Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 443 The Immortal Elder

"I have a bad feeling." Cheng Jinyang said suddenly.

Following the direction guided by the vision, Cheng Jinyang encountered the vision several more times, and each time the figure pointed to a different position.

So everyone finally confirmed that this vision was guiding everyone forward.

For a moment, everyone looked at Miss Wang with a faint, indescribable fear.

Cheng Jinyang:?

Wait, it seems that I was the first to guess that Vision was guiding the direction, right?

Forget it, Wanrou is one of my own, so praising her means praising me.

Let's not worry about who should be credited. As the crowd gradually deepened, the vision Cheng Jinyang saw became clearer and clearer.

It was a vague figure, wearing a translucent robe, standing next to a throne made of boulders, with his arms pointing calmly in a certain direction. There are countless light balls around that are changing, sometimes expanding, sometimes shrinking.

Going deeper, Cheng Jinyang gradually saw clearly that the light balls in the vision turned out to be groups of fireballs surging on the surface, like stars.

Could it be Star Fire?

After telling everyone about the situation, Jiang Jiu slapped his thigh and shouted:

"What kind of bad premonition is this? If there are star fires everywhere, wouldn't everyone be able to get a lot of money for nothing?"

Maybe I can also get some Heavenly Emperor's Fire to dang... Although she didn't say it explicitly, everyone could see the desire in her eyes.

"Although I have no interest in becoming a monster, I also want to get a star fire to study." The princess sister joked.

"Don't be stupid." Wang Wanrou said coldly, "If these Star Fires can be obtained casually, then so many Heavenly Emperors came here before, why didn't they distribute Star Fires and reward their cronies after they returned?"

"Maybe the Emperor of Heaven has benefited from it, but only for herself." Su Lili guessed.

Wang Wanrou glanced at Su Lili, but surprisingly she did not continue to mock and refute.

Ye Ru and others saw this, and their thoughts changed slightly.

Worried that Emperor Ziwei behind them might already be on their way, everyone could only speed up.

Finally, about three or four hours later, everyone arrived at a strange ruins:

It was a sunken basin on the island. Large swaths of strange rocks stand in the basin, a bit like the Easter Island stone statues that Cheng Jinyang saw in documentaries.

It's just that each stone statue has strange patterns outlined with strange lines. It looks like it's just a superposition of geometric figures, but if you look carefully, you will feel extremely headache.

Because the arrangement of these patterns has far exceeded the limits of human understanding. Cheng Jinyang even had an understanding that he didn’t know the source of:

Just like an ant that cannot understand three dimensions, when it tries to climb up or down, in its consciousness it is just a superposition of routes from one plane to another. Therefore, once the three-dimensional route becomes complicated, the ant is easily confused. Dizziness, even headache - if it really has cranial nerves and pain sensation.

And these patterns are not patterns carved on the two-dimensional plane of the stone, but a collection of higher-dimensional lines.

Strange light falls from the sky. It is also a strange light with no visible color, or the human visual nerve cannot distinguish the wavelength in it. They are projected from the sky above the layers of fog, covering each boulder accurately.

So everyone can see that the bases of the boulders are basically hexagonal, or hexagonal-like... after all, they are not carved very accurately.

Countless light balls of alternating light and dark were scattered in the air around these huge stone thrones. If you look closely, you can see that each photosphere is actually a star. Their surfaces are surging with torrents of energy generated by fusion. Their outer layers are haloes composed of solar wind, and there are things similar to solar prominences from time to time. erupts from the surface.

Cheng Jinyang guessed that these star fires were actually just the projection of each star, otherwise he would not be able to feel the heat at close range.

"Don't touch it." Suddenly a voice sounded.

From the top of a certain giant stone throne, an object slowly floated down. What looked like a figure wearing translucent clothing reminded Cheng Jinyang of the dementors in the Harry Potter series.

Jiang Jiu, who was behind, was planning to catch a light ball quietly, but was caught by the other party, and couldn't help but froze in embarrassment.

"Your body can't bear its transformation yet." The figure continued, "Power comes step by step, and knowledge... of course is the same."

"Excuse me." Su Lili said cautiously, "Who are you?"

"I am the projection of some great existence that you cannot understand." The other party replied, "The name...some people call me 'The Ancient One', some people call me 'The Eternal One', you can call me whatever you want."

Everyone was in awe.

These two names reveal two meanings:

The ancient means that the other party has existed since the ancient times a long time ago, and may even be older than the history of human beings on this planet.

Immortal means that the other party is probably immortal, or as the other party said, it is the projection of some incomprehensible great existence. As long as the main body does not perish, its shadow will naturally remain forever.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Cheng Jinyang suggested: "The name is just a code name anyway. How about we combine the two and call you the 'Immortal Elder'?"

The immortal elder did not answer, but continued to stay where he was.

"May I ask this elder?" Wang Wanrou asked lightly, "What is your purpose here?"

As expected of Miss Wang, the first question is so sharp...

Just as Cheng Jinyang was thinking this, he heard the immortal elder reply:

"I'm here guarding the gate for guests who want to come through."

It pointed back, and in the center of the surrounding stone thrones, everyone saw a silver arch - as if it was suddenly squeezed out from the space between the stone thrones like toothpaste.

"What's inside that door?" Wang Wanrou continued to ask.

"Knowledge," replied the immortal elder.

"Knowledge?" Wang Wanrou raised her eyebrows.

"Knowledge is my lord, and my lord is knowledge." The immortal elder replied, "It is the collection of all information, and all the information generated in the entire universe is part of its body."

"Interesting." Wang Wanrou smiled.

"I also have a question." The princess sister said aloud, with a very solemn expression.

Like Wang Wanrou, she also instantly understood the true meaning of "the collection of all information". If what the other party said is true, then its identity is the same as a god.

"Excuse me..." she asked cautiously, "What are the essences of star beasts, supernatural powers and demons?"

The immortal elder did not answer "yes" or "no" directly, but simply said:

"Star beasts are used to deal with garbage. Superpowers are one of the garbage. Demons are an evolutionary direction for you humans."

At this point, its profound voice paused and said:

"Someone has asked this question before you."

"Can you tell me who it is?" Sister Princess asked in a trembling voice, but she had no answer in her heart.

The immortal elder did not answer, but looked at Cheng Jinyang.

Then Cheng Jinyang suddenly realized:

It's the mother.

Xie Guyan returned to the human world and turned herself into a human.

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