Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 84: Tianluo, not Auror

The so-called swordsmanship is nothing more than fast, accurate and ruthless.

Fast means reacting quickly. Before his thoughts moved, the sword in his hand moved first.

Accurate, the movement must be accurate. If you aim at the chest and abdomen, you cannot stab the arms.

Cruel means decisive action. Don't hesitate, never take action.

As for the tricks and tricks, they do exist, but they can only be regarded as additional options. If Kuai Zhen Hen is crushed by the opponent, then no matter how sophisticated it is, it will be useless.

The so-called crushing refers to what the monster-level demons did to Cheng Jinyang, or what Cheng Jinyang did to these goddess believers. Once a crushing situation is formed based on the basics, the possibility of counterattack is very, very low.

Cheng Jinyang raised his left sword, held the opponent in advance, and slashed violently on the head. He used his right sword to slash across the opponent's head. The opponent's long sword was blocked and unable to block, and it immediately turned into white light and went away.

He took the opportunity to take a step to the left, taking advantage of the formation damage caused by the death of the opponent, and was about to break through the encirclement, when he heard Cheng Ziang from the opposite side shouting:

"Left fill! Left fill!"

Everyone hurriedly ran to the left in a flurry, but Cheng Jinyang suddenly turned around and turned to the right. His swords moved side by side from bottom to top, and with a quick and hard slash, he attacked the enemy who was pursuing him most urgently.

The enemy also reacted quickly. He immediately jumped back and leaned back, avoiding the attack in an extremely embarrassed manner. The tip of the sword passed through his neck and chin, and he could even feel a chill passing through his throat. He was so frightened that he fell backwards and fell to the ground.

With this fall, there was a gap in the formation again. Cheng Jinyang took advantage of the situation and rushed forward, his swords clanging on the left and right, splitting apart the swords that rushed at him from both sides. Just as he was about to rush out of the encirclement, an enemy was already blocking him in front.

"Cheng Jinyang, your enemy...but me!" Cheng Ziang raised his sword above his head with both hands and slashed at him with all his strength.

Cheng Jinyang quickly turned sideways during the sprint, and while Cheng Ziang was slashing, his left sword was already thrown backward, scaring the pursuers to dodge to both sides. He took the opportunity to make a fist with his free left hand, approached Cheng Ziang, and punched him in the stomach with all his strength.

Although he felt no pain, Cheng Ziang was still stooped by the impact on his abdomen, and the long sword in his hand came out of his hand. When it fell, it was caught by Cheng Jinyang's left hand.

He did not kill the opponent directly, but took a few quick steps, walked around behind Cheng Ziang like lightning, and activated the Iron Shooting Algorithm.

So Cheng Ziang flew out and fell towards the people behind him like a human cannonball.

The goddess cultists quickly caught him, and Cheng Jinyang took advantage of the opportunity to distance himself. Then he turned around and stood in the middle of the ground where swords were inserted all over.

Oops! Such an idea suddenly popped into the minds of all the students.

Then, countless flying swords came towards them.

Outside the virtual environment, Professor Cheng squinted his eyes and tried to look at the screen, but he couldn't actually see what was happening on it clearly.

Cheng Qingyuan and Cheng Yuexian looked at the picture on the screen in silence.

From Cheng Jinyang being trapped in a tight siege, to changing directions twice to cleverly tear up the formation, to using Cheng Zi'ang as a hostage to delay the pursuers, and finally to the desperate counterattack with thousands of swords, the whole process was full of ups and downs and thrilling, making people watch it again and again. Worried about it.

"Well, Cheng Jinyang... is quite talented in fighting." Cheng Yuexian tried to break the atmosphere and chatted with his father.

"Yes." Cheng Qingyuan said against his will.

In fact, it is not that easy to defeat many with one enemy. Even if the Tianluo killer faces a large number of enemies, he must rely on the power of gravity to escape.

A "talented talent" like Cheng Jinyang who can fight out of an encirclement without any special powers has exceeded Cheng Qingyuan's cognitive boundaries.

I am afraid that only Cheng Qingping, the third person in charge of Tianluo, can judge Cheng Jinyang's exact strength at this time.

"Export the video of the battle." Cheng Qingyuan ordered.

