Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 662 A verbal battle with the daughters-in-law

Cheng Jinyang ordered that some Beifu troops be left to garrison Kaifeng and set up defense lines.

The Qiaoqi Army also successfully arrived at the north bank of the Yellow River from the right wing and began to cooperate with the garrison of the Yellow River.

The Longxiang army on the left wing had already invaded Ruying's land, and Cheng Jinyang had no worries. He quickly led the Beifu army upstream along the Yellow River and recaptured Xingyang in the eastern part of Fuxi Mountain.

Xingyang is the hometown of the Zheng family, so Cheng Jinyang took time out to go to the original site of the clan with Sister Xiaopei to meet the Zheng family's survivors and pay homage to the tombs of their ancestors.

The survivors of the Zheng clan are not as stubborn as the survivors of Kaifeng. They live in the underground tunnels beneath their families and maintain sparse but regular contact with the south, so they also know the political situation of the southern empire.

Not only that, they even maintained the family culture underground, so that the children not only read and practiced calligraphy, but also knew the political affairs of the south. They knew that Cheng Jinyang was currently the most powerful official in the south and would be the emperor in the future. people.

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Don't dare to talk nonsense.

After meeting the survivors of the Zheng family, Sister Xiaopei's eyes were still a little red and swollen - she couldn't help but shed tears when she saw the survivors of the Zheng family just now.

Cheng Jinyang pulled her outside, held her in his arms and kissed her for a while, which finally made her feel better again.

"Jinyang." Sister Xiaopei whispered, "I want to move them south to Nanyang."

"Is it moving south?" Cheng Jinyang nodded, "Xingyang and Hebei are across the Yellow River, so it is indeed not safe...Okay, I will arrange for the Beifu Army to come over and meet up with the Longxiang Army in Ruzhou and escort them. Your people went south.”

"Thank you, husband." Sister Xiaopei put her arms around his neck and gave him another warm kiss.

After garrisoning Xingyang, Cheng Jinyang ordered the Beifu Army to garrison Hulao Pass and not continue westward.

He himself led the entire harem team from Hulao Pass to the west through Luokou and Gongyi, and directly reached the eastern suburbs of Luoyang.

As if he had been waiting here for a long time, Xie Guyan also flew out from Luoyang to greet his son and daughter-in-law over the eastern suburbs.

"How is your mother doing?" Cheng Jinyang said loudly in the air.

"It's okay." Xie Guyan said lightly, "It's just that my children are unfilial and they never come to Luoyang to see me."

"I heard that my mother was fighting a fierce battle in Longyou, and my son brought a large number of troops to share his mother's worries." Cheng Jinyang ignored her sarcasm and continued.

Calling himself "son" instead of "son-chen" means "unwilling to be a minister".

"Share the worries? That's easy to say." Xie Guyan chuckled, "There is nothing to fear from the enemy in Longyou. Qingxu's side is just a tentative attack. The subsequent battle in Hexi is the focus."

"Since you are willing to take care of your mother's worries, then come and live in Luoyang City and have more grandchildren."

"When the results of mother's experiment come out, all humans will be transformed into half-demon. Then there will be no need to worry about Qingxu and Dongyin, and the entire continent will be under our rule again."

"Mother is joking." Cheng Jinyang did not give in. "Have you ever asked the human side what your mother meant by turning all humans into half-demon?"

"A joke." Xie Guyan shook his head in disappointment, "If you want to go back and proclaim yourself emperor, have you asked the people of the world what they mean? Are you going to hold a universal vote to see if the people of the world support you in proclaiming the emperor?"

Cheng Jinyang was choked speechless by her, and Xing Yunzhi came out and said:

"If the world does not return to its heart, Jinyang will not be able to proclaim himself emperor even if he wants to. But does he dare to announce his mother's plan to the whole world?"

"What is there to be afraid of?" Xie Guyan said lightly, "As long as my son and I stand at the top of the power, we will announce the news and kill all the opponents. Doesn't it mean that all mankind agrees? "

"After I become emperor with you, I also have to put down sporadic rebellions from all over. Isn't it the same reason?"

