"Everyone." Cheng Jinyang said.

"What's wrong?" In their minds, the girls' consciousnesses asked.

"What do you think of...well, my mother?" Cheng Jinyang asked seriously.

"Jinyang." Sister Princess asked, "Are you not sure about the teacher's attitude towards you?"

"Yeah." Cheng Jinyang whispered, "After all, apart from forcing me, she actually didn't show any more malice."

"Persecution itself is the greatest malice." Wang Wanrou sneered, "The most precious asset of a person is the power of one's own will."

"Any behavior that attempts to dominate and interfere with your will under the guise of thinking about you should not be condoned or tolerated by you."

"That's right." Yang Wangshu agreed, "Brother Jinyang, if Sister Wanrou asks you to listen to her in the future, you must remember that she is trying to dominate you..."

Before she could finish her words, Miss Wang directly cut off her communication ability.


So little Wangshu couldn't even utter a whimper.

"Actually, I think Auntie has no intention of harming you." Zheng Qiupei mustered up the courage to say.

"I think so too." Li Qingwan agreed, "If Auntie is really malicious, we won't be able to escape so easily."

"Hey, hey, you can't do it!" Lu Qingyun shouted in disbelief, "Imprisonment is just like imprisonment, but the living conditions are better, so why are you so grateful?"

"What do you think?" Seeing that the three eldest ladies of the aristocratic family were arguing, Cheng Jinyang went to ask Xiao Li and the others.

"Aunt..." Su Lili said hesitantly, "I feel that there should be no malice."

"Maybe." Murong Shu agreed, "However, the absence of malice does not mean that there is no harm. It is like a child playing with ants. It may not mean to kill the ants, but it is a disaster for the ants themselves."

"That's right." Ye Ru also sneered, "Life and death are in the hands of others, but there is no malicious intention at this time. Who can guarantee that she will not have evil intentions again after the experiment is completed?"

"She won't." said the princess sister.

"Why do you see it?" Ye Ru asked.

"Changes must at least be logical." Sister Princess said.

Since there was no ill intention in the beginning, why did evil intentions arise out of thin air later? Changes in attitudes and positions must also be based on the Basic Law. The teacher is not a moody person.

"Where's ginger wine?" Cheng Jinyang asked.

Now that the number of people supporting and opposing his mother was 4:3, Jiang Jiu's vote was extra important to the final result... Of course, the final result was just a reference, and Cheng Jinyang had already roughly figured it out.

"What?" Jiang Jiu asked in surprise.

"Jinyang asked you if you feel Xie Guyan has any ill intentions towards you." Qingqing explained patiently.

"Uh, no." Jiang Jiu said hesitantly.

"Why?" Cheng Jinyang asked, "How can you tell?"

"I discussed with her which canned food is more delicious." Jiang Jiu replied seriously, "Her taste is similar to mine."


"So?" Xing Yunzhi asked, "Jinyang, what do you think?"

"It's hard to say." Cheng Jinyang shook his head, "But for now, it's better to direct her attention to Emperor Ziwei than to focus on me."

He had already roughly understood Wang Wanrou's strategy this time.

Although at first glance, the risks in every link are astonishing, the final result was a near miss, which makes people wonder whether she used some unknown means to secretly and skillfully control every "seemingly" uncontrollable” factors.

Winner or loser, she succeeded in the end anyway, so any subsequent doubts would be untenable - after all, everyone didn't know which ones were carefully calculated by her and which ones were the result of chance and coincidence, so they rashly doubted the certainty. She would laugh at her, so she had no choice but not to mention it.

Looking at the final result, Emperor Ziwei suffered heavy losses, and before she was about to be killed by Xie Guyan, the fantasy material that trapped her suddenly collapsed.

Xie Guyan probably didn't recognize it, but Cheng Jinyang, as the person connected to Miss Wang, guessed that she had injected some kind of timing calculation into the fantasy substance in advance.

In this way, Emperor Ziwei's danger is almost equal to zero, but he can still survive in Xie Guyan's hands for a while. Xie Guyan was distracted by her in this regard, and he probably wouldn't be able to come over to urge the marriage in a short time, so he bought time for himself.

As for why Xie Guyan gave priority to chasing Emperor Ziwei instead of his own group who escaped, Cheng Jinyang guessed that Miss Wang’s judgment was based on the fact that after she and others returned from Yingzhou Island, Emperor Ziwei who was pursuing was secretly attacked and injured by Xie Guyan. It shows that Xie Guyan has some intention of hunting her.

If she was purely trying to help herself and others escape the siege, then she should take action before going to Yingzhou Island. After all, the ambush on Yingzhou Island was also very dangerous, and one mistake might lead to the destruction of the entire group. …

Following the review and reasoning in this direction, Cheng Jinyang felt that he had barely kept up with Miss Wang's thinking.


He suddenly broke away from his thoughts and saw three figures appearing in the woods in front of him. They began to gain altitude and quickly approached the giant soldiers.

"Lingguang, Supervisor, and Zhiming." Murong Shu said coldly, "They are all old acquaintances... It is probably because of the battle between the Emperor and the Emperor over there that they did not dare to approach without permission, so they stayed outside and waited for the result."

Sure enough, as if to verify her guess, the Supervisor God rushed forward first and asked:

"How is the battle over there? How is His Majesty's condition?"

Cheng Jinyang did not answer, but silently put on a defensive posture.

Coming up to ask first but not taking action does not mean that these Four Directions God Lords are friendly.

What's more, there is also a loyal god among them... Now that I have met her, I will avenge Miss Wang's disfigurement in the past!

Seeing the giant divine soldiers showing their willingness to fight, the Supervisor God frowned and felt that something was not right.

Lord Lingguang was last. Seeing Lord Supervisor Hesitant, he began to murmur in his heart.

Rather than dealing with this unfamiliar "Giant Soldier", they wanted to rush to the battle scene to confirm the survival of Emperor Ziwei.

Lord Zhi Ming does not have the good temper of these two people. You must know that Emperor Ziwei was attracted by her traitor, and ended up fighting with Xie Guyan... How could this wise demon be so strong? Even His Majesty, who possesses the Fire of the Heavenly Emperor, is not her opponent?

If His Majesty were victorious, he would inevitably vent his anger on her; if His Majesty were to fall, how could she, as the culprit who attacked Xie Guyan, reap the rewards?

Thinking of this, she became upset for a while, and she simply used the extremely cold magic to hit the giant god soldier in front of her head and face!

This fight lasted for 7 hours... Can Cheng Jinyang avenge Miss Wang's disfigurement, and can he bring all the girls back to Jingkou safe and sound?

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