Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 478: Father-in-law’s visit: The strength of my giant warrior is exposed

Returning to the bedroom where they had not returned for a long time, everyone stopped pretending.

"Is this where Jinyang lives?" Su Lili looked east and west, his expression showing great satisfaction, "It's much bigger than the houses in Wujiang Town."

"How big is it?" Jinyang pushed down the wall of the bedroom and built a bigger bed, so that the number of people could be forty or fifty."

"Forty or fifty people?" Cui Xiaoniang covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Where can you get such a big bed? I'm afraid the pillars at the foot of the bed must be densely packed."

"Not only that, but we also have to make hundreds of cribs." Miss Qingqing added, "Didn't Auntie say we need at least a hundred children?"

Seeing that they were getting more and more outrageous, Cheng Jinyang weakly protested:

"Stop being so weird, do you think I'm a breeding pig?"

"Breeding pigs are too unambitious." Lu Qingyun joined in the fun and said, "Take a long-term view! How about spreading seeds all over the world?"

"Ah, how scary!" Yang Wangshu typed, "I'm going to be pregnant with the child of a naughty boy!"

"Don't bully him like this!" Zheng Qiupei came out to smooth things over. "In fact, Jin Yang can't be blamed entirely for this. After all, Aunt Xie... well, she has a relatively strong personality, and everyone can't speak in front of her."

"Yes." Li Qingwan also agreed, "Don't make the mistake of preconceptions. Think about it, if you were forced by your aunt to have a child in such an environment, what would you do?"

Then the girls stopped talking.

When it comes to accountability, this is indeed a force majeure, and there is no reason to blame Jinyang.

The question is, why do you want to reason with the naughty man?

It's his fault!

Cui Xiaoniang had already sensed something was wrong, and secretly whispered to Azhi Qingqing.

Along the way, every time they vented their grievances to Jinyang, the princess sister and the demons would pretend to be stupid, and Sister Xiaopei and Teacher Li would come out to smooth things over... rather than trying to break up the fight, it would be better to excuse and cover up the tantrum.

Cui Xiaoniang dares to swear by her high emotional intelligence - there is definitely something wrong with these two people!

Maybe they are already love rivals!

Of course, there are already quite a few love rivals, so it doesn't matter if there are more than these two. But what I can't bear is their attitude: Why are you always on Jinyang's side? ! !

If you speak for him, will he accept your favor? Why don’t you keep bringing new women into your home?


The so-called heretics are hateful, and heretics deserve to die even more. Cui Xiaoniang didn't have much resentment towards Su Lili and the others, but she couldn't bear it towards Li Qingwan and the others. We are all human beings, why can't we unite?

It is recommended that we clean up internally first, with maintaining a high degree of purity in the team as the first priority!

Miss Qingqing sighed, disapproving of Cui Xiaoniang's proposal to suppress rebellion.

What we really need to watch out for are Su Lili and Murong Shu, okay? After all, these two are second-grade demons. What if one day they get mad and kidnap Cheng Jinyang?

Ah Zhi disagreed with both of them, saying that their roots were in the northern Central Plains, and it was impossible for Jinyang to abandon Jingkou Town and go north with them.

The one who really needs to be vigilant is Sima Xingnan, the eldest princess of Nankang. This eldest princess already has demon blood and royal status. It will be very dangerous if she wants to cause trouble.

The three of them discussed for a while, but no one could convince anyone. In the end, they barely reached an agreement on an external offensive and defensive alliance.

Cheng Jinyang stayed beside him boredly. Although he didn't know what they were discussing, he could probably guess it.

Regarding the issue of who should be the main palace, he has no idea yet, but he just plans to put it aside for the time being.

The reason is simple: the location of the main palace must be carefully measured for its political value.

This time I went to the Central Plains, brought back Xiaoli, and abducted Ashu. The highest combat power has been raised to the first level, but his official position is still the commander of the Beifu Army, and he only has one territory in Jingkou Town.

It can be said that his current political status in the human world has not kept up with the improvement of his actual combat power in time, and the two are out of touch with each other.

In this case, of course, we have to try to gain more political power, and our status will also change greatly... After everything is settled, we can discuss the main palace and other matters.

After everyone visited the residence, they went to the restaurant to have a meal.

Halfway through eating, Miss Wang suddenly received a call.

After calmly talking to the other person, Wang Wanrou put down her phone and said:

"My dad is coming to visit this afternoon."

"What are you visiting? Jingkou or the Cheng family?" Cheng Jinyang asked cautiously.

The former is an inspection by a superior, and the latter is a private visit. The nature of the two is different, and the responses required are naturally completely different.

