Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 651 Exquisitely Clear Teacher Li

"I've been feeling a little sore in my back lately," Cheng Jinyang said.

"It should be due to kidney depletion." Li Qingwan kneaded his waist a few times and said seriously, "You must act in moderation, husband."

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Do you think I want this?

It's just this back house... If I don't work hard, someone will complain and complain.

Fortunately, Teacher Li was not an unreasonable person. He knew that his husband was really helpless, so he didn't say any more and continued to teach him health exercises.

"First, stand with your right foot forward."

"Right step..."

"Then hold your body to the left and slowly fall down, keeping your steps unchanged."

"Well, how much does it pour?"

"Ninety degrees."


"I'm just kidding." Teacher Li came over and supported his waist. "You try to fall to the left, and I will support you."

Cheng Jinyang felt her hands on his waist, which were cold, smooth and very comfortable.

"Pour it?" Seeing that he didn't move for a long time, Li Qingwan asked in confusion.

"Ahem, here we come." Cheng Jinyang came back to his senses.

The two just stuck to each other and slowly completed a set of gymnastics.

"Well, this set is for tightening the abdomen and slimming down the waist. It should have some relief for your current backache." Li Qingwan concluded.

"Alas." Cheng Jinyang sighed, "It's just that, after all, it's just treating the symptoms but not the root cause."

"We can only use physical activation to hold on." Li Qingwan shook his head and said.

The two of them walked around the artificial lake of the Governor's Mansion. Wuchang in June has entered the hot summer period, with plenty of sunshine and lush trees. There is a cool breeze around the lake, and the sounds of cicadas and birds are everywhere.

Cheng Jinyang sat down on the bench by the lake, sweating all over just now.

Li Qingwan took out a wet wipe and wiped his sweat.

When the maids passed by the lakeside path and saw the Admiral and the Admiral's wife sitting here, they covered their mouths and snickered, and quickly walked around from behind.

"When you went back to your parents' home last time, how did your family treat you?" Cheng Jinyang suddenly remembered this and asked aloud.

"It's very good." Li Qingwan replied, "Both fathers treat me very well."

"You are already in the second rank now. Has the family considered making you the clan leader?" Cheng Jinyang joked.

"How is that possible?" Li Qingwan laughed dumbly, "Women who marry foreigners are generally not allowed to hold high-level positions in the family."

Her voice paused and then she said:

"However, if our son can awaken the 'physical activation' bloodline when he grows up, he will basically be designated as the next clan leader."

Cheng Jinyang nodded.

Indeed, as long as I and the children of the eldest ladies of these aristocratic families can awaken the corresponding superpower bloodline, they will basically easily enter high positions in the corresponding aristocratic families.

The reason is simple: the so-called superpower families are, after all, families connected by superpowers.

As long as you awaken the corresponding superpower, you are one of your own.

Then this family member has a second-grade mother, and a father who is about to become an emperor (and even a grandmother who is a heavenly emperor)... This way he cannot become a clan leader, unless the clan leader is someone like an uncle.

Speaking of his uncle, Cheng Jinyang thought of Cheng Yizhou again.

This cousin, the only bloodline left by his uncle, is still alive and well, but the memory that was washed away has not been restored.

Today's performance is almost close to the level of a seven or eight-year-old primary school student. Cheng Yuexian often goes to visit him, talk to him and then come back to report to Cheng Jinyang.

Brothers are fighting against each other until one of them loses his heir. This kind of internal fighting is too cruel... although it is not his fault.


Cheng Jinyang suddenly realized something was wrong.

Wait, what did Li Qingwan just say?

"Our sons" instead of "our children"?

Thinking of this, Cheng Jinyang put his hand on Teacher Li's flat belly.

"What for?" Li Qingwan was a little shy.

"Pregnant?" Cheng Jinyang asked seriously.

"Yes." Teacher Li nodded, "I have thought about it carefully and it is more appropriate to get pregnant now."

The so-called "more suitable" is nothing more than the fact that none of the girls (on the human side) are pregnant with sons, so her son can get the status of the eldest son...

Well, Teacher Li doesn't know about this.

So which side will give birth first?

Cheng Jinyang thought for a moment and then decisively decided not to think about it anymore.

No matter who is born first, he will always be his son.

Moreover, the inheritance of rights in the future empire will probably not be strictly based on the eldest son inheritance system - how can a legitimate son come from without a legitimate wife?

"Does your family know?" he asked in a low voice.

"I don't know." Li Qingwan said with a smile, "Our child is our own business. I don't want this child to be involved in adults' political calculations before he is born."

"Indeed." Cheng Jinyang hugged her.

Being so reasonable is worthy of my frivolity.

I recall that when I first met Teacher Li in Wujiang Town, she was still a cautious girl who spoke softly and had no airs or arrogance like any girl with the fifth surname.

Not only is he a marginalized figure in the family, he also doesn't have many friends socially.

Cui Xiaoniang met her, and she regarded it as a treasure. Cheng Jinyang was able to exchange a few words with Miss Wang, which made her extremely envious.

Who would have thought that today, only two or three years later, she would have grown into a mature, considerate wife?

Thinking of this, Cheng Jinyang also breathed a sigh of relief.

After he originally knew that Li Qingwan was pregnant, he was worried that she would use physical activation to have her son born early in order to compete with Yun Yun for the eldest son.

Now it seems that it is unlikely.

Li Qingwan nestled in her husband's arms, thinking about exquisite thoughts in her heart.

In fact, she thinks more complicatedly than her husband.

First wife, eldest son...these are actually meaningless.

The husband is a half-demon and his lifespan is not yet known, but as a demon, the mother-in-law Xie Guyan can basically be considered to be immortal.

With the existence of this extremely special Queen Mother, the traditional system of "primogeniture inheritance" may not be effective.

To put it bluntly, if her husband's lifespan is similar to hers, then Xie Guyan may have the final say on who will succeed him as emperor in the future!

And this Queen Mother is almost an absolutely rational pragmatist.

If the future heir can be recognized by her, it will definitely be because of his excellent quality, and it is unlikely to be because of whether his mother is favored or whether his natal family is strong...

So, why bother thinking about it so much?

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. As for me……

...I just want my husband to like it.

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