Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 593 White Lotus Sect

Li Qingwan didn't know how an ordinary missing person incident was connected with "Xie Guyan's conspiracy".

However, she still informed Cheng Jinyang truthfully, and truthfully conveyed her fear of hearing the news to him.

This indirectly destroyed the other party's appetite for grilled fish.

After ending the call, Li Qingwan went to the location specified in the newspaper, intending to interview the victim's family who published the missing person notice.

As a result, when he was about to reach his destination, he happened to meet Ye Ru who appeared in a flash.

"Don't go." Ye Ru said, "She disappeared outside. Her family suspects that she was kidnapped and sent to a pyramid scheme."

"MLM?" Li Qingwan pondered for a moment, "Can you determine the approximate scope of the disappearance?"

"Do you really think it's a pyramid scheme?" Ye Ru shook her head, "That's the White Lotus Sect!"

"White Lotus Sect?" Li Qingwan clicked his tongue and said, "Is there one in Sichuan as well?"

"How is it possible that there is no White Lotus Sect in an area close to monsters?" Ye Ru sighed, "As long as monsters still look like women, there will be discrimination against ordinary women."

"And these victims of discrimination will inevitably have resentment and dissatisfaction. These negative emotions are the best breeding ground for religion."

"What should we do?" Li Qingwan thought for a moment and said, "We... can't possibly eradicate the local White Lotus Sect on Cheng Han's behalf."

"If Xie Guyan is plotting behind this White Lotus Sect force, we must not take it lightly." Ye Ru said seriously, "First find out the other party's purpose clearly."

"Okay, do you have information about the other party?"

"No." Ye Ru smiled slightly, "But we can find it."

"How to find it?"

“Where do you think young women are most vulnerable to discrimination?”

"Uh, dating corner?"

"What a dating corner, of course it's a job market!" Ye Ru said angrily, "Do you think that after graduating from college, you will be rejected by major employers because of your beauty."

"At first I doubted my ability, and then I went to the forum to complain. It turned out that it was gender and appearance discrimination."

"If you don't believe in evil, then you go to apply for a job, fail again and again, fail again and again, and finally start to doubt your life."

"At this time, someone tells you online that everyone is a job seeker who has been discriminated against, and then they want to meet offline to help each other. If you are already desperate, don't you most likely go there and take a look?"

"Up to this point, all young and beautiful girls have been excluded. In fact, it is exactly the same as the pyramid scheme."

"Then they brainwash you when they get there. At first they say it's men's oppression of women, and then it becomes that women are inherently nobler than men. Why? Because only women can evolve, and men cannot. That's why they have dominated social opinion for a long time. , to prevent women from evolving – anyway, it’s the same as the MLM routine, which is repeated brainwashing to make you not believe in the outside world, lock yourself up in an information cocoon, and only believe what is said in this circle.”

"Later, when the time is ripe, we will start to organize everyone to evolve collectively. How to evolve? Come, drink this bowl of talisman water, or tonic, or genetic liquid... Anyway, there are all kinds of bluffing names. Yes, I just won’t tell you that this is actually the blood of demons.”

"After drinking it, most of those who didn't survive will die. Those who survive by chance will turn into monsters. Then the monsters from the Central Plains will come and take you away."

"I see." Li Qingwan nodded, "The White Lotus Sect is really hateful. You also suffered in the beginning."

"No... this is the story of a friend of mine." Ye Ru knew she had made a mistake, and quickly used tactics to wave her hands, forcing the subject to change and said, "In short, the people of the White Lotus Sect are all beasts, and it is right to kill one of them."

"We're going to the job market now, and then you're going to apply for a job, pretend to be a little bit underperforming, get eliminated in various ways, and then see if anyone tries to contact you."

"Is this method really feasible?" Li Qingwan complained, "It sounds a bit like waiting for the rabbit to die. A rabbit was killed on a tree stump, and then it was judged that rabbits would be killed on other tree stumps. Is this the logic? A little unreliable?"

"Then do you have any good ideas?" Ye Ru asked her impatiently, not happy with being compared to a silly rabbit.

"That's not true..."

"Then let's try my method first!" Ye Ru said decisively, "There won't be any cost anyway, right?"

Isn’t time cost a cost? Li Qingwan really wanted to say this, but after all, she had no better way, so she could only agree.

The two of them went around the job market. Li Qingwan used a resume that he wrote and printed casually in a printing shop. He required no academic qualifications, no resume, and only some fabricated work experience. Of course, he was not selected at all.

Most of the company recruiters just asked her to put down her resume and sent her away.

"So no one comes to strike up a conversation at all." In the women's restroom, Li Qingwan said helplessly while washing her hands.

"Maybe you're not pretty enough?" Ye Ru stood beside her, looking at Li Qingwan in the mirror, and said thoughtfully.

"Okay, I'm quitting. You can find someone else." Li Qingwan shook the water off his hands angrily.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, it's definitely not convenient for me to show my identity to the public. What if I meet someone of the same type and get recognized?"

"Even if you say so, there's nothing I can do if I'm not pretty enough." Li Qingwan took out his phone.

"Who are you calling?"

"Jinyang, he may have some ideas."

"Why don't you ask Wang Wanrou?"

"She may not be able to answer if I ask her." Li Qingwan replied, "Besides, if Jinyang doesn't know, you can ask him to ask Wang Wanrou, and Wanrou will definitely answer his question."

"...Your family relationship is really complicated."

On the Yangtze River, Cheng Jinyang received a call from Li Qingwan again, and his expression became solemn.

Is it the White Lotus Sect? If this is the case, maybe the demon has really gotten involved in Sichuan.

"There are three ways." Cheng Jinyang said thoughtfully, "The first is to continue to start from the source and pay attention to the labor market and similar job seeker forums. If they want to find victims, they will definitely have their own screening channels."

"The second one is to start with the process. The White Lotus Sect generally chooses places with poor security, and basically eats takeout for three meals a day, and members are not allowed to go out at will, so we can focus on those residents with low rents and prosperous catering industries. district."

"The third method is to start with the results. The existence of the White Lotus Sect has caused missing persons. Someone must report the case to the local police to confirm whether they have detected the results."

"Then choose the third one." Ye Ru replied, "The first two are more troublesome. They are like looking for a needle in a haystack. The scope of the investigation is too large."

"If it's just about sneaking into the patrol room, I can give it a try."

"No need." Li Qingwan sighed, "Wanrou... didn't she mind control two city defense soldiers before? I guess she has got the news by now."

Ye Ru was slightly startled.

Wait, has Miss Wang already thought of this from the beginning?

Then why do we have to check it out?

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