Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 675 The good relationship between Qin and Jin

Cheng Weixin swung his long knife and killed the star officer opposite him on the spot.

Then he stepped on the soft flesh, carrying a long knife far exceeding his height, and calmly turned around and left the battlefield.

Outside the battlefield, the beautiful demon elder sister Xinyuehu was standing there, handing Cheng Weixin water and a towel.

Cheng Weixin took the towel, wiped a few on his body, wiped off the blood, and then drank some more water.

"Master, please go back quickly." Xinyuehu said with a smile, "The Lord Shen and His Majesty are already waiting in the military camp."

"Yes." Cheng Weixin nodded, "Everything here has been cleared. Let's go back."

The two quickly returned to the military camp and saw Cheng Jinyang standing in the military camp, slamming a copy of his credentials to the ground.

"The demon girl is innocent and deceiving people too much!" he said angrily.

Murong Shu, Su Lili and Ye Ru stood nearby with murderous sneers on their faces.

Cheng Yining was standing by the door. When he saw his brother pushing the door open and coming in, he quickly pulled him aside.

"Shh." She raised her finger to signal her brother to be silent.

However, Cheng Weixin didn't care about that at all, he just put the long knife aside and asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Emperor Qingxu of the Western Regions has given his father the letter of credence." Cheng Yining said seriously.

"Oh, what did you write about?" Cheng Weixin asked again.

"I don't know, I didn't watch it." Cheng Yining shrugged, "My father and mother watched it, and then it's like this. Who else dares to go up?"

Cheng Weixin nodded, and before his sister could react, he walked over to pick up the certificate of credence on the ground and dusted it off with his fingers.

I saw it read:

"Isn't it a pity that we have been close neighbors for a long time and have conflicts with each other? I heard that you are half-demon and have superb skills in the house. I am willing to make friends with you in the Qin and Jin Dynasties, and turn our enemies into marriage relatives. If I have children, I will inherit my mother's territory in the Western Regions. , Father, isn’t the Central Plains beautiful? If you are interested, I will bathe and incense you, and sweep the couch to be ready."

It was signed "Qin Hongji" and next to it was the private seal of Emperor Qingxu.

Cheng Weixin read it quietly, his expression unchanged, he folded it and threw it aside, saying:

"This is a waste of time, please don't fall for it."

"Oh?" Seeing his calm attitude, Cheng Jinyang lost half of his anger and turned into curiosity, asking, "Then tell me, how is this a way to use time?"

"This is a vicious plan to sow discord between the father and the mothers." Cheng Weixin said calmly, "The weakness it targets is that the father has not yet established a wife and legitimate son."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present changed their expressions, even Murong Shu frowned and stared seriously.

However, Cheng Weixin didn't seem to notice his mother's face. He just continued to look at his father calmly and said calmly:

"My father did not have a legitimate son by his wife, so Qingxu proposed to be his wife and have a legitimate son. With my father's character, it would have been impossible for him to agree to this."

"It's just that the conditions offered by the other party are too generous. To marry the Qin and Jin Dynasties and completely quell the war in the west, any emperor must consider it carefully if he puts national affairs first."

"However, as long as my father hesitates, he will arouse the anger of several mothers. Even if my father finally decides to refuse, the estrangement has been planted again. The war in the Western Region will be unfavorable in the future. Who can guarantee that my father will not bring up the old matter and consider it again? Marriage? If you think about it this way, the mothers will not be able to trust their father. The children said that this is the poison of this plan."

Cheng Jinyang took a long breath and reached out to pat his son on the shoulder.

He is so young, but he can see so clearly. He is worthy of being my and Ashu's son.

What Cheng Weixin said was basically the same. Regardless of whether he would consider marrying Qingxu, the proposal itself would cause uneasiness in the harem.

Who is the main wife?

If there is no legal wife now, will there be a legal wife in the future?

Who can guarantee that he will never become a serious wife? There is no guarantee, it all depends on whether you will regret it in the future!

As long as their minds are stuck in this, they will have the motivation to fight among themselves, and Cheng Jinyang will not allow this to happen, whether from a marital relationship or from a business perspective.

This Emperor Qingxu is really going too far!

"You are right." Cheng Jinyang continued, "Then if you analyze it further, will your father agree to her request?"

"Of course not." Cheng Weixin said without hesitation, "Nowadays, the troubles of the Great Zhou Dynasty are within, not outside."

"My father's strength is enough to keep the enemy at bay, so why should I pay attention to the other party's threat of war? In addition, the people in the Western Region are perverting their religion, and even if they capture the population of their territory, it will not be able to be used by me in the short term."

"With neither national defense pressure nor expansion motivation, why should my father compromise with Qingxu? Maintaining the status quo is a sure win. I think Qingxu also expected this and felt that the Central Plains had no choice, so he took this step to sow discord. This plan is to underestimate the wisdom of my father and the wisdom of my mothers."

"Very good." Cheng Jinyang was extremely pleased. When he looked at Murong Shu and the others, their expressions had softened to normal.

"Hehe." Cheng Yining jumped into Su Lili's arms like a baby swallow, and said to his father with a smile, "Father, you see Brother Weixin is so good at talking. He obviously came to propose marriage, but he said It seems like there is a lot of scheming involved.”

She usually likes to have a funny personality, but now she came up with a "truth", and everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"You're the only one who talks too much." Su Lili pinched her daughter's face, "I want to learn from your brother."

"Mother knows she dislikes me." Cheng Yining pretended to be unhappy and turned around and threw herself into Murong Shu's arms, "Mother Shu is good to me."

Murong Shu himself loved children, so he picked up little Yi Ning and gave her a kiss. Ye Ru beside him said jokingly:

"Then how does your Aunt Ye treat you?"

"Aunt Ye is kinder to my father." Cheng Yining said innocently, "Every time my father took her back to his room, she said no, but in the end she followed her back obediently..."

"Shut up, Yi Ning!" Cheng Jinyang quickly shouted to his daughter, and at the same time gave Murong Shu a signal to take her children out.

So Murong Shu hugged his daughter, pulled his son, and quietly left the room.

"Mother." Cheng Weixin asked in a low voice, "Is there something wrong with what I just said?"

"No problem." Murong Shu sighed, "It's just...can you guarantee that you won't say the wrong thing in the future?"

"Sometimes, you have to learn to hide your words in your heart, and don't just say whatever comes to mind."

"I understand, mother." Cheng Weixin made a zipper gesture with his mouth, "I won't say anything anymore."

"I'm not telling you not to tell..." Murong Shu was a bit dumbfounded, and Cheng Yining giggled beside him.

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