Xing Yunzhi also retreated, and Miss Qingqing came on the stage and said:

"Jinyang became emperor, but only a few people were killed or injured. Mother's plan was to kill nine-tenths of the population. There is almost no comparison between the two."

"Human beings are inherently fragile, but half-demon can break free from the shackles of the body." Xie Guyan said lightly, "Leaving these humans in the world is nothing more than birth, old age, illness, and death, reincarnation from generation to generation. Disease kills them, lifespan kills them, how can I kill them with evolution? What? There are still one tenth of the human race who can obtain eternal life."

Girl Qingqing was speechless. Seeing that everyone was speechless for a moment, Cui Xiaoniang mustered up her courage and said:

"Although birth, old age, illness and death are inevitable, at least you have lived a safe life... But dying after drinking medicine and becoming a walking zombie, what kind of good destination can this be considered?"

"A joke." Xie Guyan said contemptuously, "Can everyone live a peaceful and happy life? If Qingxu and Dongyin penetrate into the Central Plains, you and other humans will be slaves and animals. Life is worse than death. It is better to walk on the road of evolution. , at least those who survive can still control their own destiny."

"Can't there be an option?" Yang Wangshu couldn't help but ask, "If they are willing to take risks, let them try to evolve, and if they are not willing to continue living as humans, why do we have to make it one-size-fits-all?"

"Those who are willing to abide by the laws of the empire, and those who are unwilling to not abide by them, do you think it is possible?" The disappointment in Xie Guyan's eyes became more and more intense, as if he was saying, "I thought you could say such a noble thing."

"As an emperor, he obeys his words and the whole world follows his orders. He procrastinates, mother-in-law and mother-in-law, and wants everyone to choose. It is simply a shame for the ruler!"

Yang Wang made a sound, then closed his mouth and stopped talking.

But Li Qingwan came out and said:

"It is indeed unfeasible to conduct democratic elections. It will not only aggravate social divisions, but also cause turmoil in public opinion."

"But this matter can be piloted. For example, a group of humans who are willing to evolve can be carefully selected to test drugs. If the casualties are too large and the rest change their minds and retreat, it is not too late to stop."

"That's very good." Xie Guyan nodded and said, "Then you come here and surrender first. After I make the medicine, I will test the medicine on the humans in Luoyang."

"Why are mothers forcing each other like this?" Zheng Qiupei persuaded, "A son will always be a son, and a mother will always be a mother. Blood and family ties are always separated."

"Even if the two sides have differences, why not sit down and talk about it? Why do we have to be tit-for-tat and swords against each other?"

"Qiupei, you don't know something. This matter is not something that cannot be discussed, but there is no need to talk about it." The coldness on Xie Guyan's face softened a little, and he explained, "Jinyang and I have been separated for too long. If I can't reestablish my mother's dignity, he will Are you willing to listen to me?"

"Furthermore, he wants to proclaim himself emperor in the human world. Defeating the Central Plains regime and achieving complete success in the Northern Expedition is his ultimate goal. Do you want me, a mother, to surrender to my son?"

"Mother, you are right." Lu Qingyun also tried to persuade her, "It is a blessing for children to grow up in their youth. How could it be that the mother surrenders to her? Is it possible that after you lose, mother, Jinyang will not recognize you as a mother?" Yet?"

"Beat me first and then talk." Xie Guyan sneered, "If you can beat me, it doesn't matter if you don't recognize me as your mother."

"Stop talking nonsense." Wang Wanrou said impatiently, "Everyone takes turns speaking. Do you think this is a debate?"

"Teacher." Sister Princess said aloud, "Since you insist on fighting, then we will be offended."

Su Lili said nothing, but came out to protect Cheng Jinyang.

Murong Shu and Ye Ru looked at each other, then stepped forward from the left and right, guarding their wings.

Jiang Jiu was at the back of everyone. He was drowsy at first, but now he felt the tense atmosphere ahead and suddenly woke up with excitement:

"Are you going to fight? Are you going to fight?"

"Hit!" Cheng Jinyang gritted his teeth and said.

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