Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 488 You and I are two families of the same spirit, so why should we stay apart?

"what's the situation?"

Xing Yunzhi sat on a chair and made herself a cup of tea.

"It's about Xi Daohui." Cheng Jinyang stared at the computer and said, "This guy said he was coming, but he didn't show up. I wonder if he secretly infiltrated into Jingkou."

"Maybe." Xing Yunzhi didn't take it seriously, "Anyway, I'm not a monster. If the secret comes in, it will come in. I will ask my people to pay more attention."

"Yeah, please."

"Have you been busy with work recently?"

"No, on the contrary, I'm even busier." Cheng Jinyang sighed and said, "Look at all the people under my command. They all come to me for advice, no matter what. What does it mean?"

"Seeing that you have become the son-in-law of the fifth surname family, I came over quickly to see you familiar." Xing Yunzhi didn't take it seriously.

"Azhi, do you mind?" Seeing her indifferent expression, Cheng Jinyang asked cautiously.

Ah Zhi is my engagement partner, and although I can't do anything about the current situation of these uncles, I still have to worry about her mood.

"Forget it." Xing Yunzhi shook her head, "It's all a coincidence, and I don't blame you."

In fact, except for the initial break-up of the engagement (of course because there was no emotional foundation), I later approached Jinyang many times to fulfill the engagement, which can be said to have been my best effort.

As a result, the first time was temporarily shelved by Xing Shuhe after Cheng Benhe passed away; the second time was during the national crisis... Looking back, when everything settled, he was already surrounded by women.

The only thing that can reassure Ah Zhi now is that Cheng Jinyang does not plan to marry a real wife for the time being, but decides to choose from among them.

This also means that after passing the door, at least she doesn't need to be humble in front of anyone - as for competing with others, she has already looked away.

From now on, abandon your fantasies and prepare to compete! Stay calm and fight a protracted battle. I, Xing Yunzhi, will never lose to anyone!

Noticing that Cheng Jinyang seemed a little guilty, Xing Yunzhi went over to squeeze his shoulders:

"It's okay. As long as you have me in your heart."

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Alas, even if I knew she said that on purpose, it still makes me sad.

Ah Zhi, unlike Cui Xiaoniang, would not take the initiative to sit on her body to flatter her, so Cheng Jinyang grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his lap to sit.

"Don't be like this." Xing Yunzhi blushed a little, "What should I do if someone comes in from outside?"

"What can I do?" Cheng Jinyang didn't care, "I'm having sex with my fiancée, who cares about me?"

"I'm not your wife after you marry me." Xing Yuanzhi refused and said, "They will have an opinion after hearing this."

"No, who dares to have an opinion?" Cheng Jinyang glared, "See if I don't hurt her."

Although she knew this was just nonsense, Xing Yunzhi was still happy after hearing it and said with a smile:

"Then I'll lock the door, so that no one can come in and bump into me."

"What's wrong?" Cheng Jinyang lifted her chin, "Give me a kiss before talking."

Xing Yunzhi looked at him with slightly widened eyes, her eyelashes fluttering.

Compared with Cui Xiaoniang, Ah Zhi's face is thinner, her eyes are bigger, and her eyelashes are longer. When she is open, she is bright and energetic, but when she is closed, she is like a spring curtain. This is her best appearance.

The nose is moderately wide and the lips are slightly thinner. The ancients superstitiously believed that thin lips indicated a mean mind, but Cheng Jinyang didn't believe it.

My Azhi is so pure and gentle, how could she be so mean? Nonsense!

As for other parts, the breasts are roughly similar to Cui Xiaoniang's, the waist is thinner, the hips are similar, and the legs are thinner, but the skin feels more elastic.

If Cui Xiaoniang's body feels soft and like it's made of water, then Ah Zhi's body is the type that can be kneaded and played with. This also illustrates from the side how important daily exercise and fitness is for girls.

"What are you looking at?" Xing Yunzhi asked him with a frown.

"It's up to you." Cheng Jinyang replied honestly.

"Haven't you seen enough?" Xing Yunzhi tilted her head slightly, letting him enjoy her exquisite profile.

"Of course." Cheng Jinyang held her slender hand, "Do you still remember the time when you had mysophobia? Even if I look at you for a while, you will get goosebumps."

"No way?" Xing Yunzhi refused to admit it, "Don't talk nonsense. It has nothing to do with mysophobia. It's just that you liked to tease me at that time and deliberately made me shy and embarrassed."

"Then you won't be shy and embarrassed now?" Cheng Jinyang hugged her waist.

"Isn't it already in your hands now?" Xing Yunzhi glanced at him, "It's up to you what you want to do."

At this glance, the eyes were wandering, and there were infinite charming thoughts in it. Cheng Jinyang was immediately ready to move, and he couldn't help but touch up with his hands.

"Don't make trouble!" Xing Yunzhi was caught off guard and was held by him, and she quickly hit his hand.

"Don't let go." Cheng Jinyang deliberately teased her, "Didn't you say you fell into my hands? Why do you want me to let go?"

"Don't be here..." Xing Yunzhi was squeezed until she was weak, so she simply put her arms around his neck, showing a timid and angry expression.

"It's okay to let go if you want." Cheng Jinyang planned to give up as soon as he was ready, and said, "Isn't it too much to give him a kiss in exchange?"

"Yeah." Seeing that he still refused to let go, Xing Yunzhi could only close her eyes as if resigned, her eyelashes trembling slightly.


Outside the grain and oil store, Xi Daohui and his party left the store with solemn expressions.

If the Cui family is behind Jingkou, the Xiaoqi army can still fight one or two, then with the addition of the Li family from Longxi, Xi Daohui really has to think carefully.

Unlike the Cui family, whose main business is capital operation, the Li family has considerable influence in the four field armies. After all, physical activation is very suitable for applications in the military field.

"Father, I think there must be something fishy in this." Xi Chongxi frowned and thought for a long time, and finally said, "How can a person be the son-in-law of the Cui family of Qinghe and the uncle of the Li family of Longxi?"

"If it's a wife, which one of the Li family and the Cui family is willing to let their daughter become a concubine? A family with five surnames, do you want to be laughed at by all the nobles? But if it's a bride-in-law, how can there be an example of marrying into two families at the same time?"

"Could it be a concurrent job?" an adjutant beside Xi Daohui asked.

The so-called concurrent marriage means that if the eldest brother has no descendants, he will marry another wife and let his children inherit the eldest brother's lineage, thereby perfectly bypassing the restriction of monogamy.

Whether this thing is difficult or not, the key depends on whether you really have such a brother. Etiquette requires that everything has a reason and cannot be fabricated casually.

Seeing Xi Daohui nodding, the followers took out their mobile phones and began to browse the information on the Cheng family in the capital city that they had investigated in advance.

Sure enough, we found some clues.

The lineage of Cheng Qingxin, the eldest son of the Cheng family in the capital city, was almost cut off in his early years due to following Wang Chuzhong's rebellion. Only his son Cheng Yizhou was left. His brain was cleansed by the ideological stamp. Now he is only at the level of a three or four-year-old child. Du Cheng's family supports him well.

If the Cheng family in the capital of God wanted to be the eldest son of the same family, then it would make sense to marry two wives.

Of course, this rules out the possibility of Cheng Jinyang marrying into the family.

Just by marrying two girls with the fifth surname, one person gained the connections of the Cui family and the Li family at the same time. For an ordinary member of the gentry family, that would be a step to the sky, and even the lintel of one's own family would be trampled by the swarming gentry family!

Cheng Jinyang is really lucky!

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