Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 80 Today we are Shushan Sword Immortals

The essence of brain development is to reorganize the stored information in the mind and transform the original fragmented and disorderly arrangement into a regular and orderly arrangement.

It cannot help people improve their IQ, nor can it increase their memory. At most, it just redeploys existing brain resources.

Of course, the optimal allocation of resources is of extremely high value in itself, so we won’t talk about it for now.

In short, according to Cheng Yuexian, "moving the location" of memory is only the simplest kind of brain development, and the complexity is yet to come.

However, after the initial adjustments, Cheng Jinyang felt that his computing power had indeed improved significantly.

For example, people have different memories of different things. Some things are easy to forget once you remember them, so you have to spend a lot of time memorizing and reciting them so that you can recall them faster when you recall them.

The initial brain development is equivalent to cheating...putting important things like algorithms directly into those shallow memory areas where "practice makes perfect" that would have required hundreds of thousands of exercises to reach.

As long as you think about it, you can calculate it immediately. It is as simple as eating, drinking, and breathing.

After Cheng Jinyang finished confirming, he saw Li Ang over there also showing an ecstatic expression, as if he had relied on his brain to develop deep mastery of the algorithm, and his self-confidence had been fully expanded.

"Have everything been adjusted?" Cheng Yuexian asked again to confirm.

"It's adjusted." Cheng Jinyang and Li Ang responded in unison.

"Okay, then you guys come and have a fight." Cheng Yuexian said.

Cheng Jinyang:? ? ?

Li Ang:! ! !

"Is it unexpected?" Cheng Yuexian explained, "The brain development platform is similar to a holographic simulation environment and can be used for military training."

"In this virtual platform, anyone who dies can be resurrected indefinitely without worrying about damage to your body. So you can use the algorithm to your heart's content, use all means to observe, learn, and try to kill each other to obtain Some valuable experience that can only be gained in actual combat.”

"Wait a minute, you said that in this virtual platform, the dead can be resurrected indefinitely?" Cheng Jinyang suddenly realized something.

"Huh?" Before Cheng Yuexian could speak, Li Ang burst into laughter over there, "Have you never played a holographic online game? Sister Yuexian, can I change the environment?"

"Call me teacher." Cheng Yuexian said coldly, "What kind of environment do you want to change?"

"Shu Mountain!" Li Ang said excitedly, "It's the Shu Mountain from the recently popular online game "Sanqing Returns to Ruins"!"

Sanqing Guixu Ji, a fairy-themed holographic online game that was just released in public beta last year, tells the story of the Three Purities Orthodox Sect and the Six Paths Demon Sect fighting each other and competing for the secret of heaven.

Cheng Jinyang had heard the discussion from his classmates before, but Cheng Yuexian naturally had no idea about it. So she pulled out the search engine and checked it out.

About half a minute later, the surrounding environment suddenly changed again, turning to the top of Shushan shrouded in clouds and mist. It was the sword fairy competition venue of the Yuqing Shushan sect in the game. Countless long swords of different shapes were stuck on the ground. Like a golden and iron forest overgrown with thorns.

"Is this so?" Cheng Yuexian asked.

"That's right!" Li Ang said coquettishly, "Give me another set of Swordsman clothes! It doesn't have to be made of too good a material, just an ordinary Swordsman green shirt..."

"Then you can start." Cheng Yuexian ignored him and disappeared.

As if her disappearance was a signal, a flying sword suddenly shot out from beside Li Ang, and then flew forward!

Cheng Jinyang quickly jumped to the side, dodged the sneak attack, and then heard Li Ang click his tongue in displeasure on the opposite side.

Herein lies the flaw of gravity: its initial movement is too slow. Not to mention a demon, a person with a little more flexibility and alertness can easily avoid it as long as they are close.

If the enemy cannot escape... Cheng Jinyang's mind moved slightly, so the four flying swords stuck on the ground rose up one after another and shot toward Li Ang opposite, blocking all directions from up, down, left, and right of him!

