Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 665 The End of the Northern Expedition

A giant mushroom cloud more than 10,000 meters high rose slowly from the direction of Heluo.

Beimang Mountain, located northeast of Luoyang, immediately blocked the impact of Luoyang City.

The surface of the mountain was instantly shattered by the shock wave. Countless earth and rocks were pushed up the slope with terrifying force. Then the slope itself began to disintegrate, layer by layer like peeling an onion. Countless earth and rocks were peeled off by the shock wave, and then collapsed. "Earth rain" fell in the sky across the Heluo area.

Following the shock wave is extremely high-temperature thermal radiation.

In Luoyang City, in the subway station, violent earthquakes continued.

Panicked residents had to scramble out of the subway station and onto the ground.

Then he saw Beimang Mountain in the distance, rapidly melting in the raging fire at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Citizens as far away as Jiangnan just felt the ground suddenly "trembled."

Most people paid no attention to this matter. It was not until a few days later that the latest news from the north sent the entire nation into a state of frenzy.

Luoyang has been captured and recovered by the Northern Expeditionary Army, and the demonic regime in the Central Plains has completely collapsed.

The whole country was in a state of uproar.

Celebrations came like snowflakes. Countless people wrote to the court to celebrate Cheng Jinyang, and some people actively donated money to reward the Beifu army and support the construction of the north.

Some people even proposed that today should be regarded as the "National Day" of the empire. The reason is that before Yiguan crossed south, it was called "Northern Jin". After the southward crossing, half of the country was lost, the capital was moved, and the country fell into decline. It should be called "Southern Jin" .

Now that the empire has regained the northern rivers and mountains again, and after Luoyang changes hands, the next step is to counterattack Guanzhong, Jinzhong and Hebei. Therefore, it is reasonable to change the country's first year and designate today as "National Day".

This idea is a bit bad, implying in a roundabout way that the "Southern Jin Dynasty" regime is illegal, and the court should quickly commit suicide and give way.

Taicheng also reacted quickly. In the name of the emperor, he quickly issued an order to confer Cheng Jinyang as the King of Jin and add Jiuxi.

As soon as this king's edict came out, everyone basically understood it.

Follow the process of surrender.

Today, the people of the world no longer support the Sima family.

Before they changed their clothes and traveled south, the common people would have been more grateful to the royal family. After all, the Sima family had been resisting the erosion of social resources by the nobles for many years, and promoting the common people to official positions.

However, after Yiguan moved south, the power of the royal family and the nobles was basically out of balance, and the well-being of the common people declined visibly.

In addition, nearly a hundred years have passed, and most of the old people who "bathed in the emperor's favor" have passed away. The new generation of young people grew up in a public opinion environment controlled by the gentry, and basically have no good impression of the royal family.

Therefore, when it comes to abdication, today's civilian groups are even more radical than the gentry. Many college students even got drunk and went to Xuanwu Gate to hold banners and shout slogans, asking the court to "give King Jin the treatment he deserves."

Overnight, Jin Yiwei arrested 54 people and jailed them, causing strong dissatisfaction from all walks of life.

"In short, everyone is looking forward to you taking over." In the military camp outside Luoyang City, the new intelligence chief Cheng Yuexian sighed.

"I won't talk about the noble clan. Because of your in-law relationship, you are now the spokesperson for their interests."

"As for the common people, they all agree that with your ambition and skill, it is impossible to allow the nobles to continue to erode the national interests after taking office. You will definitely follow the old path of the emperors of the Northern Jin Dynasty and try your best to promote poor families and common people."

"So, I have become loved by everyone?" Cheng Jinyang touched his chin and said with emotion.

"The public opinion on this is, 'It can't be worse than the Sima family.'" Cheng Yuexian said truthfully.

Cheng Jinyang chuckled a few times and stopped talking.

As for ascending to the throne, the shogunate had already planned a complete planning process for him, and everything would just follow the original plan.

As for how the outside world views this matter, who cares?

When I really come to power, regardless of whether you support or oppose it, the question is, "The fists of first-grade superpowers are very big, please bear with me."

"That's right." Cheng Yuexian hesitated before speaking, and then said after a while, " do you plan to deal with it?"

"What else can we do?" Cheng Jinyang chuckled and said, "I can't beat her or scold her. I can only confess her and let everyone coax her."

In Luoyang City, in Taichu Palace.

"What a big palace!" The girls sighed as they stepped into the palace.

The Luoyang Taichu Palace is actually a bit bigger than Jiankang Taicheng.

Moreover, the palaces in the north and south are also very different in architectural style. For example, Jiankang Taicheng is "extremely magnificent, unparalleled in ancient and modern times." It not only covers a huge area, but also has more than 30 royal gardens and palace annexes. It can be called "the coexistence of greatness and beauty".

However, the Taichu Palace in Luoyang covers an area even greater than that of the previous one. But in terms of details, it is not as sophisticated as the southern architecture of "dragon boats stuffed into walnuts". Instead, it pays more attention to the majesty of the overall outline of the building.

"This is what you are thinking wrong." Xie Guyan said lightly, "Since the demon disaster, Luoyang has changed hands several times, and Emperor Ziwei alone has been replaced eight times."

"These capital palaces have been destroyed and rebuilt repeatedly, no one knows how many times... Although the appearance can be restored to be roughly similar, the details of the patterns on them cannot be repaired."

"That's it." Xing Yunzhi agreed, "Although it is larger than Jiankang Taicheng, it seems more empty, which makes people feel uncomfortable."

"The life of demons is relatively simple, and they are not as greedy for enjoyment as humans." Xie Guyan said simply.

"Simplicity is actually not the monster's preference, but your choice, right?" Sister Xiaopei comforted her, "If it were me, if I didn't have any relatives or friends around me, what would be the use of fine clothes and fine food?"

Xie Guyan looked at her in surprise, nodded after a while and said:

"It's true. If you live for seven or eight hundred years, you will lose interest in most things like me."

"Why is it similar to Sister Wanrou?" Xiao Wangshu muttered in his heart, "Is there actually a thousand-year-old demon living in Sister Wanrou's body?"

Hearing this, Li Qingwan smiled and went over to help her arm and said:

"Mom, when the situation in Jinyang is settled, let him move the capital to Luoyang again. How about we also move in with you by then?"

"Of course that's good." Xie Guyan nodded with satisfaction, "Not only that, but also having more children and more happiness, and being lively and lively."

"You're right, it really needs to be lively." Lu Qingyun covered her mouth and smiled.

"As for this palace, I think it can be repaired in advance." Miss Qingqing interjected, "For example, gardens, ponds, villas and horse farms. When there are more people, there must be a place to play."

"If you have more children, you will naturally have a place to play." Xie Guyan said seriously,

So everyone started laughing at Qingqing.

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