Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 571 Research Donation

Queen Mother Yu took a sip of tea slowly and made quick calculations in her mind.

First of all, it is impossible to lie. After all, you can easily find out the truth by asking Yu Yuangui about this matter.

Secondly, would his eldest brother do such a thing?

Really good at...

Who doesn’t know the name of this “Book of Regrets” inside and outside Taicheng?

When encountering something, you immediately make a judgment and make a decision. After you do it, you realize something is wrong, oops! I regret! I don’t know how many times this happened.

Feeling that Cheng Jinyang was valuable, he used the late emperor's promised marriage as a bargaining chip to dangle him.

Now it seems that the noble clan has put all their chips on Cheng Jinyang, so they hurriedly sent Nankang over... Don't you know that adding icing on the cake is not as good as giving help in times of need?

If the late emperor had just left last year and recruited Cheng Jinyang as his consort, the royal family would now have its own first-class giant soldiers, the direct territory of Jingkou Town, and the Beifu Army to protect the country.

Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs!

Thinking of this, Queen Mother Yu also felt a little bored.

Although Nankang had already persuaded her, the marriage was a foregone conclusion, and it was best not to bully her son-in-law anymore, so as not to cause ugly trouble between the two parties.

But she was still a little upset. She originally planned to use some sarcastic words to make her son-in-law look good.

Only now, hearing Cheng Jinyang tell the whole story, she couldn't say anything to blame him.

People have come to the palace to ask for an audience, but you, Yu Zhongshu, want to make arrangements for the eldest princess’s marriage. What can they do?

Unfortunately, this man was the biological brother of Empress Dowager Yu, so she could not stay out of the matter. She could only silently drink the tea one sip after another. When the cup was almost at the bottom, she seemed to have lost her way out and asked in a low voice:

"Hey, Jinyang. The Ai family wants to ask you, if the Ai family makes the decision now and lets Nankang marry you, what are the chances of you becoming the head wife?"

Cheng Jinyang's face turned bitter when he heard this, and he said after a long while:

"Returning to Your Majesty the Queen Mother, she said that I will marry the five families of Wang, Cui, Lu, Zheng, and Li. The bride will be either the daughter of the clan leader or elder, or a niece or an adopted daughter. We want them to be concubines. , I can’t do it.”

After hearing this, Queen Mother Yu closed her eyes tiredly.

The Wang family in Taiyuan alone already made her feel like she was facing a formidable enemy. "The king and the horse share the world", how can she, the mother of the emperor, not be afraid?

Now with the addition of the other four families, even Yu Zhongshu dare not take advantage of her. Once Nankang becomes the head wife, it will definitely directly harm the overall interests of the five surnamed families.

However, if Nankang is not married to him, Cheng Jinyang will be completely tied to the chariot of the noble clan, and the current royal family simply cannot afford to lose the giant god soldier.

Yu Yuangui called her just now to tell her these truths. What he said was nothing more than telling her not to "act out of emotion" and to think more about her children, the Yu family and the country.

Thinking of this, Queen Mother Yu suddenly couldn't help but feel angry.

Why should I think about the country? Brother, this matter was planned by the late Emperor from the beginning, but wasn't it messed up by a fool like you in the end?

Why do you want me to close this stall for you now? Are you the Queen Mother, or am I the Queen Mother?

Thinking of this, Queen Mother Yu's mood waned, and she had no interest in continuing to argue with Cheng Jinyang. She just waved her hand to indicate that he could leave.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Cheng Jinyang still remembered that Miss Wang asked him not to stay in the palace for a long time, so he quickly said, "Then Princess..."

"Go, go." Queen Mother Yu said she was tired.

So the princess sister stood up happily, bowed to her mother, and then left with Jinyang and Luling.

After leaving the palace, Cheng Jinyang was about to speak when he heard the princess sister say seriously:

"Jinyang, we have to go to the clan as soon as possible to arrange the marriage... Otherwise, if the mother regrets it later, it will be difficult."

Cheng Jinyang said dumbfounded:

"Hasn't she already regretted it? Now that she has been persuaded to come back, can she regret it again later?"

"Oh, it's not like you don't know!" Lu Ling said next to him, "Look at my uncle's character. How do you think the queen mother will be any better?"