"Fuck!" Li Ang only had time to shout out before he was pierced by the flying sword and turned into white light.

in the classroom outside of the virtual environment.

Seeing Cheng Jinyang controlling multiple flying swords at once, the students in the classroom became less calm and stood up to look at the screen.

"Function group?" Someone else exclaimed.

"It's not a function group, it's just a single function." Cheng Yuexian emerged from the virtual platform, took off his holographic helmet, and explained to the stunned students in the classroom:

"The so-called function refers to a specific algorithm object. Set the function in your mind, and then apply it to the mass source through supernatural power. Then the gravity of the mass source will change the direction as set by the function. This allows the mass source to move along a specific trajectory."

"At your level, you can only control one mass source at a time, which is the so-called 'single function'. When you reach the eighth level, you will be exposed to double functions, which is the so-called 'distraction dual use'. Simultaneously manipulate two sources of mass."

"Isn't that the [Two-Handed Sword Skills] in the game 'Sanqing Returns to the Ruins'?" A student raised his hand and asked.

"Listen, I have never played the online games you are talking about." Cheng Yuexian's face darkened and he said solemnly, "But using two distractions requires too much computing power. Without the care of the family elders, you can't It’s easy to try.”

"As for what Cheng Jinyang is using here, it is not a real function group, but just multiple single functions. Simply put, if your single function is calculated fast enough and is quickly applied to a large number of mass sources in a short time, Then it looks like they are being manipulated at the same time.”

This explanation is quite clear. To use the martial arts game that students are familiar with to describe it, as long as your sword is drawn out fast enough and you can stab six, seven, eighty-nine swords in one second, then in the enemy's field of vision, it will be like the long sword in your hand. Suddenly it turned into six, seven, eighty-nine and seemed to be thrust out at the same time.

However, this is easier said than calculated!

As the lowest level algorithm, Yutieshe still has three calculation formulas. Locking the quality source, deconstructing and adjusting parameters, every step must be calculated with the brain.

According to Cheng Yuexian, in order to reach the level of this bastard love rival, he needs to shoot 4 flying swords in one second, which means he has to complete the calculation and application of 12 calculations in 1 second... Sorry, we are bad math students. It takes at least 5 seconds to complete a calculation, okay?

Therefore, everyone's expressions and expressions quickly changed from high-spirited to solemn and cautious, and then to embarrassment and disappointment, despair and decadence, and the collective morale collapsed at an alarming speed.

Cheng Yuexian:? ? ?

Originally, I wanted to use my cousin to stimulate these ignorant young people, so that they should stop idle and browse forums all day long, and practice more practical algorithms... Unexpectedly, it seemed that the stimulation was too much, and it destroyed their confidence.

As her mind was spinning, she saw a young man from a poor family in the front row snapping at the table and shouting angrily:

"So what if he has 4 swords in 1 second? Don't forget that he was developed through brain development! What's wrong with a higher computing power? Once we accept brain development, we may not be worse than him in actual combat! Right, Teacher Yuexian? "

Cheng Yuexian pondered for a moment.

In fact... the ability to fire four swords in one second is absolutely rare even among the children of ninth-grade families who have undergone brain development.

After all, the rapid casting of abilities depends not only on calculation efficiency, but also on reaction speed (after all, you need to at least aim at the opponent before calculation). The former can be improved by relying on brain development, but the latter depends entirely on personal talent and actual combat experience.

A sword is fired in 0.25 seconds. If the calculation time is taken into account, the reaction time is probably in the range of 100-150 milliseconds. This is already the level of the top Tianluo Killers. Could it be that this cousin had secretly received Tianluo training?

"Well, that's right." Cheng Yuexian said against his will, "As long as you accept the brain development course...and follow my lessons carefully and practice your computing power, you will have a chance to reach this level."

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