A few hours later, the group of puppets on the battlefield finally became powerless and were wiped out by a large amount of artillery fire.

Only large areas of blood stains were left, and the north of Zhu City seemed like a hell on earth.

The Beifu Army returned to camp as a whole, and Cheng Jinyang also took the girls back to the city and continued to convene a meeting with the shogunate team and the generals of the Long Xiang Army.

In this meeting, the atmosphere was surprisingly solemn and solemn. Everyone had expressionless faces and no one planned to speak.

To put it simply, when Lord Lingguang used the impact of the flame explosion to shoot directly into the fighter plane at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the generals were frightened.

I had long known that the second-grade demon was a monster, but I didn't expect it to be such a perverted monster.

It can even hit fighter jets in the sky. How strong can a first-level demon emperor be? Just jump to outer space to shoot satellites?

Just when the morale of the army was a little shaken, Cheng Jinyang drove the giant divine weapon to the scene, and then there was a dazzling blow in the air, and finally ended with Lingguang Shenjun disappearing from the sky.

So everyone was shocked and frightened again, and fell silent.

I thought that the strength of the second-level demon was already perverted enough, but I didn't expect that the coach of the Beifu Army was even more perverted than his opponent.

Ranking names based on strength, after all, are not as shocking as directly showing strength. Just like "one hundred million yuan" sounds like just a number, but if it is replaced by hundreds of yuan bills and piled up into a hill, it can really scare people. reason……

Cheng Jinyang neatly defeated his opponent on the battlefield. The terrifying strength he displayed in the process has been deeply engraved in the memories of the shogunate and generals.

How should I put it? Should I say that he is worthy of being the son of the first-grade Heavenly Emperor in the north? Even the strength seems to be beyond the scope of human beings...

If it weren't for the fact that Cheng Jinyang was a male, everyone would really think of him as a monster.

"Why aren't you talking?" Cheng Jinyang came to the main seat and sat down. Seeing that everyone was uncharacteristically silent, he asked aloud.

"Oh oh oh oh!" Everyone hurriedly said that they had no intention of pretending to be mute, "This... that... actually..."

"Thank you, Chief, for hosting the meeting!" Cheng Jinyang slammed the table angrily.

Everyone immediately fell silent. Xie Youdu, who was named, forced himself to calm down, stood up and said:

"Okay, first let's make a summary of the afternoon's military operations... Well, we effectively repelled the demon's attack on Zhu City and protected the safety of Wuchang and even the entire Jingzhou..."

"That's right." Wang Changshi also cautiously agreed, "The key to the river in Wuchang is also the gateway to the southeast. My Lord saved Wuchang and made great contributions to the empire."

As soon as these two people opened their mouths, they set the tone of the meeting, so the generals woke up one after another and began to flatter each other crazily:

"You're right. If Zhu City falls, Wuchang will be in danger! If Wuchang falls, Jiangxia and Hankou will not be protected, and the entire Jingzhou will be in danger! If Jingzhou is lost, the empire will be in danger! The commander-in-chief has made great contributions to the empire!"

"Long Xiang's army won the honor of General Mengjie and never gave up. I have thousands of soldiers alive. I would like to express my gratitude to Commander-in-Chief on behalf of the soldiers!"

"It's not just the officers and men of the Longxiang Army! On behalf of all the people of Jingxiang, I want to erect a shrine and carve a monument for the general to show his immortal contribution!"

Seeing that these generals were getting more and more outrageous, Cheng Jinyang had a dark look on his face and quickly shouted to stop.

However, this is not the first time that he has been flattered. When he became the son-in-law of the Wu family, when he regained Chengdu, the nobles from the aristocratic families flattered him even more. They even said "If Jinyang was not born, then Xihe would be the same." "No glory" and "Beifu protects the country, and the fate of the human race is not destined to end", they almost package him as a national hero.

No matter how disdainful Cheng Jinyang was, this "national hero" would not dare to accept him. Why do you think I, a half-demon, suddenly became a human national hero?

It’s so outrageous.

