Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 56 My thoughts can only belong to me

After Teacher Sun left secretly, Wang Wanrou turned back to the Wang clan and came to her room.

Returning to the bathroom, she stared at herself in the mirror, and suddenly her expression became a little intoxicated:

"It's so beautiful."

Possessed Cheng Jinyang:…………

However, Wang Wanrou's expression soon became ferocious again, and Cheng Jinyang could feel some extremely arrogant anger burning in her chest.

"Wang Wanrou." She stared at herself in the mirror, "You are the most perfect existence in the world, you..."

"...It can only belong to you!"

I don't know how long it took, probably nearly half an hour later, before Wang Wanrou reluctantly looked away from the mirror, picked up the recorder on the shelf next to her, and pressed the [Record] button.

"Dear Wang Wanruo, maybe I should call you Wang Wanrou." She said into the recorder, with a cold and chilling smile in her voice, "Listen up."

"I am you this morning. I have permanently wiped my memory so you don't remember what happened this morning."

"In fact, I have collected a large amount of family incriminating evidence. If they are posted on the Internet, it will definitely set off a huge storm of public opinion. After all... your father, the current chief minister of Taicheng and Grand Situ Wang Maohong, was recently being raped. Zhongshu ordered Yu Yuangui to target him violently."

"If these crimes fall into the hands of Yu Yuangui, you know what a terrible blow your father will receive in the political arena. There is no doubt that the reputation of the Wang family in Taiyuan will also be severely negatively affected."

"If you don't believe it, just go and open the locked drawer in your study and take a look. I left a copy of the incriminating information there."

"So, if you want to stop this and lose your memory of the morning, remember every word I say next."

"I handed over this secret to a subordinate, and of course you won't have any memory related to him. Before a certain point today, if you still haven't found him and given him instructions."

"He will send these criminal evidence to the Internet, using specially designed programs and disguised IPs. In the absence of necessary information, even if you disclose the information to the Taiyuan Wang family, the family will not be able to quickly bypass Yu Yuan's rules and mobilize power. Center, block the entire network to curb its spread. What's more, your father has already boarded a business trip to Lin'an at 5 o'clock this afternoon. At this time, there is no one within the Taiyuan Wang family who has the ability or authority to respond.”

"The only way to prevent him from releasing information is to find out his identity in advance. You should know that with our ability and wisdom, I will never leave you anything other than this without any intention. The second way out."

"I hid his identity. You need to log in to the [Network Chat] section of the [Jinling Hutong] forum, post a post titled 'Evidence of the Taiyuan Wang Family', and then put the first number on the copy in the drawer The incriminating evidence is used as the content of the post and published in the forum section."

"When he sees this post online, he will take the initiative to contact you... Of course, this also means that part of Wang's evidence will be exposed, and there is a risk of being seen and forwarded. But compared to the copy in the drawer What does this little bit of guilt have to do with all the content on the copy?"

"Oh, by the way, during the ancestor worship ceremony this afternoon, you should have been stamped with the ideological stamp by your father: 'You must take the interests of the family as the highest standard, and you must not do anything that harms the interests of the family,' right? All the years Members of the Wang clan who are over 12 years old will be stamped in the ancestor worship ceremony. So now you can't post a post on the Internet that will damage the reputation of the Wang clan in Taiyuan."

"That is to say, if you want to find my servant and prevent the release of criminal evidence, you need to first remove the ideological stamp on your body."

"Go and stamp yourself, Wang Wanrou. The order is to 'remove the ideological stamp left by your father.' Use a lot of your own ideological stamps and try to break down the ideological stamps your father has put on your mind."

"Others can't do this because they don't have enough computing power. But I know that your actual computing power is second only to your father within the family."

"Come on, whether you can prevent the family's reputation from being severely damaged depends on whether you can do your best to lift the ideological seal in your mind."

"While it will certainly be difficult and arduous. However, I believe..."

She closed her eyes, paused for a moment, and said firmly:

"You can definitely do it."

After saying that, Wang Wanrou pressed the [End] button, then set the recorder to automatically play at 8 o'clock tonight, and then hid it in the bathroom mirror cabinet.

Finally, she showed a desperate and fierce expression, stared at herself in the mirror, gritted her teeth and growled:

"Completely erase from your mind the memory that you collected family criminal evidence, stamped your ideological stamp on Teacher Sun Gang, and entrusted him to release the criminal evidence, do you understand?!"

After a moment, she answered herself:


In an instant, the world began to spin, and Cheng Jinyang suddenly felt some strange power washing over his mind... Wrong, it should be Wang Wanrou's mind. He was just possessing her, thus sharing her perception.

Then, the dream seemed to slowly speed up.

He saw Wang Wanrou waking up drowsily in front of the mirror a few minutes later, and found with confusion that she seemed to have forgotten something - those key memories had been permanently erased by her own thoughts.

He saw Wang Wanrou in the afternoon, participating in the ancestor worship ceremony with her clan members, enduring a headache, and being given a stamp of thought by her father. At that time, Wang Maohong's eyes looked at her without any father's warmth, as if they were a deep and bottomless sea.

