Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 554: Involution on the first day of the new year

Early next morning.

Cheng Jinyang got up from the bed, still thinking about last night's battle with Lord Lingguang.

Obviously, for the second-grade star king, the fighting power of the fourth-grade people is completely insufficient.

It's not because his abilities aren't strong, it's just that his quality in all aspects is seriously lagging behind.

Unless it's a sneak attack, you can't hit the opponent even if you use your superpower.

The speed of such a restraining pulse is one-tenth of the speed of light, so it can be avoided by the opponent by tilting his head...

Although it seemed that Lu Qingyun's ability was predicted in advance through perception, it was already terrifying.

The final large-scale self-destruction tactic finally worked. Ye Ru led everyone to teleport 15 times in a row before avoiding the outer shock wave of the anti-matter explosion.

Then everyone headed towards the center of the explosion again. When they were teleported for the eighth time, the surrounding scene suddenly changed again.

Apparently because Lord Lingguang had fallen, according to the rules of continuous hunting, everyone was teleported to the next target - not even having time to absorb their blood.

All night long, everyone hunted and killed fourteen second-level demon gods, received a bonus of almost 200 million horses, and finally managed to advance to the third level.

It's just that there is no joy on everyone's face.

On the one hand, almost all of the second-level monsters were killed. After the fourteenth hunting, everyone was teleported back to Cai Zhaoqin and learned that there were no more second-level monsters to hunt.

All the wild monsters in this world are more or less acquainted with those of the same rank. Someone was hunted while mowing the grass and lost blood concentration. Naturally, he immediately informed his relatives and friends.

After a few rounds, most of the monsters knew that the newly promoted Big Dipper Lord was going crazy, so they all ran away.

After all, when he was a third-grade star officer, he was a famous leveling madman. He would hunt down third-grade monsters every now and then, causing panic among the third-grade monsters in the entire dream. Many demons are even recording and observing, calculating what time this person is usually online, in order to deliberately avoid the other person's activity time.

Later, the Beidou Star Lord, who was promoted to the second level, did not make any movement at first, which made the second-level demons relax. They thought that Emperor Ziwei was Emperor Ziwei after all. He could kill this leveling madman and have no time to practice. It's very satisfying.

As a result, I didn’t expect that tonight, everyone finally began to suffer in large numbers...

Su Lili didn't have any good way to hide the second-grade monsters. He said that he could only rest for a while and wait for the leeks to grow... No, wait for these second-grade monsters to relax their vigilance, and then make a surprise attack to harvest them. Wave.

However, the upgrade speed will naturally be delayed, and there is no way around it.

On the other hand, through the battle with the second-grade demon, everyone also realized that simply improving the bloodline grade did not actually have a very good effect.

Reaction speed, calculation speed, and the ability and awareness to deal with various situations are what they really lack.

The demons used the virtual server of Dreamland to train for a long time, and almost crushed them in this aspect - even when faced with demons of the same level, no one said they were confident that they could fight alone.

If the quality in all aspects cannot be improved correspondingly, relying solely on stronger abilities and more advanced algorithms will have a limited effect.

But these are all things for later. Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year after all. While the girls were getting up to wash up, Cheng Jinyang also took out the red envelope hidden in the bedside table.

"Happy New Year!" He began to hand out red envelopes to everyone, "New Year's money, may you have peace every year!"

"Wow!" Yang Wangshu took the thick red envelope, opened it, and his eyes suddenly glowed with golden light. He came over and hugged Cheng Jinyang's waist, and said coquettishly, "Husband, can you give me more?"

"How can I bargain with this new year's money?" Cheng Jinyang said with a wry smile. Yang Wangshu immediately changed his face and said with a look of disgust:

"It's so stingy and shameful."

"You still know what shame is!" Cheng Jinyang twisted her cheek and gave her a good brother's rubbing caress, leaving Xiao Wangshu speechless.

When Cheng Jinyang let go, she ran out of the bedroom.

Even without the mask, this man is still so scary! horrible!

"You're bullying her again." Xing Yunzhi came out of the bathroom and said calmly when she saw the scene just now.

"What do you mean 'again'?" Cheng Jinyang said dissatisfiedly, "I never bully her, okay? Here, this is a red envelope."

Xing Yuanzhi took the red envelope, but did not open it. She just looked at it over and over.

"Isn't that too much money?" she said.

"A little more is for good luck." Cheng Jinyang said that I no longer care about money.

"No." Xing Yunzhi said, "It's just bulging and ugly."

The second one to come out was the princess sister. Seeing Cheng Jinyang holding a red envelope, she smiled and said:

"Have you received so many already?"

She also took out a red envelope from the pocket of her tight pants and said:


Cheng Jinyang:………………

"Sister Xinnan also prepared a red envelope?" he asked curiously.

"I'm older than you." Princess Sister said with a smile.

"But I am the host here." Cheng Jinyang pointed at himself and said, "And even as a husband, I am the one giving it to you."

"Don't be so stingy, it doesn't matter." The princess sister came over and kissed him on the face.

Xing Yunzhi's eyelids twitched when he saw it.

The other party used a sexy offensive, and Cheng Jinyang had no choice but to sigh helplessly and let her go.

"I'll hand them out with you later." Sister Princess also took out a large stack of red envelopes from under the pillow. She didn't know when she put them in, "Yuan Zhi, here they are."

Xing Yuanzhi:………………

Really, why are everyone in this room so keen on playing the role of a big lady?

She took the red envelope, turned around and left the residence, making a phone call.

"Ruochu." Xing Yunzhi told her cousin, "Prepare a batch of red envelopes for me, a big batch, the kind of lucky money."

The behavior of the princess sister reminded her: although only the elders can give out New Year red envelopes, but there are no elders in this family, so doesn't anyone can give them out?

The battlefield is not just between girls, other people in the clan are also objects of competition.

Establishing authority starts from every aspect of life!

Li Qingwan came out of his residence and was about to go for morning exercise. He was holding two red envelopes, one from Cheng Jinyang and one from the princess sister. His expression seemed a little strange.

Then she saw Xing Yunzhi smiling and handing her a new one.

Li Qingwan:………………

Aren’t you involuntarily involved?

Just think about it, if you send it, I send it, everyone sends it, the people who receive the red envelope won’t appreciate it at all, okay?

Even if you appreciate it, with so many mistresses handing out red envelopes, the impression of affection will definitely be diluted.

She decided to avoid involution.

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