Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 551 Overt and covert fighting

"Why are they all on the roof?" At the last minute, the blond princess arrived late with her younger sister.

As soon as she arrived, she immediately became the focus of the audience.

If the struggle between the eldest ladies of the aristocratic families still belongs to the category of internal fighting within the camp, then the involvement of the eldest princess of Nankang will be mixed with the interests of the political camp.

Therefore, everyone responded in a straightforward manner. Qingqing was the first to speak with a smile:

"It's a coincidence that your two highnesses are here. I'll ask someone to bring the chairs."

"No need, we can just stand." Lu Ling said angrily.

These people sat down early, and by the way occupied the best viewing position on the roof. Instead of sitting on the edge, he and his sister might as well stand, at least they could adjust the viewing point at any time.

Cheng Jinyang also noticed their awkward situation, stood up and said with a smile:

"Okay, sister Xinnan, please sit in my chair first."

Cui Jinqi:? ? ?

"That would be disrespectful." The princess sister said with a smile and sat down in his seat.

As a result, the faces of the eldest ladies from the aristocratic families all became ugly.

They were originally sitting around Cheng Jinyang, but now they were the eldest princess of Nankang, and they felt like concubines surrounding an important lady.

It’s better not to sit down!

"What about me? What about me!" Lu Ling pulled Cheng Jinyang's arm and shouted.

"Stand!" Cheng Jinyang said.

"Why, I am my sister-in-law!" Luling said with his hands on his hips, "How dare you offend my sister-in-law?"

"I'm already standing with you, how can I be offended?" Cheng Jinyang said helplessly.

Cui Xiaoniang suddenly shivered.

We are all sitting, and only Jinyang and Luling are standing. Doesn’t it look like they are a couple instead?

"Forget it, I won't sit down anymore." She jumped down from the chair and hugged Cheng Jinyang's arm, "Husband, let's stand and watch~"

"It's really better to see the perspective while standing." Xing Yunzhi also stood up calmly.

With these two people taking the lead, everyone also found excuses to stand up. As a result, there were a lot of empty chairs on the roof, and everyone stood next to Cheng Jinyang.

"You all are standing, which makes me embarrassed." The princess sister also stood up.

"Don't you all sit down?" Cheng Jinyang asked in surprise, "I won't be embarrassed, so I will sit down."

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was like sparks falling into a pile of firecrackers, and everyone exploded.

"Stop him!"

"You dare to sit down?"

"Remove all the chairs!"

Cheng Jinyang:?

Fortunately, the farce did not last long, because midnight finally arrived.

New Year’s Eve!

The night sky in the south suddenly burst into flames.


After watching the fireworks, everyone got off the roof and returned to the bedroom.

"Luling, you go back first." The princess sister said without any explanation.

"Ah?" Luling was confused.

Then she reacted immediately, blushed and said:

"Sister, I want to sleep with you tonight."

"But I want to sleep with Jinyang and the others." Princess Sister said generously, without caring about the complicated looks from around her, "Or do you want to stay with us?"

"Then let's go together!" Lu Ling blurted out immediately, "Wangshu and I will sleep together tonight!"

"Who wants to sleep with you!" Yang Wangshu jumped up immediately.

"I heard from my sister that you are playing the online game Sanqing Guixuji?" Lu Ling looked at her with vacant eyes.

"What are you doing? Can't you play games?" Yang Wangshu asked warily.

"I have a top-notch account." Luling whispered to her, "Do you know about the hidden sect, hell realm? I can lend it to you to play with."

"Hell?" Yang Wangshu's eyes lit up, and then he frowned, "There won't be any problem with your number, right?"

"No, it's a girl's number." Lu Ling said, "I just changed my hair color to blonde."

"That's okay." Yang Wangshu nodded pretendingly, "My bed is quite big."

"How about you sleep in my bed?" Xing Yunzhi said suddenly.

As soon as she said this, everyone immediately looked at her as if she were a monster.

"Yuan Zhi, are you willing to sleep with someone else?" Qing Qing asked in disbelief.


"In addition, there is one more thing." She looked at Li Qingwan and others and said with a smile, "I think we can formulate a sorting rule for everyone's sleeping position. After all, there are only two positions around Jinyang, right?"

"I object!" Cui Xiaoniang shouted immediately.

"Objection is invalid. Let's wait until everyone reaches a consensus." Xing Yunzhi said indifferently.

As we all know, for some reason, the left and right sides of Cheng Jinyang have been occupied by Chu Qingqing and Cui Jinqi.

In the past, everyone came here to use the wifi, as long as they were in the same room, so they didn't pay too much attention to the location.

However, now that everyone is about to get married, on the one hand, they have more emotional needs, and on the other hand, they have to compete for the position of the head wife. Therefore, they will naturally start to compete for who can sleep next to Cheng Jinyang.

"I think it's okay." Lu Qingyun said first, "Every time I sleep next to the bed, I'm always worried that I'll fall if I'm not careful."

"Actually, I don't care." Zheng Qiupei carefully observed their faces, "However, let's ask Jinyang what he thinks."

However, Cheng Jinyang knew something was wrong when he heard the first sentence. At this time, he had already put on his headphones and got under the quilt. It was obvious that he wanted to get out of the matter and let you decide on your own.

"It would be much fairer if it was a rotation." Li Qingwan finally said, "Actually, the important thing is not the current order, but the schedule of having sex after marriage."

As soon as she said this, Cui Xiaoniang, who was still aggrieved at first, immediately fell silent after hearing this.

On the contrary, Qingqing, who had not expressed his attitude at first, was somewhat impressed by her.

Qingwan's meaning is also very clear: now that we all sleep together, we can't do anything anyway, so rotation is naturally the fairest and most appropriate.

The real big deal is how to arrange the order of sexual intercourse after marriage. Because it involves relationships and children, isn't it a thousand times more important than this issue now?

You have to sleep next to Jinyang tonight, that's fine. It's just that I took advantage this time, so I will naturally give in when it comes to scheduling sex after marriage.

One is before marriage, the other is after marriage; one is cuddling and cuddling with nothing to do, and the other is when two people are alone in the same room and can do whatever they want. Which one should be given priority? You can get the answer just by thinking about it with your brain.

"Then...if you want to rotate, just rotate." Cui Xiaoniang pursed her lips and said, for fear that Li Qingwan would say again, "You have been sleeping next to him for so long, so you should schedule less time to have sex after marriage."

Qingqing had already seen through the essence of the matter because of her own experience, so she had no objections from the beginning.

Just listening to Li Qingwan's understatement, Cui Xiaoniang was settled in a few words. Although Cui Xiaoniang is indeed not very smart, isn't it because Li Qingwan's methods are powerful?

She licked her lips silently and narrowed her eyes slightly.

There is one more opponent worthy of attention.

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