Cheng Jinyang:………………

This mother-in-law’s family is really the best.

The three of them rushed to Zongzheng's official office and asked to see Uncle Zongzheng, Sima Dao.

Uncle Sima Dao was drinking tea. Hearing that Cheng Jinyang and the two eldest princesses were visiting, he quickly got up and went out to greet them.

By now, almost all the clans have figured out that Cheng Jinyang has gained the full support of the noble clan and is a hot new star in the future imperial political arena.

As for the previous rising star Yu Yuangui, due to the massive purge of the clan after the death of the late emperor, everyone wished that he would turn into a shooting star and get out of the house as soon as possible so that this rising star could come up as soon as possible.

As long as the eldest princess of Nankang marries, this new star will become one of our Sima family!

"Oh, the wedding etiquette for this eldest princess is quite complicated." After the three people were seated, Uncle Sima poured tea for them and said with a smile, "First of all, we need to identify the pedigree..."

"The purpose of identifying the pedigree is to confirm whether the family is innocent." The princess sister asked coldly, "Jinyang was appointed by the late emperor. Is there anything to confirm? Or do you suspect that the late emperor did not know people well?"

"Old minister, I don't mean that!" Uncle Sima Dao naturally wouldn't take the blame, and then began to complain, "Clan marriage is different from the outside world. It can't be settled by just registering it. According to the rules set by Emperor Gaozu, you You must do a premarital check-up in advance to check your genetic pedigree to confirm your traits and ensure the good health and good breeding of your offspring.”

When the other party mentioned premarital examination and eugenics, Cheng Jinyang couldn't find an excuse for a while, so he could only look at the princess sister for a moment.

"How long does it take for pedigree identification?" Sister Princess asked.

"About two months..."

"That won't work!" Princess Sister said firmly, "Or you can help us jump over it!"

"Your Highness, please don't make things difficult for me..."

"The results of pedigree identification in human families only take a few hours, so why does it take two months to reach our imperial family?"

"It's not that the old minister is shirking his responsibilities." Uncle Sima Dao said slyly, "It's just because as soon as Yu Zhongshu took office, the imperial family's scientific research funds have been continuously reduced, and all of them have been transferred to the Imperial Hospital."

"Now, both our manpower and equipment cannot keep up with the demand for appraisals. Two months has already been the result of a special rush for His Highness. You must know that other clan children have to report to the Zongzheng official office a year in advance to get married!"

Taiyin Hospital is a hospital opened by the Yanling Yu clan that specializes in researching supernatural bloodlines. Cheng Jinyang's grandfather, Cheng Benhe, lived here. Cheng Jinyang himself was hospitalized in this hospital when he fell into coma after summoning the Titan Soldier for the first time.

As for the misappropriation of the royal family's scientific research funds to the Taiyuan Hospital, the princess sister has actually heard about it for a long time, but she has an uncle on one side and a distant uncle she is not familiar with. What can she do? You can only pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Now Uncle Dao Sima used this matter to block her mouth, and for a while she couldn't even make any sense.

Moreover, she is still of demon blood, so it is impossible to provide a blood sample for identification, so what should we do...

"I didn't expect that the Imperial Research Institute would be in such decline." Cheng Jinyang sighed, "On behalf of the Cheng family in the divine capital, I am willing to donate 20 million in scientific research subsidies to the Imperial Research Institute..."

"Oops!" Uncle Sima Dao suddenly high-fived, "I remembered that His Highness has a physical examination every year. As long as the identification results are extracted from the physical examination data, it only takes an afternoon to compare!"

Princess sister:………………

"That's great!" Cheng Jinyang complimented, "Then I'll ask Mr. Zongzheng to go through the procedures for us."

"That's natural. As for scientific research donations..."

"Pay 30% first, and pay the remaining 70% after the wedding!"

"No, you need to pay 70% first, and then pay 30% after the work is completed." Uncle Dao Sima said sadly, "Our researchers' salaries have been suspended for a long time, and now they are all out delivering food! We have to pay off the arrears of salary, they That’s why I’m willing to come back.”

"I see. Then you can pay 70% first. This is the result of the appraisal..."

"Don't worry, Jinyang, as long as the scientific research funds are in place, there will be no problems with the identification results!"

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