Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 608 Acceleration Plan

The girls have been agitated lately.

For adult girls from other families, the period of pregnancy preparation is the most comfortable from the time of marriage to the time of pregnancy. They don’t have to go to work, but they can still have enough food and clothing to eat.

Whether it is the husband's family or the mother's family, the only requirement is to have a baby as soon as possible.

After all, the propagation of superpower bloodline is the most important thing for a superpower family.

However, for Cheng Jinyang, he was sent to work not long after getting married, and he was still an officer in the army. It was really speechless.

Moreover, the families behind each of them regard the Beifu Army as the future Conglong Army, so they also strongly support Cheng Jinyang's appointment of the girls...

Cui Jinqi finished sorting out the data table and sighed with some resentment.

"Miss Cui, shall we go to dinner?" the female colleagues next to her said with a smile.

The military's logistics secretariat has always been a disaster area for nepotism. The administrative, financial and human resources working here are either the wife of the general or the daughter of the subordinate. Anyway, they are all related households.

In such a place where guanxi households gather together, a lady like Cui Xiaoniang, with her distinguished status, is undoubtedly the king of guanxi households and the person everyone wants to fawn over.

"Do you want to eat?" Cui Xiaoniang was a little moved, but finally shook her head.

After careful calculation, the first cycle has ended, and it should be my turn tonight.

Of course, there is more than just sleeping between husband and wife. Cui Xiaoniang also has many things she wants to do with her husband.

For example, eating together.

After she declined her colleagues politely, she went to the canteen to pack delicious meals, planning to go back and eat with Cheng Jinyang.

As a result, at the door of the office, they saw Cheng Jinyang and Su Lili holding hands, sitting together and talking. Ye Ru stood by the window and looked at them sourly, almost vomiting after eating the dog food.

Cui Jinqi:………………

It seems it's not too late to feed the food to the dog.

She turned around to leave when she saw Su Lili stood up and shouted:


She ran over quickly, pulled Cui Xiaoniang to her side without any explanation, and smiled with Cheng Jinyang:

"Jinqi happens to be here too, how about asking her for her opinion?"

"Jinqi." Cheng Jinyang hugged her and said, "We haven't practiced leveling for a long time. The war between Sichuan and Sichuan has ended, and the Beifu Army is gradually withdrawing from Sichuan and Shu."

"Before everyone evacuates, we plan to have a surprise training session first."

"Assault training?" Cui Xiaoniang asked suspiciously.

Putting aside everything else, Cui Xiaoniang still remembers the last time Su Lili stabbed her with a knife.

If this were some kind of training in a dream, she wouldn't be the one slashing us with a knife, right?

"I'm not going to kill you." Seeing Cui Xiaoniang's wary look, Su Lili explained with a smile, "I'm taking you to kill people."

Everyone came to the dreamland.

"Now everyone has reached the third level, so if you want to upgrade as soon as possible, you can only kill the demon god." Su Lili said.

"Originally, Xiaoli led us to hunt." Cheng Jinyang continued, "But it was too slow to kill them one by one, so I wanted to see if there was a way to massacre the demon gods."

"Oh, really?" Cui Xiaoniang asked innocently before realizing the problem, "Did Su Lili find a way to kill the demon god?"

"No." Su Lili said with a smile, "You are the one who can kill demon gods in large numbers."

Cui Xiaoniang:?

Then she shuddered suddenly and subconsciously wanted to turn around and leave, but was picked up from behind by Cheng Jinyang.

"Madam, please help me for a moment." Ignoring Cui Xiaoniang's teeth and claws, Cheng Jinyang held her in the air and lifted her high, and said with a smile.

"You're a scumbag! A scumbag!" Cui Xiaoniang couldn't struggle, so she was so angry that she kicked him hard, "Did you marry me just to make me die?"

"Madam, I misunderstood." Cheng Jinyang quickly put her down and said, "I don't want you to blow yourself up, I want you to drop a bomb!"

"Drop a bomb?" Cui Xiaoniang asked.

"Teleport immediately after dropping the bomb." Cheng Jinyang said.


After many tests.

"Good lady, let's do it again." Cheng Jinyang hugged Cui Xiaoniang and begged.

"No, no, no, no, no..." Cui Xiaoniang turned pale with fright and shook her head.

Everyone's original plan was that Cheng Jinyang, who had just created antimatter and activated the demonized state of Cui Xiaoniang, would immediately teleport away with her, leaving antimatter bombs to knock out the surrounding demons and gods.

However, the actual situation is that due to the ubiquitous air around them, the antimatter will explode the two of them into ashes as soon as it is created.

This happened five or six times in a row.

"Well, I'd better go find your Highness." Seeing that Cui Xiaoniang really didn't want to try again, Cheng Jinyang could only ask for foreign help.

Let the fantasy material of the princess sister come to help.

After letting Xiao Li and Ye Ru take him away from the dreamland, Cheng Jinyang went directly to find the princess sister.

The first batch of Beifu troops had already withdrawn from Sichuan and Sichuan and went to Jingzhou to support the Longxiang army. The princess sister personally led the team to rescue her uncle.

Flying eastward along the Yangtze River through the force of gravity, Cheng Jinyang soon arrived in Wuchang.

The infinite acceleration of gravity is not inferior to Ye Ru's spatial movement in terms of long-distance travel.

Landing near Zhu City, Cheng Jinyang saw that the puppets in the city had been cleared away, and Longxiang Army's self-propelled tanks were patrolling the streets.

In the military camp defense area outside the city, he met Yu Yuangui and the eldest princess sisters again.

At this time, Yu Yuangui seemed to be several years older. There was still an infusion tube inserted in his arm. The two people in Nankang and Luling looked at him worriedly.

Next to the infusion tube, a dialysis machine was connected.

Cheng Jinyang:………………

"What is Mr. Yu?" He had a bad feeling.

"Lingguang Xingjun personally attacked...ahem." Yu Yuangui coughed and said, "I almost died on the battlefield."

"During the process of commanding the evacuation, my uncle was injured by a puppet." The princess sister said worriedly, and Lu Ling looked gloomy next to her.

Cheng Jinyang nodded silently, with some doubts in his heart.

After all, Yu Yuangui is the commander-in-chief of the Longxiang Army. If he was directly killed by the demon god or Demon Luo, it would be understandable. What would happen if he was bitten by a puppet?

Are all the Janissaries paddling?

Of course, whether Yu Yuangui deliberately arranged such an ending for himself for the sake of his posthumous reputation, Cheng Jinyang would definitely not expose him.

"Sister Xinnan, I want to tell you something." After calling the princess sister out of the corridor, Cheng Jinyang told her the plan.

"Upgrade? No problem." Sister Princess nodded and said, "It's just that I can't accompany you to Sichuan and Sichuan. Uncle is like this now..."

"It doesn't matter, I will bring everyone here." Cheng Jinyang said comfortingly.

Leave the Sichuan and Sichuan side to the Wu family, take over the girls to upgrade first, and quickly reach the second level!

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