Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 486 The Cui family is our ally in Jingkou, so we must maintain the relationship well.

Cheng Jinyang is indeed going to marry Cui Xiaoniang.

Of course, she is not the only one.

In the face of absolute interests, wives, concubines, concubines... actually don't matter.

The family with the fifth surname is obviously a political marriage, and a girl with the fifth surname will be brought back with a first-class combatant.

As for the girl with the fifth surname, whether she was a wife or a concubine, how she lived her life is actually not important anymore.

What is important is this in-law relationship.

An in-law relationship that allows everyone to think that the other person is one of their own.


I feel a bit sorry for the girls.

Cheng Jinyang sat in the office, looked out the window and sighed.

There is no way, this is also for the future of human civilization.

In the face of great righteousness, how can we tolerate the love between children?

I can only try my best to be nice to everyone in the future and make some insignificant compensation.

Previously, Cheng Jinyang had reached a preliminary consensus on cooperation with the Wu family during the meeting.

Although neither party has stated it clearly (the binding of a married woman may not necessarily lead to the status of a head wife, this kind of thing does not sound good after all), but the five surnamed families will invest a huge amount of resources in Jingkou Town to support the economic development of Jingkou Town. and the organizational training of the Beifu Army.

There are probably three more things to do next:

First, the Five Surnames family has sent people to conduct more in-depth investigations and research in Jingkou, which requires cooperation and support from the Cheng family in the capital city.

Second, the Hejian Xing family, the Hongnong Yang family, and the Yangzhai Chu family have also secretly called and agreed on a follow-up visit time.

Third, Xi Daohui hasn’t arrived yet...

We agreed to come over for inspection, but why didn't we come?

I can't always keep the Five Surnames here as a platform.

Cheng Jinyang planned to place an order with Diwang and ask them to check the whereabouts of Xi Daohui, the head coach of the Xiaoqi Army.

Could it be that the White Dragon Fish Suit came over secretly to inspect it?

After finishing his morning work, he stood up and stretched, planning to take a nap when he was suddenly hugged from behind.

"Guess who I am?" Covering his eyes with soft hands, the other party said in a sweet voice.

Cheng Jinyang:?

First of all, after excluding most people in terms of personality, only Qingqing, Cui Xiaoniang, and Princess Sister are left.

Secondly, the hand is stretched upward from the back of the neck, so the other person is shorter than yourself, excluding the princess sister.

Finally, judging from the aroma, the shower gel used by Miss Qingqing is some kind of seaweed extract, with a quiet and imperceptible fragrance; however, the smell of the young lady behind is a rich floral fragrance.

So there is only one truth.

"With such a nice voice, I only know Jinqi in my life." Cheng Jinyang said sincerely.

"Oh, you..." Cui Xiaoniang slid her hands down and hugged his neck instead.

"How did you run out?" Cheng Jinyang sat down on the chair again.

"Ahem, my uncle is very busy and has no time to care about me." Cui Jinqi hummed and put her chin on top of his head.

Suddenly some grievances arose again.

This bastard didn't even know to come to me, but he wanted me to take the initiative to come to him.

So she lowered her head again, moaned, and took Cheng Jinyang's ear into her mouth.

Cheng Jinyang suddenly felt goosebumps, but he didn't dare to struggle hard... There was a feeling of being gently pressed by the shell teeth on his ears, as if he would bite down hard at any time.

"You are wrong!" Cui Jinqi said vaguely.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong..." Cheng Jinyang quickly surrendered.

"Where did you go wrong?" Cui Jinqi still refused to let him go.

"My mistake was..." Cheng Jinyang suddenly pulled his neck back while she was not paying attention, and escaped from her clutches.

Then he cleverly turned around and quickly hugged Cui Xiaoniang's waist.

"What are you doing?" Cui Xiaoniang's face was red. She was obviously very shy, but she still looked up at him forcefully, trying her best to make a cold and contemptuous expression.

Hmm, you can bully me first and see.

"Do you know that your uncle has sold you to me?" Cheng Jinyang said in a malicious voice.

"I know." Cui Jinqi refused to show weakness and snorted, "It will be an advantage for you to marry our Cui family!"

"Then why don't you call me husband?" Cheng Jinyang picked her up and let her sit on his lap.

"You call me Madam first." Cui Jinqi hugged his neck again.

At this time, the two sides were so close that Cheng Jinyang once again had the opportunity to carefully observe Cui Xiaoniang.

Her hair is tied into a ponytail at the back of her head, and two strands hang down from the left and right sides of her cheeks. It is a carefully styled hairstyle.

This hairstyle is meant to make the face slimmer, but Cheng Jinyang can say with certainty that this little lady’s face itself is a perfect oval face, and there is no need to use hairstyle to cover her flaws.

Her cheekbones are not obvious, her chin is slightly slender, her cheeks are fair and rosy, and she has some thin, almost invisible, cute fuzz. She obviously takes good care of her skin.

Cui Xiaoniang's eyes are slightly smaller than Azhi's, but her eyelashes are quite long. She is a typical "big-eyed beauty". The ends of the eyes are slightly tilted outward, showing a hint of charm.

If you remember correctly, this should be the so-called "peach blossom eyes", which is what people often say "smile before saying anything", giving people a lively and happy feeling.

Looking down, the nose is also smaller and rounder. Her mouth was neither too big nor too small, and was of a moderate standard, but Cheng Jinyang remembered that she had two obvious dimples when she smiled, and her cuteness was once again overwhelming.

"Smile for your husband." Cheng Jinyang ordered her.

"Don't laugh!" Cui Jinqi got angry and made a fist to hit him. However, Cheng Jinyang put his hands under his armpits and waist and started tickling him. He was so out of breath from laughing that he even bent back. Fold it down to reveal your beautiful body curves.

Um? Cheng Jinyang looked again, looking downward.

It's not big, but it looks like a squab, and its curvature is extremely attractive.

Further down, it is not thick somewhere, it is soft and flat when hugged, without a trace of fat.

Continuing down, there is also a small and exquisite size somewhere. In the words of rural people, it is "difficult to have children" because the pelvis is not big enough, but it doesn't matter, the technology of caesarean section has been pointed out, thanks to senior Sima Zhongda.

"What are you doing?" Seeing him staring at her body fiercely, Cui Xiaoniang naturally became shy.

Cheng Jinyang did not answer, and continued to look down with a very aggressive look.

Compared with her little butt, her thighs are well-proportioned and her calves have soft curves. Although they are not significantly long, they are not too short either.

To sum up, she is a very good-looking young lady who is suitable for a cute and sweet style.

"You!" Cui Xiaoniang finally couldn't help it anymore and held his head in her arms, "Don't look at it! The look is a bit disgusting!"

"What kind of scent does this smell like on you?" Cheng Jinyang was held by her, his nose gently sniffing at her fair and jade-like neck.

"It's shower gel... Hahaha, don't be like a dog." Cui Xiaoniang hurriedly pushed him away because the breath from his nose was itchy on her neck.

The two stared at each other in silence for a moment.

Cui Jinqi suddenly closed her eyes.

Cheng Jinyang pursed her lips.

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