Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 576 Mother-in-law’s conspiracy

On the wedding night, I had no chance to sleep with you.

The reason for the bye is of course that today is a special date. No one wants their husband to sleep with someone else on this day, so they would rather no one sleep with him.

The so-called worry is not about scarcity but about inequality. For example, I may not be the head wife, but others must not be wives; another example is that I can fly on the Yangtze River for several hours before landing on my wedding day, but others must not arrive at the Cheng Clan, the capital of God, before me... This is all true. .

The girls slept on the big bed, while Cheng Jinyang lay bored on the small bed alone, looking at the night outside the window.

terribly upset.

Of course, if you think about it carefully, the worst outcome for you would be to be caught on a blind date and assigned a lot of wives.

It became free love and lost arranged marriage. Huh, that’s it?

Are you not afraid at all?

No need to run away, just give it a try!

On the other side, Ye Ru also returned to her residence and asked the other girls:

"Ashu and his mother have basically settled down. Do you want to go out and relax too?"

"I..." As soon as Su Lili opened her mouth, she was interrupted by Ye Ru, "Xiao Qi, I didn't ask you. I already know your answer. No need to say more. What did Jiang Jiu and Lin Hu say?"

"I want to stay here to record his daily life." Lin Hu hesitated for a moment and said, "This is His Majesty's will."

"Everyone is staying here, so I'll stay too." Jiang Jiu said carelessly.

"What about you, Si?"

"You all stayed, why should I go out alone?" Ye Ru said angrily.

"I knew Ah Si was the best to me~" Su Lili came over with a smile, hugged her arm and said.

"Don't mention this anymore." Ye Ru frowned and said, "There seems to be something wrong in the Central Plains recently."

"Something's wrong?" Su Lili blinked.

"Hmm." Ye Ru thought about it, "It seems that a factory is being built in Luoyang."

Now all the demon girls were shocked.

What a weird thing a factory is! Aren't we that...demon? What do you want the factory to do?

"Lin Hu, do you know something?" Ye Ru stared at her with bright eyes.

"I don't know." Lin Hu shook his head in confusion at first, then pretended to be mature and capable, and said in a deep and authentic tone, "However, every word and action of His Majesty must have deep meaning."


Even if you flatter me here, your mother-in-law won’t hear you!

"No, I'm not worried. I'd better go and have a look." Ye Ru said worriedly, and then teleported away again.

She teleported all night long and traveled all the way to the south of Luoyang City.

Large factories have been built on the originally vast plains, with huge chimneys pointing straight into the sky, casting terrifying shadows under the night.

There are a large number of sentries scattered in the factory park, some of them are high-level demons, but most of them are humans.

Ye Ru looked at these human costumes and felt her blood pressure rise suddenly.

When they were in Songjiang, it was this association that called itself the "White Lotus Sect". Under the guise of "women helping each other and rescuing people in distress," they tricked them into drinking talismanic water containing the blood of high-level demons.

In fact, the White Lotus Sect is a religious organization born in the occupied areas of the north that spontaneously worships demons. They believe that demons are messengers sent to the world by a god named "Infernal Mother" to save human beings (women). Escape from the sea of ​​suffering and become an immortal.

It's just that high-level demons have always regarded these fanatical believers as rubbish. After all, their fighting power is not as good as that of puppets, and their wisdom may not necessarily defeat them.

Now that she saw these fanatical believers and high-level demons staying peacefully in the factory, Ye Ru had already guessed that Xie Guyan was interested in the power of the White Lotus Sect and was trying to integrate it and use it for his own use.

Xie Guyan, what exactly do you want to do...

Staring at the factories standing in the darkness, Ye Ru took a deep breath and suppressed her hatred of the White Lotus Sect.

No, calm down.

Since Xie Guyan is standing here openly, he must have thought about how to deal with detection and prying.

Maybe there's a trap waiting for me!

If you rush in rashly, you may not be able to get a good deal.

do not care! Jump in and take a look!

Just take one look, take one look and immediately evacuate, no matter what you see!

Thinking of this, Ye Ru activated her ability without thinking and moved to the skylight of the factory in an instant.

She did not dare to teleport directly into the factory. She just looked inside through the window glass with wide eyes, and then immediately teleported away.

After a series of teleportations, she returned directly to Jingkou Town, and she calmed down her anxiety a little. Recalling what I saw before, I felt a little confused.

Is that... a can?

Countless large can-shaped containers are densely packed but neatly arranged inside the factory. The outside is a messy and intertwined pipeline, and the inside is...

...a female body soaked in liquid.

To be honest, Ye Ru didn't really understand the function of those machines, but she could probably guess that it was some kind of large-scale experiment based on the body of a demon.

So she turned around again and planned to ask Murong Shu, the only reliable one among the demons.

The location where Murong Shu lived in seclusion at this time was located in the southwest corner of the mainland far away from the Central Plains, on a small island near the overseas Tianzhu Province.

Although the Central Plains has been fully civilized due to Sima Yi's efforts, it still has little impact on provinces far away from the Central Plains. In addition, the successor emperor's lack of interest in civilizing the indigenous people has led to the fact that after nearly a thousand years, Tianzhu still maintains the ancient The household registration system divided all households into four types of place of residence: official, commoner (the so-called "good family"), military craftsman, and lowly.

Civilians obtained official status through the imperial examination, while military craftsmen and low-ranking officials had to pay money to deregister. However, probably due to local culture and the like, the mainstream in Tianzhu generally did not have a strong desire to deregister.

Murong Shu bought a manor on the island, as well as a large number of craftsmen to run the production of the manor, and a large number of lowly people to serve the old lady.

The few housekeeper and guard positions were filled by some of her demon subordinates in Qinghe County, and Ye Ru was sent over in batches one after another.

The craftsmen and humble residents of these local ethnic groups are generally more docile, obedient, and less eager than those in the Central Plains. However, hygiene issues are very troublesome. In addition, their worship of cows was a little too fanatical, so much so that Ye Ru occasionally laughed at Murong Shu, saying that the status in the manor was "the cow is greater than your mother is greater than you", and was bullied by Murong Shu.

At this time, Murong Shu was sitting in the hall drinking tea and talking to his mother. Next to him were several dark-skinned maids. Their facial features were attractive, but their clothes were too simple.

"A Shu!" Ye Ru rushed up to the hall and said solemnly, "Something happened in the Central Plains!"

"What's wrong with Jinyang?!" Murong Shu was so shocked that he immediately stood up and asked regardless of his big belly.

"It's not that naughty man!" Ye Ru waved her hand quickly, "It's his mother!"

"He's doing some kind of evil experiment!"

"Didn't you already know that?" Murong Shu sat down again, touching his stomach and said disapprovingly.

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