The vehicle drove all the way through the city and finally arrived at the Beifu Army's military camp outside the city.

Cheng Jinyang was actually quite surprised that Jingkou Town could develop to this extent.

It is true that there are refugees from the north who provide unlimited manpower, and there are also families with five surnames who invest resources regardless of cost, but after all, there is also a lag in industrial transfer.

It doesn’t mean that if you provide an environment for enterprise development, people will move here in large numbers the next day.

What really drove the industrial transfer was actually the time when Su Zigao defeated Jiankang.

Under Cheng Jinyang's rescue, a large number of Jiankang citizens fled eastward along the underground pipelines and came to Jingkou to escape the war.

Many of them are civilian bosses with non-gentry backgrounds. After coming to Jingkou, they were keenly aware of the business opportunities here.

After Jiankang was recovered, the number of companies in Jingkou grew like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Facts have proved that although these small and medium-sized companies are mixed in quality and bad, at least in terms of providing employment and enhancing economic vitality, even all the gentry combined cannot match them.

After leaving the urban area of ​​​​Jingkou, Yu Yuangui had also come to his senses and realized that the development of Jingkou was not entirely due to the investment of the gentry, but also because of the blood drawn from the previous war in Jiankang.

But no matter how prosperous it is now, Jingkou is still built on illusory castles in the air.

The reason is also very simple: it is located in Jiangbei.

Without the natural barrier of the river, it means that there may be sporadic demons that penetrate the Knights' defense line and attack here.

As long as a demon attack occurs, Jingkou's asset prices, market confidence and public sentiment will be severely depressed.

So there is nothing to be surprised or jealous about. The prosperity of Jingkou is based on the process of the times. If it collapses one day, it will be the choice of the times.

Thinking of this, Yu Yuangui's originally impetuous mood calmed down again.

Nankang and Luling didn't think too much, and were chattering about the fashion store the car passed by just now.

"Sister, come with me to buy clothes later."

"go by yourself."

"If you don't go with me, I'll ask my brother-in-law to go with me!"

"Okay, if you can persuade him, let him accompany you."

"Brother-in-law! Come with me to buy clothes later!"

"I guess we can't wait." Cheng Jinyang said apologetically, "I have official business."

"Then I will object to your marriage." Lu Ling crossed his arms and said angrily.

"Your objection is invalid." Nankang smiled, "I still have to listen to my uncle for details."

"I understand." Yu Yuangui made a rare joke, "I will tell your mother later that your future consort should focus on finding someone who can accompany you to buy clothes."

So Luling was speechless and very shy.

When the car drove to the entrance of the military garrison area, Cheng Jinyang took everyone out of the car and inspected the camp.

"This is our latest developed military vehicle, codenamed 'Mopan'. The surrounding attack components are composed of a large number of mechanical blade winches, which can effectively clean up the group of puppets that threaten the northern area of ​​​​Jingkou."

Yu Yuangui:? ? ?

He stared at the huge machinery parked on the training ground and questioned:

"Cut out the puppets with knives? Instead of ammo or fire?"

"Yes." Cheng Jinyang replied, "The consumption rate of ammunition and flames is too high. They are consumed when they are shot and cause damage. However, the service life of the blade is longer and the cost is relatively cheap."

"When facing a swarm of puppets, a blade with this thickness won't last long." Luling also raised questions, "I remember that the Shenwu Army had already mentioned a similar vehicle design, but in the end it was rejected during the testing process. Denied. The reason is that once the blade is curled and scrapped on the battlefield, the entire vehicle will immediately lose its combat capability. After all, we cannot rush into the group of puppets and replace the vehicle with new blades."

"Indeed." Cheng Jinyang nodded and said, "However, if a superpower user of the Yang Zhai Chu family is stuffed inside, then even if the blade is damaged, the superpower user can activate the superpower inside the safe vehicle and remove the blade. Reshaping and repairing it, so there will be no replacement and battery life issues.”


You are using the children of the Chu family in Yangdi as soldiers!

"What about the high-level demons?" Yu Yuangui asked with a frown, "If it is an ordinary military vehicle and encounters a surprise attack by a high-level demon, we can accept a certain level of battle loss ratio."

"But if each vehicle must be equipped with a metal-manipulating superpower, the cost of personnel losses will be high. Is the Chu family of Yangzhai willing to provide you with manpower for a long time?"

"Yes." Cheng Jinyang replied with a smile, "Mr. Chu is still very talkative. After knowing the security pressure in the north that we are facing in Jingkou, he is willing to provide us with personnel support in this regard for free."

Then Yu Yuangui was speechless.

If Chu Jino was easy to talk to, why didn't we see him so generously "providing personnel support for free" during the Wang Chuzhong Rebellion and the Su Zigao Rebellion?

After all, there are only so many fifth-grade families, and the imperial court can still use its power to suppress others.

If you are from a famous fourth-grade family, you can bargain with Taicheng.

As for the third-rank families with five surnames, if they are really unwilling to do anything, even the emperor will be helpless, otherwise the nobles will be in an uproar.

As a famous family member, the Yangdi Chu family is naturally not easy to get along with.

In the past, Chu Jiye served as a servant in the court, and he was extremely good at being an official. He was said to have "his own latitude and longitude in his heart" and "the spring and autumn hidden in his skin." He was flawless in everything he said and did, and no one could take advantage of him.

Why was Cheng Jinyang able to win his favor? It’s not because he married his daughter Chu Qingqing! Otherwise, how could he be so easy to talk to?

Thinking of this, Yu Yuangui felt a little sour in his mouth.

If my sons and brothers had even half of Cheng Jinyang's abilities, why would they need me to devote all my energy to running Jingzhou?

Wouldn't it be nice to marry all the eldest ladies from famous aristocratic families, and then have most of the noble family come to vote for her?

Of course, there’s a saying that goes, “If you can’t beat it, join it.” If Cheng Jinyang gained the power of all the nobles and became his opponent, he would have to vomit blood.

Fortunately, with Nankang here, the relationship will not turn into hostility, and we will slowly figure it out later...

Wait, Yu Yuangui thought of another thing:

Are these nobles investing their money in Jingkou to express their support for Cheng Jinyang?

wrong! It should be to try to build relationships within his power as much as possible, so as to win the position of head wife!

After all, a marriage is a marriage, who can bear to let his daughter serve tea and water in front of other women and keep herself humble?

If Nankang were to get married and take over his head wife, how could the five surnamed families willingly give up their position with the current situation of investing so much money?

There will be a fierce battle in the future!

Seeing that his uncle's face was gloomy and uncertain, Luling quietly asked his sister:

"Uncle, what's wrong? His face is green and white..."

"Who knows?" Princess Sister said calmly, "Maybe her face is cramped."

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