In a dream.

After sparring with Murong Shu for a while, Cheng Jinyang felt that his fighting ability had greatly improved.

This Murong Shenjun is worthy of being a second-grade Star Lord. Although Xiaoli's combat ability is comparable to hers, he is actually not as good as her in terms of training, guidance and evaluation of others.

For example, if Su Lili is like the backbone of the business in the workplace, and her personal abilities are ridiculously strong; then Murong Shu is like the top management of the company, her abilities may not be better than Su Lili's, but she is good at leading a team!

What you did well, what you didn’t do well, how to improve in the future, how to optimize... everything is clearly explained to you.

Awesome, my perfect female boss! Of course Xiaoli is also great.

After the training, everyone took a short rest.

On the edge of the island, a large number of fishing village buildings stand in the sea breeze, and from time to time, the faint sound of fishermen's calls can be heard.

However, when Cheng Jinyang looked around, there was no trace of human beings.

Just like Wujiang Town in the previous dream, the sky was filled with faint blood and fire, and screams could be heard from time to time, but in fact, if you walked around the town, you couldn't find any victims at all.

Cheng Jinyang sat by the tree under the cliff, Xiaoli sat next to him, carefully gathered the hem of his skirt, and then sat next to him.

Only then did he notice that Xiaoli was wearing a skirt when he entered the dreamland... It was hard to imagine that it was the girl who was so fierce when he fought with Mara before.

Murong Shu came to the other side of him, stood with one hand on his hips and looked into the distance.

From the angle where Cheng Jinyang was sitting, he could look up along her ankles, past her knees and straight to her thighs. The length and curve of her entire lower body were truly astonishing.

With the royal sister Shu on her left hand and the young girl Li on her right, Cheng Jinyang suddenly felt that the so-called "flying together" was nothing more than that, it was really happy.

"Ashu." Cheng Jinyang suddenly asked, "What is the essential difference between the Emperor of Heaven and the Lord of Gods?"

He had seen a lot of Murong Shu and Su Lili's fighting styles, but he really didn't know much about his mother's strength.

Judging from the few battle cases, he is strong, very strong, and brainless, and he doesn't know how to deal with him at all.

"Emperor of Heaven." Murong Shu whispered, "The characteristic of Emperor of Heaven is that his natal magical powers must be extremely powerful."

"If your natal magical power is not strong enough, you will not have a chance to seize the Fire of the Emperor of Heaven. No matter how hard you try to improve your strength, there will always be someone who works harder than you, and their natal magical power is even more powerful."

"What about my gravity?" Cheng Jinyang asked curiously.

"I have never seen any similar magic." Murong Shu pondered.

"Jinyang must be the most powerful." Su Lili said quickly.

"Xiao Li." Cheng Jinyang sighed and said, "Although it's really warm for you to say that, what I'm thinking about now is reality - what if my mother calls?"

"Does Jinyang want to be promoted to Emperor of Heaven?" Su Lili was slightly startled.

"Yes." Cheng Jinyang nodded and said, "If this is necessary to have the power to protect yourself."

"Then I will be promoted to Emperor of Heaven for you." After receiving his answer, Su Lili smiled again, "This way I can protect you."

Cheng Jinyang:………………

No, this is not the power of self-preservation I want.

However, the way Ye Ru and Murong Shu looked at him had turned into the kind of sympathetic, pity, and tut-tut-tsk looks they would have for a soft-boiled man.

It was probably around four or five o'clock in the afternoon that everyone left the dreamland.

Cheng Jinyang said goodbye to everyone and left.

Su Lili's food and daily resources were secretly provided by a trustworthy maid in the past. Later, when Lin Hu arrived, he asked Lin Hu to use illusion magic to transport them.

When it was almost lunch time, Lin Hu, who had been out for a stroll, slowly returned to his residence, carrying a few lunch boxes from the canteen.

When she returned to her residence, she saw Su Lili sitting on the bed, probably fighting in her dream.

Ye Ru and Jiang Jiu were watching TV, while Murong Shu was concentrating on reading a book. The cover seemed to be about some kind of prenatal education.

"What's wrong with her?" Lin Hu looked at Su Lili strangely, "The fight started at this time?"

"There is nothing we can do." Murong Shu said calmly, "My husband is eager to protect me."

Ginger wine:? ? ?

"How is your child?" She decided not to care about other messy questions and focused her attention on the business.

Since His Majesty said that His Highness would have an heir as soon as possible, confirming the situation of having an heir was naturally part of her job.

"It's too early to ask now." Murong Shu touched his belly, "There's not even a bulge."

"I brought you folic acid." Lin Hu raised the bag in his hand, "I don't know if the demon pregnant woman needs supplements. After all, this is unprecedented."

Cheng Jinyang went to the cafeteria to finish his meal and saw that all the girls had arrived.

"Jinyang, I heard that you were not in the office this afternoon?" Li Qingwan asked aloud.

"Just a little business, I went out to do something." Cheng Jinyang said slyly.

Maintaining the relationship with the demon is, of course, part of official duties.

"Oh, as long as you don't fall in love with anyone." Lu Qingyun narrowed her eyes.

So everyone looked at him with wide eyes, eagerly, as if to say, "You guy, are you lying?"

After all, Cheng Jinyang also came here in a storm. Wherever he would reveal any flaws, he put on a disdainful smile, changed the subject and asked:

"What's for dinner today?"

"Eat dumplings." Miss Qingqing brought a large pot of dumplings over, "Today is the winter solstice."

Winter Solstice... Cheng Jinyang was a little distracted.

More than a month after the winter solstice, it is the New Year.

After the New Year, Yu Yuangui was about to lead Long Xiang's army on an expedition.

After such a long period of training from his father-in-law, Cheng Jinyang also knew that Yu Yuangui's expedition was almost a foregone conclusion.

The reason why they want to fight a war that 99% of the time will fail can only be attributed to the current lack of moral support in the empire, and the current situation of the Long Xiang Army is probably worse than everyone imagined.

If we don't fight again, our military will lose morale.

Just like a desperate gambler who puts all his money on a gamble with a low probability, he is often regarded as stupid.

But if the gambler himself is completely broke and owes almost a huge amount of loan sharks, and all the debt collectors are blocking the door, that is another matter.

If you gamble, there is still a slight chance of a comeback; if you don't gamble, it will be chronic suicide.

Of course, although the father-in-laws knew this, they would not forcefully save Yu Yuangui.

If they win, it is the luck of the country. If they lose, they can just blame it on Yu Yuangui. By the way, failure can be used to unite the almost scattered people's hearts and remind everyone who is the real enemy of the Jin Dynasty.

When the monsters come in, everyone will die, okay?

In other words, there is only more than a month left before the Chinese New Year, which is probably the last time for peace for everyone.

In the new year, no one knows what fate the nearly half-sunken ship Da Jin will have in the coming storm...

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