Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 598 Miscalculation?

"The other party poisoned the water plant."

On the phone, Li Qingwan, who had barely recovered from the severe pain, slumped on the ground weakly and weakly reported to Miss Wang:

"At present, it seems that the reason why the other party deliberately searches for specific female human subjects in the name of the White Lotus Sect is to numb the illusion we deliberately created."

"In fact, the other party has already planted demonic contaminants in fifteen tap water transfer stations in the CD city. The specific time and method are not yet clear. In order to investigate the situation of the White Lotus Sect in the early stage, we I wasted several days and undoubtedly played into the opponent’s hands.”

"Yes, I understand." Miss Wang said calmly.

"Wanrou." Li Qingwan said anxiously, "Tell me, you have actually calculated this in advance, right?"

When she thought that she might have drank water containing pollutants, and then thought of Liang Ruoruo's meaningful words, "You have the same kind of smell as me," she felt a shuddering feeling.

I... no, not only myself, but the entire CD city area has probably been contaminated!

However, Wang Wanrou on the opposite side never answered, which made Li Qingwan's heart slowly fall.

"Wang Wanrou, right?" Liang Ruoruo, who was controlled by Ye Ru, suddenly said, "Your Majesty has something to tell you."

"The so-called extraordinary wisdom must also be based on sufficient intelligence."

“In the absence of information, the more you rely on your own intelligence, the easier it is to fall into the trap of conceit.”

"At least in this Sichuan-Sichuan offensive, on the level of pure wisdom, you have lost."

After she finished speaking sarcastically, she heard a snap on the other side.

Miss Wang hung up the phone.

Liang Ruoruo burst out laughing, as if laughing at the other party's overestimation and defeat.

Ye Ru gave her a few harsh words, so Liang Ruoruo turned to an expression of anger and sneer.

The other girls tried to stop her, but were pushed to the ground by Ye Ru. Someone tried to call the police with a mobile phone, but the phone disappeared as soon as he took it out.

So everyone could only stare in silence, watching Ye Ru kneading and rubbing Liang Ruoruo like dough, humiliating and playing with her in various ways, and almost shed tears.

Li Qingwan pressed the phone tremblingly again to call Cheng Jinyang.

When Ye Ru saw this, she said:

"You'd better take a rest, if you..."

She wanted to say, "If you have been contaminated too," but after much deliberation, she still didn't say it. She just changed her words:

"You have been affected by her innate magical power. Now your whole body should be in a state of numbness that makes it difficult to move. Don't force yourself. If you have anything to say, I will help you tell her later."

"No." Li Qingwan shook his head and dialed Cheng Jinyang.

Cheng Jinyang, who was opposite him, also fell into a state of tension after hearing this.

Although Qingwan was also worried, the incident with Princess Sister showed that directly opening the connection state can provide obsession.

If that doesn't work, we can only let Qingwan transform into a demon, and then try our best to keep her identity secret!

However, what is even more troublesome is Chengdu, a city with tens of millions of people. Even if 90% of it is polluted and turned into puppets, the Sichuan-Sichuan Basin will be almost abandoned.

For this plan, I'm afraid I have to be ruthless, before these people are completely contaminated...

Wait, let’s not talk about the issue of moral condemnation. There is something wrong with this script alone, and it has a feeling of déjà vu.

But if carefully weighed, the pros and cons of nuclear pacification of tens of millions of people and nuclear pacification of tens of millions of puppets are completely unequal.

Nuclear annihilation of tens of millions of people will only be negatively affected by public opinion and conscience.

But nuking tens of millions of puppets would be a waste of nuclear bombs! The puppets can be resurrected indefinitely. Even if we can find the corresponding underworld road and completely block it, we don't know how long it will take.

The entire Sichuan-Sichuan Basin was so abandoned!

Thinking of this, as a mature politician, Cheng Jinyang almost immediately made a decision, that is:

Leave it to the shogunate to decide.

As a leader of a force, there must be no stain on his resume.

However, as long as someone below is willing to take the blame, this matter will be greatly buffered.

The emperor's sages are all treacherous ministers, and they have been proven to be effective enough since ancient times, and the people are easy to accept them.

As for the loyal scapegoat, with Cheng Jinyang's subsequent prestige and power, he can naturally ensure that the other party is compensated in his career, and will not be directly pushed out as a scapegoat.

However, before deciding to implement this plan, Cheng Jinyang still planned to confirm with Wang Wanrou first.

After all, Miss Wang has always made perfect plans, and now she suddenly said "miscalculated" or something...

I still don’t believe it!

After dialing Wang Wanrou's number, Cheng Jinyang waited quietly for the other party to pick up.

No matter how busy Ms. Wang is, she used to answer my calls instantly. Why doesn't she answer my calls now... Oh, she did.


"Wanrou, over there in Sichuan..."

"You don't have to worry about the Sichuan-Sichuan matter."

Cheng Jinyang:? ? ?

He was a little confused, and then asked in disbelief:

"Wait a minute, Wanrou! Is there really no way to save this matter?"

There was silence on the other side for probably more than a minute.

"Actually, that's not necessarily the case." Miss Wang said calmly, "Even if the water plant is poisoned, it's not that easy."

"In Sichuan and Sichuan, the proportion of domestic water used is inherently low compared to agricultural and industrial water. Not much of the domestic water is actually turned into drinking water."

“To maintain a sufficient concentration of pollution, we must not only consider daily real-time water consumption, but also calculate water pressure and other factors that affect pollution concentration... Unless there are infinite sources of pollution, it will be difficult for people without super computing power to pass through water. The factory will complete the poisoning."

"But my mother is known as a wise demon." Cheng Jinyang said worriedly.

"Would you rather believe your mother than me?" Miss Wang's tone suddenly became dangerous.

"It's not that I don't believe you..." Cheng Jinyang didn't know what to say.

Your tone just now clearly meant that you missed something and then made excuses for yourself!

"In fact, it may not be possible", "It's not that easy to poison", and "It's difficult to poison through water plants". How could the former Miss Wang use these uncertain adjectives?

"You don't believe me, do you?" Miss Wang sneered, "Then make your own decision! Don't regret it...heh, man."

She hung up the phone hard.

Cheng Jinyang:………………

He put away his phone silently.

Let's discuss it with the shogunate first.

In the rental house on the other side, Ye Ru has already controlled Liang Ruoruo and sent her back to Wang Wanrou for strict supervision.

Then they took several girls away. These people could not move freely, otherwise they would risk alerting the Han forces.

It took less than a few seconds to transfer the prisoners, and finally she came to pick up Li Qingwan who collapsed on the ground.

But he saw that Li Qingwan was already holding on to the wall and stood up shakily.

"Don't hold on." Ye Ru went over to help her worriedly, "The effects of her magic are not easy to get rid of."

"It's okay, I..." Li Qingwan stumbled while walking, trying to overcome the pain he felt, and choked up, "I still want to go...see Jinyang..."

Her tears fell slowly.

Before I become a puppet...

Pretending to torture the heroine! Then reverse. Piracy cannot see these "author's words", I want to see who will come and criticize me.

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