"Cheng family." Wang Wanrou replied.

Cheng Jinyang felt relieved: it was a private visit, a chat to liven up the relationship, and there was no need to take it seriously.

In the afternoon, it's shopping time for the girls as usual. Yuan Zhi and the others had already made a plan, and even planned to buy clothes for the children in Xiao Li and Ashu's belly, which made Cheng Jinyang dumbfounded.

One second it felt like they were about to fight, and now they suddenly seemed like sisters again. Women are so scary.

They chirped and left the Admiral's Mansion, leaving Cheng Jinyang and Miss Wang behind, waiting for Wang Maohong to visit.

At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the chief assistant Wang Maohong arrived at Jingkou accompanied by a group of Wang's children.

Because it was the Wang family of Taiyuan who was nominally visiting the Cheng family in the divine capital, there was no big fanfare. They just arrived at the Jingkou tribe of the Cheng family in the divine capital, found a garden and held a chat banquet, where everyone chatted about romance and current affairs.

As the host, Cheng Jinyang toasted Wang Maohong with the courtesy of a junior. After all, he is his future father-in-law, so it doesn't hurt to be respectful.

After three drinks, Wang Maohong called his youngest daughter Wang Wanrou and asked with a smile:

"How is Wanrou's life here? How does it compare with our Jiankang tribe in the past?"

"Jiankang is elegant and Jingkou is vibrant, each with its own characteristics." Wang Wanrou replied.

Wang Maohong then turned to everyone, pointed at Wang Wanrou and said with a smile:

"I don't like elegance but prefer vigor. This is my little girl."

The Wang family's children came around one after another, making all kinds of subtle and elegant flattery, such as "soft but strong on the inside", "having one's own pride", "not showing off to men" and so on, and the atmosphere became cheerful.

At almost four o'clock, Wang Maohong felt a little tired and asked Wang Wanrou to help him go to the back hall to rest.

Entering the deserted back hall, Wang Maohong asked casually:

"How is this person from Jinyang?"

"It doesn't matter." Wang Wanrou replied.

"How does it compare to Cao Mengde?"

"It's not as if he is evil and cruel." Wang Wanrou paused for a moment and said, "My daughter thinks that he is just like Liu Jizi. He seems to have few plans, but in fact he is good at making decisions. He makes the best use of everything and makes the best use of people. He only considers pros and cons in everything, has no grace and no fear. Smiling for the world.”

"Well." Wang Maohong nodded slightly, "Looking at his resume, from a poor scholar to the present, he has made the right choice at every critical node. You said that he is good at decision-making, which is appropriate. As for people making the best use of their talents... it is easy to know. How difficult it is to practice it!”

He sighed for a moment, then changed his tone and said:

"The traces of Su Zigao's death are too heavy. It would be better to let him die of a sudden illness. Why bother if he commits a mass suicide and falls under artillery fire?"

Wang Wanrou was silent for a long time and replied:

"Su Zigao's death has been a foregone conclusion since he chose to rebel. But if it falls into the hands of Yu Yuangui, it will inevitably give him something to do."

"Without Su Zigao, isn't there still Guo Xuanxiong?" Wang Maohong said calmly, "When you followed Cheng Jinyang to the defense line of Jiangning District, the rebels used missiles to blow up the command vehicle and almost died on the spot. That's why you used it this time. A person's way of healing his body, right?"

Wang Wanrou did not answer.

Seeing that she refused to communicate, Wang Maohong could only sigh silently and whispered:

"Wan'er, you have been good at scheming since you were a child. You are good at calculating nine times out of ten, and you can manipulate the world like a chess piece, but it also makes you care too much about gains and losses. Once you miscalculate, you will definitely hold a grudge and do everything you can to double your revenge."

"Such a temperament is too extreme. Didn't my father tell you? If Cheng Jinyang is mediocre in the future, it will be fine if you suppress him. If he really seizes the great treasure, how can he tolerate you after he has done his best? So wanton?"

"Does father think that I will retaliate for being so mean and will end up with a bad death in the future?" Wang Wanrou asked suddenly.

Wang Maohong stared at his daughter's face, seemingly distracted.

After a moment, he sighed slowly:

"At the beginning, if you hadn't insisted on following him..."

"Father." Wang Wanrou interrupted him again and said coldly, "Do you know that the giant divine soldiers in Jinyang are already at the level of first-class strength? A few days ago, on the southern border of Jinyang County in the Central Plains, we were fighting with Sifang The Lord Shen had a fight, could the military satellite detect the energy reaction there?"

Wang Maohong:? ? !

I want to change the title to a more harmonious one...

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