Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 623 White Arowana Suit

"The essence of hot dry noodles is sesame sauce." Cheng Jinyang said casually while sitting in the store waiting for the food to be served.

"It's obvious." Wang Wanrou said, "It is said that Sima Yi was marching in Wuzhangyuan, and he was often harassed by the Shu army when cooking in the military camp. 'He made a stove to make smoke, but the Shu army has arrived, three times a day.'"

"In order to speed up cooking, the noodles are cooked in advance, then greased and dried. The soldiers do not need to heat them when eating them. They can be eaten at any time by 'mixing them with seasonings.'"

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Okay, it’s all invented by our predecessors.

"Actually, everyone knows." Wang Wanrou said leisurely, "Sima Yi knows too much."

"Astronomy, geography, science and technology, cooking, if you are proficient in one of them, it would make sense. Unless you are proficient in everything, how can it be possible unless you are born with knowledge?"

"Not to mention that when new things are started, they must be simplified first, then complicated, and gradually perfected. But every new thing proposed by Sima Yi is almost perfect, with no room for improvement..."

"So?" Cheng Jinyang asked.

"I told you, it's probably someone who knows it from birth." Miss Wang said calmly, "To this day, there is no way to verify it."

"Hmm..." Cheng Jinyang pondered for a moment, then turned to ask the shopkeeper, "Is our noodles ready?"

"It's almost here, it's almost here." The store manager said with sweat on his face.

"This store is a bit slow." Cheng Jinyang turned to Wang Wanrou and said.

"For safety reasons, it's normal to be slow." Wang Wanrou said calmly.

"I hope so." Cheng Jinyang sighed.

Even if the dishes and chopsticks are washed and the noodles are kneaded, it won't be so slow, right?

Behind the counter, the store owner was speechless as he listened to the two people talking.

Your security company is checking all the ingredients, dishes, and water sources in the kitchen. How can we do this quickly?

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, two bowls of noodles with sesame sauce were finally served, as well as two pairs of disposable bamboo chopsticks, and two bowls of hot chicken soup.

"This chicken soup tastes pretty good." Cheng Jinyang took a sip. "It tastes pretty good. If you're not used to dry noodles, you can add it to the soup."

Wang Wanrou did not comment, just smelled the aroma of the chicken soup, and then handed over the disposable chopsticks.

"What?" Cheng Jinyang asked in confusion, "You don't use disposable chopsticks?"

"Break it open for me." Wang Wanrou said.

Cheng Jinyang was speechless, so he took the disposable wooden chopsticks connected at the ends and broke them apart easily.

"Here." He handed over the separated chopsticks, but Miss Wang did not take them.

"Help me peel the wood thorn."

Cheng Jinyang was speechless and could only rub the two wooden chopsticks together to remove all possible wood thorns.

Behind the kitchen, the Guardsmen listened to the conversation in the hall and said on the intercom:

"Note that next time you encounter disposable wooden chopsticks, you need to separate them in advance and remove the wood thorns on the surface."

"Why don't we always keep a pair of absolutely safe chopsticks? No matter where Jieshuai eats, we will ask the boss to give away this pair of chopsticks."

"Stupid! The existence of the Personal Guards is to eliminate all hidden dangers without the Commander-in-Chief paying attention. What does it mean to just give him chopsticks? Do you think Commander-in-Chief has caused trouble for us? Why don't you give in to Commander-in-Chief? Shuai is banned from going out!"

The Guards were internally criticizing each other. Cheng Jinyang had mixed the noodles and ingredients completely, and helped Miss Wang mix the noodles as well, and began to eat huffing and puffing.

"Keep your voice down." Wang Wanrou said suddenly.


"Is it tasty?"

"It's okay, you don't like it?"

"The alkaline water is not to my liking." Wang Wanrou stirred the noodles with chopsticks, "But it's okay as a street snack."

"Let's just make do with it." Cheng Jinyang said, "I'll take you to the street to eat later."

The two of them finished eating the noodles and stood up.

"This store is really not that good, and there are not many people there." Cheng Jinyang said casually and paid the boss.

The boss looked at him with dead eyes. Your personal guards have sealed off the entire street. Where can I get other customers from my store?

After the two left, the Janissaries came out of the kitchen and compensated the boss for the loss.

Then he told him that this matter is a military secret, including what Commander Jie said and what dishes he ordered, are not allowed to be leaked to the outside world - otherwise Long Xiangjun will arrest you and put you in jail for the crime of endangering military security.

Several more soldiers carefully put the bowls and chopsticks used by Cheng Jinyang and Wang Wanrou into bags and sealed them.

Several more soldiers wiped the table and floor clean.

The boss looked at them silently, and suddenly felt that the presence of the two big shots was quite good.

Not only will there be compensation for losses, but the store will also be cleaned for free, which is pretty good.

Cheng Jinyang took Miss Wang onto the street and looked around.

"I feel like there's no one there today." Cheng Jinyang said casually.

"Yes." Wang Wanrou said casually, "Maybe she was scared away."

"Scared away?" Cheng Jinyang asked in confusion, "Is it the extreme weather? Or is it an invasion of demons?"

"Who knows." Miss Wang turned her eyes, "I want to eat that ice cream."

"Okay." Cheng Jinyang took her to the store, "Do you remember the last time we were in the Central Plains? We had a bowl of mushroom noodles, and the taste was amazing. We had to rely on ice cream to calm down later."

"Of course I remember." Wang Wanrou said leisurely, "Actually, the ice cream is not delicious either... I want this bayberry smoothie, a chocolate cone."

The clerk brought her a chocolate cone and squeezed purple smoothie on top.

Miss Wang took it and ate it in small bites.

Cheng Jinyang didn't order it, he just watched her stick out her tongue to lick the ice cream, and couldn't help but smile on her face.

It seems that only when eating sweets, Miss Wang will put down her arrogant airs and show this innocent and childlike expression.

Well, her tongue seems quite flexible...

"Here you go." Wang Wanrou suddenly stuffed the ice cream into his hand.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Jinyang asked.

"I don't want to eat it." Wang Wanrou shook her head, "Go back."

"Okay." Cheng Jinyang held her hand again.

The two flew back to the Admiral's Mansion. The guards, who were facing a formidable enemy, breathed a sigh of relief and quickly lifted the traffic restrictions and roadblocks on the nearby main roads.

When he returned to the room, he saw that the time for leveling up in the dreamland had not yet come, and Cheng Jinyang felt a little ready to make a move.

Having said that, facing Miss Wang, who is so stunning, and alone in a room, even a man can't bear it!

"Give me a massage." Miss Wang sat on the bed and kicked off her shoes. "My legs hurt."

We seemed to have only walked a few hundred meters... Cheng Jinyang was speechless, so he went over to help her press her feet.

"Higher point." Wang Wanrou continued.

So Cheng Jinyang rubbed her calf again.

"A little higher." Wang Wanrou continued.

But wouldn't it be just... huh?

Cheng Jinyang was suddenly shocked.

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