Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 469 Su Shu didn’t mention it, but the ginger leaves were in the cup

Cheng Jinyang was finally relieved.

The princess sister is worthy of being a descendant of the Sima family, and has perfectly inherited Sima Zhongda's "Gou" and "Yin".

During this period of time, as Xie Guyan's experimental assistant, she performed almost impeccably - even Cheng Jinyang thought she was completely his mother's person.

He was still thinking carefully about how to instigate the opponent, but his sister just said "hibernate" when he came up, and Qingqing never took refuge with Xie Guyan from the beginning.

In fact, if you think about it from another aspect, isn't the deceased Xie Guyan, who was his mother, just the teacher of the princess sister?

And the new Xie Guyan doesn’t regard me as his son, so how can he treat the princess sister as his apprentice?

How could the princess sister regard her as a teacher?

Naturally, she has the same complicated attitude toward her as I do, being both close and distant, trusting and wary.

In this way, it is equivalent to saying that there is no one loyal to her around her mother.

Xiaoli, Ashu, Ye Ru, Princess Sister... these powerful people are all mine! If they really unite, they may not be able to fight under mother's hand.

Back in the room, Cheng Jinyang silently turned on the connection.


Why doesn't everyone seem to be in a good mood?

"No need to think about it." Wang Wanrou interrupted him, "Now go find your demon companions."

"Oh." Cheng Jinyang stood up and walked to the living area where the demons were.

When he arrived at the bedroom opposite, Cheng Jinyang remembered: Xiao Li and Ashu's physical examination would last until 8 p.m., and now only Ye Ru and Jiang Jiu were in the bedroom.

Ye Ru was sitting leisurely on the edge of the bed with her feet raised, lazily looking at the chess board, while Jiang Jiu was sitting upright in front of the chess board, gritting his teeth and saying nothing.

"Then..." She tentatively picked up the chess piece and said, "I will take this pawn..."

"Eat the car." Ye Ru flew up and ate the opponent's car.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Jiang Jiu screamed immediately, hugged Ye Ru's arm and begged, "I made the wrong move! I regret my move, I want to regret my move!"

"No." Ye Ru said slowly, playing with the red rook chess piece in her hand, as if admiring her embarrassment.

"You can ask Jinyang to play with you." Jiang Jiu stood up angrily.

No more fun!

"What's wrong?" Noticing Cheng Jinyang's arrival, Ye Ru turned her head lazily, "Your Xiaoli and Ashu haven't come back yet."

"That's it." Cheng Jinyang said casually, and was about to turn around and leave when he heard Miss Wang say in his mind:

"Wait a minute, you can take these two in as well."

"Ah?" Cheng Jinyang was shocked and said quickly, "Wanrou, don't talk nonsense, I have never had any relationship with them!"

"I'm talking about taking them into combat power." Wang Wanrou said indifferently.


"So we haven't had sex yet, which means it's not too late, right?" Cui Xiaoniang asked with a sneer.

"That's right." Qingqing also said in annoyance, "I'm so stupid, I really thought he only had his hands on two demons."

Yang Wangshu also came over to join in the fun: "The maximum number of things a naughty man can have is approximately equal to the number of girls he can have contact with."

"Okay, okay, we are talking about business." Cheng Jinyang was completely immune to their strange aura, so he reluctantly returned to the topic, "Wanrou, how can we borrow their abilities?"

"Just go and hold their hands, and I will do the rest." Miss Wang said.

"Holding hands, right?" Cheng Jinyang looked at the two of them and chose to attack Ye Ru first.

The reason is simple. If you attack Jiang Jiu first, the success rate is very high based on her IQ. But when Ye Ru sees it, she will inevitably become wary and it will be difficult to deal with her.

"Sister Ye Ru." He called with a smile.

"What are you doing?" Ye Ru frowned and shrank back, "Flattery for nothing, either raping or stealing."

Cheng Jinyang could only blink and give her a "you understand" look.

With such a simple action, Ye Ru immediately understood: Oh, let's talk about business.

No matter how they dislike each other privately, the two of them are still on the same side. Cheng Jinyang didn't want to make a breeding machine, so why did Ye Ru want to make a fertility machine?

She neither wanted to be like Su Lili, who was willing to sacrifice her life for love, nor was she like Murong Shu, who was willing to live without love for the sake of her children.

As an innate demon, Ye Ru doesn't have any messy obsessions. She just wants to live happily.

"Okay, then what are you going to do?" she sighed and said.

"Give me your hand." Cheng Jinyang sat down next to her.

"What?" Ye Ru was alert.

"Take a palmistry." Cheng Jinyang said.

Ye Ru hesitated for a moment, then handed him her left hand, with a warning in her eyes.

Cheng Jinyang sighed (showing that he was also helpless) and gently held her hand.

Miss Ye's hands had no warmth, neither cold nor hot, but smooth and delicate to the touch... Just as he was thinking this, he heard Miss Wang say in his mind:


"Huh?" Ye Ru also said, "What did you do to me? This is..."

Noticing that Jiang Jiu was looking over here, she forcibly suppressed her next words, feeling secretly suspicious in her heart. She sensed some kind of secret, invisible spiritual connection, tying her to Cheng Jinyang.

It feels like some kind of spiritual magic that I have never seen before. It must be caused by Wang Wanrou... Wait, is this their so-called connection state?

Ye Ru had already seen Cheng Jinyang's ability to connect with other eldest ladies from aristocratic families in her dreams before. It is indeed incredible that a human being can log into the dream world of a collective of demons, not to mention that people actually go online in groups.

It's just that the demons don't have similar magic. Like most high-level demons, Ye Ru scorned this kind of connection.

There is no point in forming a group to go online, after all, the demons themselves can log into the dreamland on their own.

As for sharing bloodline concentration and superpowers, it is unnecessary, because consciousness and perception will also overlap with each other, just like there are multiple souls in the body of an acquired demon, which can easily lead to a leaderless group of dragons.

Not to mention that high-level demons can easily cut off this connection state by pressing it with the authority of Star Fire.


Thinking of Su Lili and Murong Shu, Ye Ru already understood. If all objects participating in the connection can work together and trust each other without reservation, it will still be useful in certain specific scenarios.

For example, when you are not fighting high-level monsters, but just plan to run away together.

After taking care of Ye Ru, Cheng Jinyang turned to Jiang Jiu and said with a smile:

"A little wine."

"What?" Jiang Jiu asked.

"Come, let me read your palm." Cheng Jinyang waved.

Jiang Jiu didn't doubt that he was there, so he stretched out his white and small palm.

Cheng Jinyang touched her hand and looked at it pretendingly for a while. He only heard Miss Wang saying "Okay" in his mind. After the connection was completed, he let go of her hand and smiled meaningfully:

"Okay, everyone, please be careful not to oversleep tonight."

After all, Jiang Jiu was involved by him, so of course he had to take her out responsibly. It's just that it's not easy to tell her about this in advance. After all, she's not smart enough to keep it a secret - when it's time to run away, just take her with you.

"Hey, how's my palmistry?" Cheng Jinyang was about to leave. Jiang Jiu quickly grabbed him and asked, "Didn't you tell me to show you my palmistry?"

What a fool! Cheng Jinyang was extremely speechless and quickly winked at Ye Ru, asking her to come over and drag Jiang Jiu away.

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