Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 619 General Conquering the West

Cheng Jinyang passed through the Xuanwu Gate and assigned a group of soldiers to guard here to prevent those strange people from entering.

Then he drove straight in and led the remaining soldiers towards the palace.

Outside the main entrance of the palace, a group of courtiers and old gods were standing at the door. When they saw a group of soldiers arriving here surrounded by Cheng Jinyang, they immediately embraced him enthusiastically.

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Damn, this attitude is wrong!

Normally speaking, if a civil servant sees a military general leading troops into the palace, why don't you scare him to death?

You must know that bringing troops into the palace means that the palace will be under military control. The political order that civilian officials usually rely on for survival has now been taken away by the soldiers.

To put it bluntly, Cheng Jinyang can even draw his sword and kill someone, and then calmly say to others, "My sword must drink blood every day, so I can use the warm blood from his neck." The courtiers have nothing to do...

So such an enthusiastic attitude is outrageous!

However, he soon understood and found that these courtiers were actually from noble families.

That is to say...

Is my plan already known to all the noble clan?

Cheng Jinyang greeted everyone with a dark face. The courtiers ignored his expression and began to flatter him skillfully. As he said this, he wanted to invite the commander-in-chief to the clan as a guest, and also hinted that his young daughter wanted to meet the commander-in-chief. etc. Cheng Jinyang quickly interrupted and stopped these old tricksters from continuing.

Unfortunately, the interruption was too late. Lu Ling just walked out of the palace and sneered when he heard this:

"Commander Jie arrived just in time. If he had arrived later, it would be easy for the Queen Mother, but the ministers outside would probably be anxious to death."

"Your Highness." The sister-in-law's attack was completely unable to break Cheng Jinyang's face. "Are the Queen Mother and Your Majesty still in good health?"

"Ankang." Luling said coldly, "I am going to disappoint some people."

"Hmph." Cheng Jinyang also sneered, "Everyone can punish the rebellious ministers and traitors! Now that the Beifu Army has arrived in Jiankang, I will order them to raid the entire city later, and we must catch all the masterminds behind the assassins! "


The mastermind behind the hunt for the assassins is fake. According to the opposition list provided by the Five Surnames family, it is true to purge those political forces who are still interested in the Jin Dynasty!

"Ahem, cough, cough." She hurriedly used her cough to make an appeasing gesture of "I forgive you" and said, "For the sake of the country, my mother is unwilling to make this matter too big, so she has ordered the Jin Yiwei to only punish the first culprit. Don't get involved again. Don't act impulsively and disrupt order."

Cheng Jinyang frowned, as if he was not used to his sister-in-law's preaching attitude.

But suddenly he remembered that beautiful night last time, and the anger that had been filled with him stagnated, and then slowly dropped back.

Forget it, the civil and military affairs are now in my hands anyway, and it doesn't matter whether I want to clean them up or not.

So he cupped his hands and said:

"Please also ask His Highness to go back and make a report and start the court as soon as possible so that we can confirm His Majesty's condition."

"Wait." Luling waved his hand coldly.

Due to the arrival of Cheng Jinyang and the Beifu Army, Empress Dowager Yu and the young emperor did not continue to huddle inside this time, and Shanshan came out to preside over the government.

The national policy to be discussed is also very simple, that is, how to deal with the newly recovered Sichuan and Shu issues, and who will take over Jing Xiang and Long Xiang's army after Yu Yuangui passes away.

As for the former, Sichuan and Shu had never been damaged by war, and a large number of industries there were owned by their owners.

Secondly, the gentry in Sichuan and Shu are living well. If these people are handled properly, they will be an important help for the imperial court to take over Sichuan and Shu; if not handled properly, they will become a huge resistance.

Therefore, everyone discussed it for a long time and decided to adopt a two-pronged approach.

Politically, a highly respected gentry elder should be sent to govern to reduce the vigilance and rejection of the Sichuan and Shu gentry.

Economically, it is necessary to use the advantageous enterprises in Dajin to complete the penetration of Sichuan and Shu as soon as possible, such as Li's grain and oil, Zheng's building materials, Cui's funds, etc.

Sichuan and Shu have been out of touch with the Jin Dynasty for a long time, and have almost formed an independent economic cycle internally. Now they must be reintegrated into the empire's large economic cycle as soon as possible.

In this way, if Sichuan and Sichuan openly rebel and the economic ties between the two sides are cut off again, it will severely damage the interests of holders of various industries - and these people are either Sichuan and Sichuan nobles, corporate capitalists, and the majority of self-employed people Small bosses are a relatively rebellious group in Sichuan and Sichuan society.

Cheng Jinyang listened without saying a word, thinking that these courtiers from noble families were not incompetent.

It's just that people have tendencies after all. On the surface, these proposed policies are indeed beneficial to the empire's recovery of Sichuan and Shu, but privately they are also extremely beneficial to the gentry group headed by the five surname families.

In other words, do they have any other policies in mind that are "only good for the country and not good for the gentry"?

Maybe there is, but people just don’t say it. As long as you, as the superior, can't think of it, you have no choice but to be at their mercy.

Thinking of this, Cheng Jinyang sighed helplessly.

After he takes over, he will face the same problem:

How to deal with these gentry groups.

From the perspective of merits and demerits, the existence of the gentry group has its own positive significance, but sometimes it can also have a hindering effect.

When the country is prosperous, the funds and talents provided by the gentry group can help the court solve various problems - and by the way, they will also strengthen themselves.

When the country is in decline, the gentry group will definitely not want to follow the decline, and they will start to have some dangerous thoughts like Wang Chuzhong.

To put it bluntly, it depends on whether the interests of the nobles and the interests of the country are consistent. If it's consistent, it's easy to talk about; if it's inconsistent, it's a headache.

Although he can crush the entire human world with force, he cannot rely on force to rule the human world.

Being able to rule ultimately depends on a mature political system.

And the system will inevitably be exploited by the elite...

He was wandering around, thinking wildly, and suddenly someone kicked him from behind.

"Ask you!" Luling called him in a low voice.

Cheng Jinyang raised his head and saw the eyes of all the ministers falling on him.

The eldest princess of Nankang on the stage took the place of her mother and told her brother the result of the discussion again:

We want him to take over the post of admiral left by Yu Yuangui, command the military of six states, concurrently serve as the governor of three states, be promoted to the title of General of the Expedition to the West, and be in charge of the three divisions...

As for the most important right to open the mansion, it was already given to him when the Beifu Army was built.

Yu Yuangui's original title was "General of the Conquest of the West", and now Cheng Jinyang was awarded the "General of the Conquest of the West". On the one hand, it was to show that his achievements were superior to those of Yu Yuangui and to demonstrate the court's clear-cut attitude of rewards and punishments. On the other hand, he also used these two titles. It hints to the nobles who supported Cheng Jinyang in his conquest of Sichuan and Shu.

After thinking clearly about the relationship, Cheng Jinyang no longer hesitated and bowed down to accept it.

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