"Repelling the invading enemy is the responsibility of the commander-in-chief of our three armies. There is no need to praise him too much." He waved his hand and interrupted everyone's flattery. "Let's talk about this war. Governor Yu led the Northern Expedition and fought fiercely against the demons of the Central Plains near Xiangyang. , but it turns out that my hometown was robbed, what on earth is going on?"

"Return to the commander-in-chief." A senior general of the Longxiang Army came out and said, "These demons came from the direction of Yiyang, taking the three passes of Wusheng, Jiuli and Pingjing, and came from the north side of the Dabie Mountains."

"How could the three passes of Yiyang and the barrier of Jingyu fall into the hands of demons?" Cheng Jinyang continued to ask.

"Reporting to Commander-in-Chief, in the past Wang Chuzhong led Longxiang's army southward along the Yangtze River, leaving the rear empty. The demons from the direction of Yiyang went south along the pass to invade the bandits, but were repelled by the defenders of the Three Passes. The puppet group dispersed into the Dabie Mountains."

"Later, taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the defenders, we encircled the mountain roads from all directions. At that time, Wang Chuzhong was fighting fiercely in the south of Jiankang, and the governor Wang Chuming was in charge of administration in Wuchang. He was very wary of the officers and soldiers, and we were not allowed to go to support. The Three Passes of Yiyang No reinforcements were allowed, and we were trapped for several days before finally falling.”

Cheng Jinyang:………………

So the civil war in the empire is really fucked up. Not only is it a life-and-death fight inside, but the natural barrier outside is also lost.

As for what these Longxiang Army generals said, Cheng Jinyang was keenly aware of the untruth in them:

It couldn't be that Wang Chuming was wary of Long Xiang's army, but it should be Long Xiang's army who stayed in Wuchang at that time and was wary of Wang Chuming.

After all, Wang Chuzhong went down the river to attack Jiankang, relying on Jingzhou's foundation.

Suppose Wang Chuming transferred the Longxiang army stationed here to support the three passes of Yiyang, and then took the opportunity to launch a rebellion to control Wuchang, and then control the entire territory of Jingzhou. When the Longxiang army returned from the Dabie Mountains, it was blocked to the north of the Yangtze River by Wang Chuming. , isn’t that stupid?

At that time, no one expected that Wang Chuzhong would be defeated. Maybe the Longxiang army thought that Wang Chuzhong could capture Jiankang and usurp the throne and proclaim himself emperor, so that they could share in the benefits of joining Longxiang's army!

As for the fall of the three passes of Yiyang, it was not only because Jingzhou was centrifugal and unable to support it, but also because it despised the demons.

If it were a human army, it would be repulsed in front of Xiongguan and scattered in the Dabie Mountains. It would be almost impossible to retain its organization and combat effectiveness.

However, the puppets use "insect swarm tactics" and have no brains, let alone a structure or organization. The high-level monsters are driving from behind, and they just need to rush forward desperately.

Just being scattered will not affect the combat effectiveness much at all.

The defenders of the Three Passes of Yiyang used human military experience to judge the monsters, but they suffered a big loss and were trapped in the city.

Now it is meaningless to hold anyone responsible. If the three passes of Yiyang cannot be recaptured, the demons can bypass the Jingxiang Corridor and invade Jingzhou on a large scale from the direction of Yiyang.

But even if the three passes are recaptured, the defenders will face the same problems as before:

How to deal with the group of puppets scattered in the Dabie Mountains?

It is impossible to expect people to die of hunger and thirst. We have to send troops to eliminate them. The rugged terrain and lush trees in the Dabie Mountains make it difficult for both air and ground forces to effectively annihilate the enemy, and these puppets will fucking resurrect...

Cheng Jinyang was having a headache when he suddenly found his phone vibrating.

Oh oh oh oh! It's a text message from Miss Wang!

Full of news that he seemed to have received a treasure, Cheng Jinyang opened it and took a look.

There are only seven simple words in the text message:

The three levels can be blocked but not captured.

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