Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 616: Encountering a wolf in the mountains, asking the tiger for advice

In a gloomy atmosphere, everyone finally arrived at the second level one after another.

For the aristocratic family, this is an unprecedented milestone event. It marks that the limit of human superpowers is definitely not the third level.

However, the girls are not very happy because they feel nothing when they are promoted to the second level.

Except that the ability to use abilities has become more proficient and powerful, there is no corresponding support algorithm, and there is no so-called "majestic sense of power that fills the whole body" in online novels.

In short, I just don’t feel anything.

On the noble side, after learning that their daughter was already in the second rank, the father-in-laws also began to connect with each other, and seemed to be discussing some secret plan.

In Jiankang City, a wave of denunciation of Yu Yuangui was slowly brewing during the Qing Dynasty discussion.

Within a few days, news of Yu Yuangui's death came from Jingzhou.

According to the rules of the temple, an important minister like Yu Yuangui, who died of injuries during the Northern Expedition, usually needs to be granted a false title, and then the Qing Dynasty will determine a posthumous title.

The merits and demerits of right and wrong are all contained in this posthumous title.

The opinion given by Taicheng is to add the title of "Taiwei" and the posthumous title of "Wenkang".

To be kind and caring to the people is called Wen, to be happy and care for the people is called Kang. There is no doubt that the posthumous title "Wen Kang" is a beautiful title bestowed on ruling officials.

This also gave Empress Dowager Yu enough face in the palace to the greatest extent.

However, when such a posthumous title spread from Taicheng to the Qing Dynasty, it was like a spark falling into a barrel of dynamite, quickly setting off an explosive wave of dissatisfaction.

"Yu Yuangui failed to lead the gentry internally and killed clan members indiscriminately. As a result, he failed to appease the refugees externally and forced rebellion in Jiangbei. What qualifications did he have to receive the posthumous title of 'Wenkang'?" Such comments seemed to spread throughout Jiankang City overnight. , almost all the gentry, bureaucrats, and even the news media in the streets began to make a faint noise.

Early the next morning, someone listed Yu Yuangui's four major crimes in detail, in hundreds of words, and it spread quickly on the Internet.

The first crime: Wang saw that he was jealous of Emperor Yuan, so he planned a different plan; Su saw that he was jealous of Zhongshu, so he had the intention to change.

It is said that Su Zigao rebelled because Yu Zhongshu did not allow him to live.

The second crime: sending envoys to confess that they voluntarily moved out of the country. The conquest order had been issued, and they begged to replenish the deserted counties. However, they were repeatedly refused, which aroused chaos.

It is said that Su Zigao wrote many times that he was willing to move abroad, and even wanted to guard the northern border for the imperial court. Yu Yuangui still refused and eventually forced him to rebel.

The third crime is: seeking to enter the defense but then rejecting it, planning to intercept and then failing to follow, having no way to change the situation beforehand, and having no strategy to fend off thieves when the situation arises.

It is said that after Su Zigao's rebellion, Wen Taizhen, Xi Daohui and other Fangzhen wanted to come to support, but Yu Yuangui refused; Kong Junping, Tao Gongyuan and other generals wanted to take the initiative, but Yu Yuangui vetoed it. He didn't think carefully beforehand, and he was in a hurry after the incident.

(The implication is, how can such an insect govern the country well?)

The fourth crime: As the uncle of Yuan Dynasty, he could not die after being defeated, so he hid in Jingzhou to seek other people's country.

This accusation was the harshest, criticizing Yu Yuangui as the uncle of the country, but he did not die for his country to apologize after the fall of Jiankang. Instead, he fled to Jingzhou with the emperor and seized the power of the Longxiang Army in Jingzhou.

If the first three charges are all denying Yu Yuangui's ability, then the fourth charge is a naked heart-breaking, implying that Yu Yuangui coerced the emperor to protect himself, and had a disobedient heart!

The four major crimes are neatly written and catchy to read. None of the examples in it are fabricated. They are all well known, which shows the skill of the writer behind it.

It is definitely not something that ordinary media reporters can write.

In the end, he concluded that "the sin of a minister is greater than this", which was to conclude Yu Yuangui's crime and make him never stand up again.

The complete text of the Four Deadly Sins was sent to the palace in the form of a secret memorial by Jin Yiwei. Queen Mother Yu was so shocked that she quickly grabbed the secret memorial and started reading.

After reading the first crime, Queen Mother Yu sneered, anger growing in her eyes.

After reading the second crime, Empress Dowager Yu hit the table with her palm, her face stern and cold.

After reading the third crime, Queen Mother Yu remained silent and sighed quietly for a while.

After reading the fourth crime, Queen Mother Yu stood up in fear, and her hand holding the secret note began to tremble.

When he read to the end, "A foreign relative assists the government, the first disaster is caused, the country is destroyed and the emperor is in danger, and he escapes to avoid it, what crime is greater than this for the ministers!" She was so shocked that Empress Dowager Yu dropped the secret note to the ground and shouted :

"Catch him!"

"I will arrest all the traitors and traitors who wrote these things!"

The commander of the Jinyi Guards, Yu Shuyu, was the second younger brother of Yu Yuangui. Before Yu Yuangui died, he called him to his bedside to express his interests. Therefore, he naturally knew that Cheng Jinyang's current trend was no longer something that the Yu Group could stop.

He walked quickly to the Queen Mother and said in a low voice:

"Your Majesty the Queen Mother, if you want to arrest these rebellious officials and traitors, please first seal off the inside and outside of Jiankang, and then ask your Majesty to issue an edict, ordering the Shenwu and Xiaoqi armies to join the Wei King Qin."

"If King Qin decides, I will lead the Jinyi Guards to raid the entire city and imprison all the nobles, including the five surnamed families..."

His voice was so eerie that Empress Dowager Yu shuddered and said in surprise:

"Brother, why does this matter involve the Wu family?"

"Your Majesty the Queen Mother," Yu Shuyu said indifferently, "If it weren't for the Wu surname family to take action, who would dare to openly criticize my brother and secretly slander the palace?"

Queen Mother Yu slumped on her chair in panic.

Yes, this article on the Five Deadly Sins seems to only criticize Yu Yuangui alone, but in fact it is aimed at the Empress Dowager Yu in the palace.

If a relative assists the government, how can he assist the government without the support of the palace?

As an uncle of the country, "the country is in danger and the king is in danger", but he can "escape". Why?

If we continue to reason further, the root cause is Si Chen, the heifer, and the Queen Mother interferes in politics, which is a natural conclusion.

However, if the Wu family gets rid of the Queen Mother, it means that the young emperor will completely lose someone to rely on in the palace.

The Queen Mother was imprisoned by the coup. When the young emperor comes of age, will he let these traitors who dare to trample on the Queen Mother's dignity go?

In other words, since the Five Surnames took action, it was impossible to target only the Queen Mother.

I'm afraid even controlling or even deposing the emperor... may be among their goals!

Thinking of this, Queen Mother Yu's hands and feet became weak and she quickly asked:

"How many more people are available in the palace?"

"Less than a thousand."

"Where is the clan? His uncles..."

"Your Majesty." Uncle Yu looked at her with disappointment, "Have you forgotten how your eldest brother dealt with the Sima clan in the past?"

"There are also Nankang and Luling." Empress Dowager Yu finally calmed down and said anxiously, "Yes, let them come back quickly and escort their younger brother to join the Xiaoqi Army..."

"Since we are talking about His Highness Nankang, why don't Your Majesty ask for advice from the head coach of Beifu?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Queen Mother Yu immediately seemed to grasp a life-saving straw, "Hurry up and contact the consort!"

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