Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 521 Mass Point Perception

Let’s not mention the marriage for now, after all, it won’t be until after the new year.

Now Cheng Jinyang's life is very regular. He goes to the Governor's Mansion to work in the morning, goes to the cafeteria for a meal at noon (meeting the girls by the way), returns to the Governor's Mansion to work in the afternoon, and returns to the tribe's residence to rest in the evening. Occasionally, he goes to see the demon girls. play.

If there are any official activities that require attendance, visits, or inspections, let's talk about it separately.

As for the girls from the aristocratic family, they can only see each other during meals, and cannot come and go freely during the rest of the time.

Cheng Jinyang asked them, and it was said that they were ordered by the elders of the family to learn algorithms and try to adapt to the bloodline strength of the fourth grade level.

Speaking of which, Cheng Jinyang found that it seemed that he had not learned the high-level algorithm of gravity for a long time.

As a military commander, with thousands of troops under my command, why should I charge alone?

Wait, if I encounter a mother who urges marriage and children... I still have to learn one.

Thinking of this, he returned to the tribe during lunch break, found Xiaoli and the others and told them about the situation.

"Why do you want to train all of a sudden?" Su Lili asked curiously.

"Because I feel that my combat skills have been a bit neglected recently." Cheng Jinyang said seriously, "I am also a person with superpowers after all."

"Okay." Murong Shu nodded and said, "We are bored now anyway, so I will take you to practice."

Everyone found a place to sit cross-legged. Cheng Jinyang was not very skilled in meditation, so he simply lay down on the bed.

Soon, everyone entered the dreamland at the same time.

In Wujiang Town, Murong Shu said to him:

"In dreams, there are two ways to increase blood concentration: one is hunting, and the other is slaughtering. You should know this."

"Yes." Cheng Jinyang nodded.

"The characteristic of hunting is that the target you have to deal with is a single unknown enemy. Its strength may be similar to yours, or it may be much stronger than you."

Murong Shu continued: "The characteristic of massacre is that you have to deal with a large number of known enemies, and the enemy alone is definitely weaker than you... Unless you provoke a large number of enemies that you cannot handle."

"So, if you want to practice algorithms, go killing; if you want to practice your combat experience, go hunting." Ye Ru also added.

"Then let's go slaughter?" Cheng Jinyang asked.

"If you want to kill, go to Mo Luo." Murong Shu said, "The demons and gods each have their own talents and magical powers. It is difficult for you to deal with it now. Mo Luo is more suitable for you."

"Slaughter Demon Luo?" Jiang Jiu's eyes widened, "I know this! There is a closest place to the southeast of Lin'an!"

So everyone took off and ascended to the sky, heading in the direction pointed by Jiang Jiu.

Southeast of Lin'an and east of Kuaiji, there is a continent in the sea called "Yongdong". In real life, this is the largest fishing port and aquaculture base; in dreams, this is a "road to hell" for the devil.

The so-called Huangquan Road is the place where dead demons queue up to wait for resurrection, and it is also the place where demons improve their bloodline through slaughter; corresponding to it is Guimen Pass, which is the place where those demons are hunted and killed.

Slaughter and hunting, a pair that seem to be in conflict with each other, fill the long and boring lives of high-level demons that lack entertainment.

When he arrived at the Yongdong Islands, Cheng Jinyang saw a large number of demons standing on the islands, forming large and small circles. In each circle, a pair of demons were catching and killing each other.

That's right, Mara is already considered a high-level demon with wisdom. Although the specific level of this wisdom is more doubtful, at least it is a being that can communicate.

"So, do we want to negotiate with them?" Cheng Jinyang just asked, when he saw Su Lili fell to the ground first, drew his sword and shouted:

"The big demon is crossing the border, come and die quickly!"

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Mo Luo's side exploded immediately, because even if Cheng Jinyang was excluded, there were only four demon gods in total, one, two, three and four.

However, the demon god's physical fitness is not much better than that of Mo Luo. Except for those star officials and generals who are gifted with magical powers or have particularly abnormal combat consciousness, most of them can be killed by Mo Luo's numbers.

In addition, in the non-hunting state, both sides lost relatively little bloodline strength, so the demons were naturally excited and wanted to rush over and kill the five of them with a sea of ​​people.

No matter how many demons die here, as long as you can kill the opponent once, you will win!

Murong Shu landed on the ground first and stepped hard on the ground with his feet. Then a large number of tangled tree roots broke out of the ground, temporarily stalling the offensive of the surrounding Mara.

However, these roots were quickly torn apart by the Maras, and they rushed in violently along the broken opening.

Xiao Li had already used the time Ashu had bought to pull out a two-meter-long obsidian sword as if by magic, and said to Cheng Jinyang:

"Among all the abilities, my magic is the most suitable for killing enemies. It cannot be resisted or broken." She waved her sword demonstratively, cutting the Mara in front of her into two pieces, "But the premise is that you must be able to hit the opponent. .”

"Mo Luo's charging speed is so fast that I can't see clearly, let alone react." Cheng Jinyang said helplessly.

Whether he was facing Jiang Jiu at the beginning or Xie Guyan later, he had a similar problem - his physical fitness was completely unable to keep up with the opponent, so he could only arrange his superpowers in advance and then expect the opponent to hit him head-on.

"It's definitely too late to see with your eyes." Su Lili continued to swing the sword, spinning quickly around him like a butterfly, and a large number of corpses were quickly spread out on the ground.

"The time it takes for the light to travel to your eyes is negligible, but the time it takes for the light to be converted into a visual signal, enter the brain, and then be processed and reacted to by the brain is just too long."

"You have to know that your eyes are receiving a lot of information all the time. It takes time to filter out, and after filtering out, you still have to distinguish... This is enough for the demon to hit you countless times."

"The key is that the part of the brain that processes vision is not specifically designed for combat, which makes the entire link inefficient. Jinyang, you can try to abandon your vision and build a new one specifically for combat. A perception system born of combat.”

"Perception system?" Cheng Jinyang said thoughtfully.

"This perception system must be closely related to your innate magical power, which is the bloodline superpower." Su Lili continued, "In the case of gravity, I remember that you can sense the source of mass, right?"

"Indeed..." Cheng Jinyang was thoughtful.

Indeed, those with gravitational powers can sense and lock onto the surrounding mass sources through their powers, even if they close their eyes.

It's just that humans have developed the habit of relying on vision in most situations, so no one will activate powers with their eyes closed.

But according to Xiaoli, facing the terrifying inhuman speed of high-level demons, the visual system can no longer adapt to the needs of combat. So, can a gravity perception system be built?

Is it the so-called "particle perception"?

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