacles around the body." Su Lili introduced her in detail, "Bird Peeping is to create and release flying spirits - blue birds, through a large number of flying spirits Go and search the surrounding area like a carpet. The sound detector emits infrasound waves to conduct strafing exploration of objects in the fan-shaped area ahead..."

"What about the data?" Wang Wanrou continued to ask, "Is there any consumption for the release of the magic? What is the approximate diameter of the spiritual vision, and what is the detection frequency? Is there a duration limit? Is there an upper limit on the number of flying spirit bodies? What is the scope and principle of detection? What is the length and width of the fan-shaped area of ​​the sound detector? If it is reflection, it can only detect the outline of the reflecting surface, right?"

She asked a lot of questions, and Su Lili patiently answered them one by one.

Ye Ru and Murong Shu looked depressed, so they talked to the princess sister and asked:

"Was she like this in the human world before?"

"Yes." Sister Princess said with a smile, "In fact, on the contrary, she is still very polite to us."

"So he just has a bad attitude towards us demons." Ye Ru said thoughtfully.

"No." Cheng Jinyang denied, "It's just that she has a bad attitude towards the person she intends to communicate with. If it's someone she doesn't want to communicate with, she will be very polite and perfunctory so that the other party can end the conversation quickly."

Two people:?

"She really has a personality." Murong Shu shook his head, "I feel that if she is transformed..."

"I guess I just ignored the instinctive pollution and started as a demon god right after hatching." Ye Ru said thoughtfully.

"Please don't!" Seeing that the two of them seemed to be interested, Jiang Jiu shouted quickly, "Look at her face, if she continues to demonize her, how can we survive!"

Two people:………………

Wait, if she is as good-looking as she is now, if she gets a demonization bonus...

"Will it increase to the level of mental pollution?" Ye Ru looked at Murong Shu in shock.

Murong Shu also shuddered violently.

"Forget it." The two of them shook their heads quickly.

Although the demon is very interested in adding more compatriots, it is another matter if this compatriot is much prettier than him and has a vicious mouth.


In the thick fog, on Yingzhou Island, Emperor Ziwei stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the thick fog in the distance.

Suddenly she raised her right hand, as if some kind of suction force was created, and something flying in the mist in the distance instantly landed in her palm.

"Blue bird." She stared at the paper crane that was still flapping in her hand and smiled, "This technique is the handiwork of Meng Zhang."

Crushing the paper crane in his palm, Emperor Ziwei took a step forward, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Appearing at the position where she had captured the paper crane, she stood far away in the void, held a spell in her hand, and looked towards the direction in which the paper crane originally flew.

The sea fog on Yingzhou Island blocked most of her detection methods, and the other party would of course be subject to the same restrictions.

However, if the other party meets her, he will definitely be killed, so she can explore the surroundings unscrupulously, while the other party must be careful to avoid being detected by her while exploring.

Psychic vision will generate spiritual pressure, bird peeping will release bluebirds, and sound detection will cause vibrations, all of which will reveal their own positions. As for Ye Ru's space folding, as long as she dares to use it within a certain range of her, she can use the cover of thick fog to directly hit the coordinates of the caster from a long distance.

The negative effect of Yingzhou Sea Mist on her is far less than that of the other side.

After quick calculations, Emperor Ziwei had already calculated the coordinates of releasing the blue bird. He was about to teleport over and continue tracking when he suddenly noticed the fluctuation of space folding coming from the right rear.

"Oh, what a clumsy plan to seize the opportunity to attack the east and attack the west." Emperor Ziwei sneered slightly.

If you want to use this method, it would be a bit too smart. It didn't matter which side was the real goal, she just had to choose whatever she wanted.

If you choose the wrong one, you will escape; if you choose the right one, you will die.

As the number of choices increases, sooner or later you will have casualties.

So Emperor Ziwei suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in the fluctuating position where the space just folded.

Tsk, it’s bait.

After carefully examining the surrounding space, she discovered that Ye Ru had placed a timed space warp here in advance. When time reaches the starting point, the space warp will return to its original state under the squeeze of the surrounding space, resulting in similar folding fluctuations, attracting her attention.

Traveling through space again, Emperor Ziwei rushed to the spot where Blue Bird had performed the spell previously, and found that there was no one around except for the surging sea water and the diffuse mist.

Um. She pondered slightly.

Since there are no traces of space folding, they can fly away through the fog, or leave quickly through water escape.

But how far can it go?

Emperor Ziwei opened his mouth slightly, and the invisible sound waves spread rapidly in a fan shape directly ahead.

found it!

She suddenly appeared behind the moving target and struck it with a palm, causing the target to be torn apart from the inside out.

Wood chips fell into the water.

Not them? Emperor Ziwei was startled for a moment, then realized that it was a life-size bait made of wood that was lifelike.

It's strange. Although Murong Shu could make a fake wooden man out of wood and deliberately expose it to my detection range, he couldn't use the wooden man to activate witchcraft.

So who released the previous Blue Bird? How did the other party get out of my detection range within a limited time?

She looked around again, but there was no trace of the other party.

So Emperor Ziwei jumped up quickly, taking this position as the center of the circle, spinning and flashing wildly along the circular route to the outer circle, while constantly releasing a large number of flying spirits for carpet-type reconnaissance.

After about half an hour, she still found nothing and stopped with an ugly look on her face.

She realized that she seemed to have fallen into the other party's trick.

During the time when her attention was drawn, the other party may have quietly passed under her nose and entered Yingzhou Island through some extremely fast means.

Thanks to Feiyue Jingying’s Silver Alliance, the boss is generous and healthy. My daughter-in-law’s family has something to do in the afternoon, so the extra may be posted in the evening or tomorrow. The location is the main mine and the second mine of the V group base. There will be some. Please don’t do Sun Boxing in the group.

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