Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 574 The right to choose

"Jinyang." Xie Guyan said slowly.

"I once asked how you got through these years."

"You have experienced the harsh treatment of the Cheng family in the city of God, and you have also suffered from the coercion of the central government in Taicheng. You have realized the ugly nature of today's human world."

"In the human world, vested interests have built a siege of human connections, blocking out others. Anyone who wants to enter the siege will have to endure their endless obstruction, torture and strife."

"Even if people outside are oppressed to the point of intolerance and join forces to use violence to break down the city wall, another group of vested interests will eventually be born and a new siege will be built on the ruins of the old one."

"This is an unsolvable historical cycle, and the reason lies in the human social structure, which was born out of the game of interests."

"The power gap between individual human beings is too small, so we have to create a social order to rule the majority. However, the order is naturally unfair. Those with vested interests will make the order more biased towards their own interests, while others do not have the strength to challenge The existing order until the majority is willing to unite and sacrifice to break the unfair old order.”

"However, the existence of demons provides us with another possibility to break the cycle."

"The demon's own strength has nothing to do with background or connections. The forerunners cannot use order to build walls to block those who come after them. The dream of improving one's bloodline is open to everyone."

"Anyone can become stronger as long as they work hard. The ownership of power only depends on the confrontation of strength. The winner has everything, and the loser can be resurrected. And those individuals who have reached the pinnacle of strength can also choose to turn into star beasts and leave. The world is left to those who come after us.”

"Jinyang, don't you think this world is more interesting?" Xie Guyan asked with a smile.

"Indeed." Cheng Jinyang had to admit that his mother's description was damn attractive.

Efforts will be rewarded. Forerunners cannot stop latecomers, and they are connected to the outside world and will not be inward... In this way, the demon society does have its own unique advancements.

If I hadn't been to the Central Plains, I would have almost believed it, okay?

"So, what does mother want to do?" Cheng Jinyang asked tentatively.

"It's very simple." Xie Guyan replied, "You just need to have more offspring."

"Through the blood samples of the offspring produced by you and different individuals, I can develop corresponding drugs that can enable large-scale evolution of humans."

Xie Guyan readily showed off his cards: it was not a drug that transformed demons into humans, but a so-called large-scale evolution drug.

"What does evolution mean?"

"Convert humans into demons." Xie Guyan said frankly, "Normal demon pollution depends on the physical and psychological quality of the recipient, and the success rate ranges from one in a few hundred to one in tens of thousands."

"But my potion, if there is no error in the final data, can increase the success rate to one-tenth at most, regardless of whether the recipient is a superpower or an ordinary person, female or male."

"Suppose one of the ten humans who use drugs turns into a demon, what about the remaining nine?" Cheng Jinyang asked again.

"You will die." Xie Guyan said quietly, "In other words, the spirit will be swallowed up and destroyed, and the body will become an unconscious puppet."

"That's the same as death." Cheng Jinyang laughed, "You have to sacrifice 90% of humans just to let 10% of humans evolve into monsters?"

"This is a necessary sacrifice." Xie Guyan replied, "From ancient times to the present, the number of human beings who have died due to various conflicts of interests is more than dozens of times the current population base."

"As long as 10% of humans can become monsters, we can get rid of the original historical cycle of oppression and murder, and create a new world."

"A better world than this one."

Cheng Jinyang was silent for a long time before he smiled bitterly:

"It does sound good. But mother, to create such a world, you need to pay a huge price."

"No evolution comes without a price." Xie Guyan said.

"This is the truth." Cheng Jinyang sighed and looked serious, "But do you know, mother?"

"Suppose I have nine human wives, and now you have to sacrifice nine of them in exchange for me going to a better world alone."

"I will fight you tooth and nail."

"You have no reason to fight." Xie Guyan shook his head, "The probability of your wives transforming into monsters is very high."

"But it's not 100% after all." Cheng Jinyang replied, "Sacrifice must be voluntary and cannot be forced. People cannot force others to make choices. Otherwise, what is the nature of those who have vested interests that I told you about? What’s the difference?”

"Childish idea." Xie Guyan sneered, and the remaining warmth in his eyes gradually disappeared. "I thought the same way in my previous life, until death taught me a lesson."

"Everyone wants to defend their right to make choices, but the fate of mankind as a whole will ultimately be determined by pure strength. Because the real world is so cold and ruthless, even if you ultimately disobey my wishes and make your own The choice is not because you naturally have this right, but because you have the power to surpass me!!!"

She suddenly stretched out her arm and grabbed Cheng Jinyang!

The princess sister hurriedly came out to stop him, and the fantasy substance turned into a translucent spear and stabbed directly into Xie Guyan's palm.

Xie Guyan directly clenched her fist, and the tip of the spear was crushed in her hand like bamboo and paper. At that moment, she completely analyzed the fantasy material woven by the princess sister!

Cheng Jinyang had already activated his demonization state. He hugged his wife as quickly as possible and retreated backwards. He aimed his telekinesis at the balcony window behind him and exploded it. The two of them flew out amid the scattered glass fragments.

Xie Guyan stretched out his hand again and shook hands with the two people who rushed out of the window.

The air seemed to thicken in an instant, and Cheng Jinyang felt as if he was trapped in transparent cotton, with nothing to focus on in all directions.

Gravity, telekinesis, electromagnetic force... No matter what kind of supernatural power it is, there is no way to free yourself from the constraints of the surrounding transparent materials, just like an insect trapped in a spider's web.

"If you choose filial piety, I can let you live a married life in Jingkou and have children at your own pace." Xie Guyan walked over slowly, with no sadness or joy in his expression, only indifference, "But since you If you disobey me and choose your own life, then you must prove your independence!"

She pulled her fingers again, and Cheng Jinyang felt something hooking his and the princess sister's bodies, dragging them to fly in the direction of their mother.

"How dare you!" Xie Guyan's eyes suddenly widened because Cheng Jinyang had already condensed a mass of matter in front of him.

A ball of antimatter with considerable mass, enough to wipe the entire town of Wujiang off the map.

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