He saw Wang Wanrou at night and suddenly heard the sound of a tape recorder in the bathroom. After listening to the recording, her expression immediately became convulsive. She rushed to the study and opened the locked drawer, and saw the neatly collected incriminating evidence.

Driven by the ideological imprint of "family interests first", she quickly tried hard to post a post on the login forum to find the secret servant as explained in the recording.

Although she had edited the content, she was still unable to press the publish button - because once published, it would mean a blow to the reputation of the Wang family in Taiyuan. At this time, because of her ideological stamp of "not harming the interests of the family", she Because of this, I am instinctively repelled to do that.

However, if the post is not posted, more incriminating evidence will be exposed, unless...

...decipher it yourself.

Driven by "the supremacy of family interests," she understood that all her paths must have been planned and blocked by her morning self. The only choice is to follow what was said in the recording and try to unlock the ideological seal in his mind (the seal itself is not directly related to family interests) and break through its restrictions. Only then can he catch the big ones and let go the small ones, and prevent all the crimes from being released. May save the family's reputation.

Cheng Jinyang looked at Wang Wanrou, who was only 12 years old, in silence, locked himself in the bathroom, and asked himself to "remove the mental seal" over and over again.

The conflict between the steel seals was brutal and violent, followed by an extremely severe headache.

The ideological imprint left by Wang Maohong is as majestic and vast as the emperor of an empire, and the mere touch of his thoughts makes him feel powerless to resist.

The ideological seal woven by Wang Wanrou was as bold and brave as a military general on the battlefield, launching life-saving attacks on the seal left by Wang Maohong again and again.

Every time she gives herself a steel seal, the average time it takes to conflict with the remaining steel seal in her brain is about 5 minutes, which also means more than 5 minutes of unstoppable severe headache.

About 5 minutes later, the seal he had placed was defeated, and the integrity of the algorithm of the seal left by his father that remained in his mind was only about 4%.

In other words, it takes a full 25 times to wear down the steel seal left by Wang Maohong.

Wang Wanrou, who was only 12 years old, actually stayed in the bathroom, giving herself 25 mental stamps without stopping, and endured a severe headache that could drive anyone to collapse for more than 2 hours. .

Correspondingly, Cheng Jinyang, who shared her body feeling, was almost tortured by headaches and wanted to die.

Fortunately, he was a man who had fought with demons in nightmares for three years, and his tolerance for pain was extraordinary.

In addition, the passage of dreams seemed to be accelerating at this time, so only about ten minutes had actually passed, and the continuous headache and suffering was gradually coming to an end.

Finally, he saw Wang Wanrou standing up tremblingly while holding on to the sink. The remaining steel seal in his mind had collapsed, along with the belief that "family interests came first" also collapsed.

Her thoughts were once again completely her own.

"Hmph, hehehe...ahhahahahahahahaha!" Staring at herself in the mirror, looking haggard, as if she had just recovered from a serious illness, Wang Wanrou let out an almost pathological, suppressed evil laugh from her throat, ecstatically The ground roared, "Can't it be done? It can be done, it can be done! I knew you could do it! Because..."

"Because you are the person in this world..." She stared at her crazy smile in the mirror, raising her neck arrogantly, with a mocking look in her eyes, "the person with the most perfect face and the closest to god-like wisdom. Ah! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Her smile suddenly stopped.

Because she suddenly saw herself clearly in the mirror, that pale yet beautiful face with a manic smile, and what was reflected in the eyes and pupils was not her own face.

But it was the face of a young man who looked familiar.

(This is the end of the first volume. I asked for leave this afternoon to update the main text and organize the manuscript, so I will replace it with a random talk at the end of the volume. It may not be easy to ask for leave after it is published.)

Some readers may not understand this chapter, so let me explain the logic here: That morning, Miss Wang gave herself a stamp of "erase memory." During the ancestor worship ceremony in the afternoon, the steel seal was instantly crushed and defeated by the ideological steel seal placed by his father (he had a brief headache due to the huge difference in computing power, but he endured it). After the seal was released, Miss Wang was twisted into a person who "puts family interests first". She had no idea of ​​decrypting the seal, but because of her previous "intentional calculations and unintentional calculations", she had to "release some of the family's crimes" and " Choose between sitting back and watching all the family's crimes be released." "Family interests come first" drives her to choose the former, but "not harming family interests" prohibits her from choosing the former, resulting in a fierce logical conflict. Coupled with the guidance of the recording, with Miss Wang's intelligence, she understood that she would definitely block all possibilities in the morning, leaving only the path of decryption. Therefore, "the interests of the family come first" drive her to decode the seal, thereby bypassing the restriction of "not harming the interests of the family". In the final analysis, it was the contradictory points of her father's ideological stamp itself that were keenly detected and exploited by Miss Wang, thus completing the logical drive for self-decryption in a distorted state. By the way, I showed the above explanation to my niece who is in junior high school (she was imitating Bai Juyi’s behavior), and she said she had no problem and she could understand it completely. Considering that almost all of my readers are highly talented and knowledgeable, understanding this will certainly be easier. If you still don't understand, you can ask here.

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