Cheng Yuexian did as he was told, feeling surprised. video? Who are you showing this to, Third Uncle?

After exporting the video, Cheng Yuexian logged into the virtual environment and saw that a new round of fighting had begun. There was still a group of people trying to surround Cheng Jinyang, swords dancing wildly, and white light flying everywhere.

Cheng Yuexian directly initiated a ban on movement for all members, so everyone suddenly became unable to move.

"Have you had enough fun?" Cheng Yuexian asked coldly.

No one spoke.

"The brain development environment is for everyone to practice their superpowers." Cheng Yuexian continued, "After all, in reality, no one will risk their lives to let you aim with the iron shot."

"If you want to play cold weapon fighting, you can go to the holographic online game to play, where you can use swords or fists and kicks. But since it is on the platform of the family server, you can practice your superpowers for me, and you are not allowed to waste resources. Do you understand? "

"Well, why don't you say anything?"

Everyone was speechless. You've banned us from moving. We can't even open our mouths. How can we talk?

Fortunately, Cheng Yuexian quickly realized his own mistake and quickly shut down the ban for all members.

"Do you know everything?" she asked seriously again.

"I know." The students replied sparsely.

"Okay." Cheng Yuexian said with a straight face, "Because of your illegal operations, tomorrow everyone will write a short paper of at least 3,000 words for me, discussing the 'function and significance of brain development'. Do you understand?"

"No, Sister Yuexian!" Everyone wailed.

"Call me teacher!" Cheng Yuexian said angrily, "If you violate it again, the penalty will be raised to 6,000 words!"

"That." Cheng Jinyang raised his hand, "I was practicing my superpower just now. I used the sword just to meet the enemy. Because if you don't use the sword, there is no way to keep the distance."

Cheng Yuexian was silent for a moment. Indeed, just now, after Cheng Jinyang rushed out of the encirclement and distanced himself, he immediately killed them all with flying swords. This can be interpreted as practicing supernatural powers...

"Okay, Cheng Jinyang doesn't need to write anymore. Others will hand in their essays to me before class tomorrow," she said.

"Ahhhhhh!" Everyone went crazy now. It felt like they had been fighting for half an hour in the game. Not only did they fail to kill the BOSS, but they were also ridiculed and punished by the system...

After exiting the virtual environment, everyone left the classroom dejectedly. Cheng Jinyang walked at the end as usual, and saw his second uncle Cheng Qingyuan standing on the podium, looking at him with a kind expression.

Cheng Yuexian stood beside him, his face seemed a little complicated. Only the old professor, whose name I couldn't call, was still smiling stupidly beside him, as if he was completely unaware that he was being ignored by everyone.

"Jinyang." Cheng Qingyuan said with a smile, "If a family member reaches the eighth level, they will basically have to choose their subsequent career planning route. Are you considering family affairs, scientific research, or Tianluo?"

"Most people generally choose family affairs." Cheng Yuexian explained, "The economic enterprises controlled by our Cheng family are mainly in the aerospace field. For example, the national space station Changgui Palace on the moon is maintained by our Cheng family. "

"If you choose scientific research, then the follow-up is to take the academic route. Like me, I basically do scientific research and regularly undertake some teaching tasks."

"As for Tianluo, it was originally part of the family affairs, but was later separated out by my grandfather. This area is mainly in the military industry. It is an alliance mercenary on the surface, and it will also do some more secretive tasks secretly."

"By the way." Cheng Qingyuan added, "If you want to become the clan leader in the future, you must have a resume of service in Tianluo. Because Tianluo is a department that gathers most of the sixth-grade members of the family, the internal atmosphere is relatively united and exclusive. It’s hard to trust a family patriarch who doesn’t have Tianluo experience, so…”

So you want me to choose Tianluo? Cheng Jinyang understood what he meant and said:

"Well, I'll go back and think about this."

Go back and consider, means go back and discuss and consider with Ah Zhi and Miss Wang.

Cheng Qingyuan, who was not sure about this, wanted to give some more advice, but Cheng Yuexian understood and said with a smile:

"I was really not in a hurry at this time. However, there has been a wave of enrollment expansion in Tianluo recently, and additional registration channels have been opened for newcomers of the ninth grade. If you are interested, we can also report your name to them."

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